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Posts posted by faraday

  1. Let's see how old people are on here....

    Anybody remember when John Lennon's son was born & he wanted to call him Jesus?

    Of course there was a big outcry by the church, & it wasn't allowed.

    Years later, I learnt that it's quite a common name in many Spanish speaking countries.

    But to answer the OP, nope, I wouldn't mind.

    As Bill says:

    "That which we call a Rose, would smell as sweet"

  2. Faraday and Rocketboy

    What a nice change for someone to actually be nice on here but really but you know when I have a rant or go into a bit of hurt feelings type of response to posts similar to yours , it's normally because I am trying to stimulate a good old debate argument.

    Yes I admit it, idle hand and minds usually make mischief.

    I must say that your responses to my little flames sparks were entirely agreeable, courteous and not in keeping with TVF style which usually results in a mind stretching debate where the thread wonders off into Siberia until the MODS waken up and steer it back on track usually petering out in a good old slanging match.

    In fact your super posts have completely taken me off my stride and I am gobsmacked to the thought of actually thinking is this the way that TVF is going to go , beggar the thought!

    I am shortly off to bed trying to avoid the call of the 100 pipers, been having a little too much more than my normal 2 mild sensations a night so I will re post that new post that I lost but it will have to be later

    Once again thank you for your nice posts

    Fancy a threesome hansum? gigglem.gifgigglem.gif

    I know, there's so little banter on here, gets so serious at times. smile.pngsmile.png

  3. Anyway, what was the post about?

    A brief synopsis will do.........thumbsup.gif

    Don't ask that, it'll take him an hour to tell

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Now then Rocketboy, lad, what's all this getting at n210mp today, have I upset you somewhere along the line

    Two posts from you in a very small thread and both having a little sarcy dig at me?

    It couldn't be that somewhere in the past I have wrote a little something that you didn't like too much could it and this be a little payback!

    And you Faraday giving one of his digs posts a like and then asking me to explain what the lost post was.

    Some people have more front than Blackpool

    ts a good job I'm not the sensitive type! 55555

    Thought that Rocket was being playful, that's why I give him a 'like'.

    Tell me, what was your lost post about? Suspense is ' killing me. Serious blud! whistling.gifsmile.png

    Mind you there are some rude bastards on here. Check out my posts from earlier today. Couldn't sodding believe it.

    Never mind.


    Edit: See the swear filter has deleted my minor profanity.....still, I don't swear in real life, so why should on here?? whistling.gif

  4. A return of The Death Phone Number, that Thailand suffered from 2-3 yrs ago?

    Answer the call from that number and you drop dead.

    Developing country, apparently.


    Yup, totally agree, because in the West there aren't Chain Emails that have a similar content.

    Nope, not one. Hundreds more like.


    Kind of illustrates my previous post...................

  5. I am intrigued. Is it a small forearm, problem or a small, forearm problem? blink.png The post title does not make this clear.

    Now, before anyone berates my lateral thinking, I am short and compared to a tall person I would have a short forearm? gigglem.gif

    I'm not a native English speaker. I am also a short person....but I have long forearms gigglem.gif A bit Orang Utan like....But good if you need to scratch yourself

    Your English is good. Probably we would say 'small problem with my forearm" or "minor problem....".

    Yup...if a lady ever refers to my nongchai as 'small', I correct her & tell it's 'minor'. Makes me feel better anyway. cheesy.gif

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