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Everything posted by JimHuaHin

  1. Financial hub? With a massive corruption pandemic across Thailand; a convicted international drug dealer in government; and more marfia groups and families than you can count on your fingers?
  2. Dedication to her father first, and only.
  3. "16 more years?" Surely a typo - 116 years maybe.
  4. Has anyone in the Hua Hin area recently renewed their Driver's License in Pran Buri or Cha Am DLT office? Was it busy/crowded at the time you renewed? How long did the process take? Many thanks in advance.
  5. The Thai elite, selling Thailand to the Chinese. The same elite who probably have Western passports, billions of Baht in overseas bank accounts, and numerous properties and businesses overseas, to where they can escape when necessary.
  6. '“The Thai economy is showing many positive signs, including growth in domestic consumption, the tourism industry, and exports,” Witthayakorn stated.' Maybe Khun Witthayakorn needs to get out more and read more newspapers.
  7. Great to see - a spark has appeared; the fire will grow and intensify, fueled by the anger and discontent of the majority of the Thai people.
  8. Let me guess, you also support Putin, Trump and Xi.
  9. The police in Pattaya can find laughing gas on Walking Street, but not any prostitutes. Amazing Thailand.
  10. How could this happen in corruption-free Thailand? Seems that Thai bureaucrats are happy to sell off their country to the Chinese.
  11. One thing is very clear now - the Bangkok conservative power ruling elite need to change their thinking and actions fairly quickly, before blood is flowing in the streets. I do not expect many the rank and file soldiers to be standing with the generals at this time, they will be standing with the people.
  12. "thousands"??? Millions as in 1973, and then there will be change. The people have had enough!!! Even senior Thai government officials and military officers I know want change, and want change now. It remains to be seem how soon and to what magnitude even these people will be willing to act to bring about change.
  13. I am not sure the moderators will allow this, but ... There are many academic books and journal articles in English (and more in Thai and Chinese) about the activities of the Chinese in Thailand over the last 300-400-odd years. It is well know that about 100 years ago Rama VI raised concerns about the roles and business activities of the Chinese in Thailand, and indeed he wrote several pamphlets and articles about these issues, which resulted in restrictions of Chinese activities in Thailand due to the fear that the Chinese were not "assimilating", were beginning to dominate certain sectors of the Thai economy, and were a potential security threat. It is also known that several powerful Chinese-Thai business families have been active in mainland China since shortly after the foundation of the People's Republic of China in 1949. After the foundation of the People's Republic of China, an office over overseas Chinese affairs was established. More recently, under Premier Xi, the Chinese government has established two "committees" to oversee "overseas Chinese affairs" - one committee's focus is overseas Chinese citizens in foreign countries, the other committee's focus is overseas Chinese who are not Chinese citizens (ie most of the ethnic Chinese living outside of China and who were born overseas and/or are citizens of foreign countries). The latter committee includes in its membership not only powerful figures in the Chinese Communist Party, but also influential overseas Chinese academics and business people. During the "Cold War", many countries had a fear that elements within their overseas Chinese communities were "fifth columnist" supporters of Communist China. A fear, confirmed in recent media reports from numerous countries (Australia (see Clive Hamilton's recent book "Silent Invasion"), USA, etc., that has been justified.
  14. It is not just "fresh" fruit and vegetables; the same applies to frozen foods. I was a one of my local supermarkets earlier this year, in the frozen foods area, and there were about a dozen boxes of importable frozen vegetables, french fries, etc., on the floor, in front of the freezers, melting. I pinched (as in touched, not stealing) a couple of packets; totally defrosted. Went back the following day, the packs of frozen vegetables were in the freezer, rock solid.
  15. This will attract criticism, but ... Firstly, the Earth is about 4.5 billions years old, has had an atmosphere for about 2-3 billion years, during which time the climate has been constantly changing. What is of concern now is the very rapid rate of climate change to human-induced global warming (we are referring changes over decades, not millions of years). Secondly, about 3-4 decades ago there were a few articles in the Thai media about Bangkok "sinking"; articles based on Thai academic research which has been largely ignored. At least Indonesia now has firm plans to move its capital city, which is also "sinking". In Thailand, mai pen rai. Finally, for the last 1-2 decades there have been numerous reports of the potential impact of global warming on global economies and communities; reports that have alarmed some and been largely ignored by the powers-that-be. Some of these reports, parts of which I have read, detail potential changes in Thai weather patterns and their social and economic impact. Again, ignored by the powers that be. If NASA discovers an asteroid/comet what will directly impact earth in the year 2100, say, global governments would respond. But Earth-destroying global warming, not my problem.
  16. And NASA did/does not have a backup craft to rescue the crew in case of an emergency?
  17. Of course Thailand is a sovereign country, Dear PM. But Thailand is no where near a free country. Foreigners can choose to boycott Thailand and Thai produce, if they are unhappy with Thailand. And Thailand is free to disregard the constructive comments of its friends. But, Dear PM, who is going to stop 1.4 billion Chinese from taking over Thailand, if Thailand has no other friends?
  18. And where will most of this Baht 433 million go? Into the pockets of various officials. After yesterday's termination of the MFP, and the international media attention it has been given, not even Baht 433 billion is going to help Thailand's reputation.
  19. TIT - laws are not enforced, unless the elite benefit. The rule of law is the rule of lawlessness.
  20. I have been battling NAB for almost 3 months on why I do not have a Thai TIN. Almost every week a new email with new requests/questions (and an occasional threat to close/suspend my account). Requests complied with, questions answered, email replied to. Then a week later another set of requests/quesions. Total disarray and incompetence. My other two Australia-based banks send me one email each last year about my (non existing) Thai TIN - I answered the required questions, supplied the required documents. Thank you sir, end of story. No more emails about Thai TIN.
  21. What a load of cr%p; is is normal practice for overseas diplomats of any country to meet with both government and opposition figures in the countries they are posted to; I remember over many decades Thai diplomats in Australia meeting with both government and opposition figures. Khun Rachada seems ignorant of this convention.
  22. The most important part is the last paragraph "Have a doctor letter/medical summary with you not only in case questioned by customs (unlikely, but not impossible) but also in case you need to consult a doctor while here." When travelling to Thailand and carrying prescription medications I always had a letter from my doctor in Australia.
  23. Do Thais and Thai businesses comply with Thai tax laws?
  24. I have done it once, flown to Viet Nam and back on the same day.
  25. Reminds me of signs in Cambodia a few decades ago, after Hun Sen started selling off Cambodia to the Chinese.
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