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Posts posted by faraday

  1. Did you have E2 tested?

    High Estrogen in men can cause ED issues, even though the Testosterone level is 'normal'.

    Have you thought about using Caverject instead. Although I've never tried it, I have spoken with a number of men, & they find it ok to do.

    But, saying all this, I think you should exhaust all physiological components first.



  2. Have you had a Male Hormone Blood Test?

    If you're having ED Issues, then you must have this done first.

    Get tested for: Testosterone, Estradiol (E2), & also have a CBC.

    Do you have an erection when you wake up in the morning?

    Having an implant really should be last on your list; there are many alternatives.

  3. Pharmaceutical companies are there for profit only, & not as so many believe, here to help us.

    Although developing a new drug & bringing it to market costs a vast amount of money, they do of course need to recoup the outlay.

    Yup, & earn a good profit - nothing too wrong with that. But when they continue to fleece the customers, who then suffer, it astonishes me.

    Then you get the "yogurt knitters" who maintain that Marijuana cures cancer!! rolleyes.gif

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