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Posts posted by faraday

  1. This discusses that Vinegar shouldn't be used & has a link to the ARC, but that doesn't page doesn't exist.

    When I went directly to the ARC & searched for "Vinegar & Jellyfish", nothing was found. Bit odd.


    Whatever the answer is for the Primary Treatment of stings, a consistent response is needed, with the treatment made available on every beach.

    Are the Lifeguards trained in how to deal with stings?

    Whereas, this says that Vinegar should be used, & is from 2014.


  2. I have had many so called clever people ask me why something is not working today, when it was working perfectly yesterday. Not so sure about the scales but I do believe that printers sometimes have a chip inside so that it only prints out so many pages or only lasts for so long. So you have no option but to go out and buy another printer, so maybe the same principle applies to many electronic items.


    All electronic appliances have a self destruct button that is linked through the internet to the manufacturer.

    When sales are down, manufacturers simply activate the link.

    If ever North Korea or the Klingon Empire manage to hack these links, we will be in big trouble.

    I knew it!! And there's me thinking it was yet another Conspiracy Theory.

    Thanks for clearing that up.smile.png


  3. Jebus...another thread to put down those 'pesky thais' & this time questioning their IQ - <deleted>!

    And you're the bright lad that cannot even figure out that you broke the scales??

  4. Women are very smart especially when it comes to knowing if a guy likes them for than a friend.

    As you'd already had a few informal 'dates', she'll have known how you felt.

    Move on mate, be polite but distant with her, & remember, we don't learn without making mistakes. Whatever the 'mistake' may or may not have been. rolleyes.gif

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