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Posts posted by faraday

  1. England, my England by a Pakistani
    I come to england poor and broke
    go on dole, see labour bloke
    fill in form have lots of chatters
    kind man gives me lots of ackers
    i thank him much and then he say
    come next week you get more pay
    you come here we make you wealthy
    doctor too, he make you healthy
    six months on dole get plenty money
    good pal meat to fill your tummy
    send for friends from pakistan
    tell them come as quick as can
    they come here in rags, rags and tatters
    go on dole you get some ackers
    they come with me, we live together
    one thing bad the bloody weather
    one day white man come inside
    ask me if i wash in tide
    i say yes we wash in tide
    too damn cold to wash outside
    all get nicely settled down
    find big house in busy town
    fourteen families living up
    fourteen families living down
    all are paying nice fat rent
    more in garden live in tent
    so i send for wife and kids
    they do not have to live in digs
    six months later big bank role
    off to labour draw more dole
    wife want glasses teeth and pills
    they all free we get no bills
    white man good he pay all year
    to keep national assistance here
    bless all white man big and small
    for paying tax to keep us all
    we thank England, damn good place
    too damn good for white man race
    if they no like coloured man
    plenty room in Pakistan

  2. The British empire plundered their colonies for centuries . Makes sense people wanna go to Britain , cause it's there that their riches is. Payback time.

    If even walking through the chunnel is impossible , then only one option left : swim 20 km...

    The BIG problem with Thailand was and is , that it was Never part of The British Empire, had it of been part, then people here would know about democracy, would know how to run an election. would know how to run a law abiding police force and know how to train their armed forces... They might even know how to build a road properly .. The Romans taught the British. The British taught the world. Answer me one question... what is the language of the world..? And why would that be...

    It's Spanish.

  3. I'm an American and I advise everyone never to do business in Thailand.

    Investing in Thailand doesn't have anything to do with the Trafficking report. Who cares,? It's about money.

    The problem is trying to do business in Thailand. The goal posts are constantly changing. Who do I pay this month? I think it's getting better but years away from becoming a place to safely invest in.

    Take a look at the housing market in Phuket for example. It's a disaster. Nothing goes up in price. The market is at a standstill. More inventory coming on the market daily. Everyone I know who owns, wants out. The laws in Thailand won't let you own what you buy here. You have to leave the country every 90 days. Now, why would an American invest a penny here?

    That's just the housing market. Doing business here is far more complicated.

    I love living here. I have a dream retirement life. Invest here? No.

    Yes, it seems that almost every week some more Condos appear offering an 'iphone 6' or whatever as an incentive to buy.

    I don't understand though why the people who put up the money to build them, don't appear to notice that the housing market not good.

    Can you explain that?

  4. i belive in years to come humour will be like diniousasa shit

    have you noticed every where everyone now on ipad etc if you talk or smile you are a wacko

    i was in japan everyone was on earphones no one talk to each other or smile malaysia same like frang countrys now

    zombieland coming

    so when you wake up in morning look to see who there in bed girl or ladyboy

    have a good fart and pull the blanket over there head and have a good laugh

    Thank god I was brougjht up with quill and parchment,those were the days when it was great to write a letter ( in joined up writing ) and wonderful to receive a reply,in great anticipation.I have fallen foul of the IT world,and fallen into the trap of being a moron,yes I admit it,you have won dear IT bretheren.The only satisfaction is that I know,along with a few elder bretheren of what you are missing.

    There were no censors in personal letters,apart from war time.Now you poor serfs do not know what real freedom is.

    Yup, & stamps that you had to lick so they stuck on the envelope. thumbsup.gif

  5. It just happened to me again this time though I clocked what was the cause

    I hit the shift key to make a capital I and there I was in the blink of the MIL eyelid looking at the browser page

    I deleted the browser page and luckily enough my part written post was still there

    Maybe its a keyboard issue and not the fault of the site

    Don't believe you....you ain't nuffin but a tease!!


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