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Everything posted by JimHuaHin

  1. Thailand really does not care what the international community thinks, especially now that Thailand is in bed with pure clean ethical moral China. But, if the day ever comes when most foreign tourists stop coming to Thailand and there are effective international boycotts of Thai produce, then things may change.
  2. This is happening globally to coral reefs.
  3. I have only seen Ibuprofen 400mg in Thai pharmacies. However, Paracetamol 500 mg appears standard in Thailand. One can purchase a pill cutter at most pharmacies to cut a 400 mg pill in half.
  4. Shortly after I retired here nearly 11 years ago, I was approached by 3 regional educational institutions (including 2 universities) offering me employment opportunities either teaching or doing research. I explained to the representatives that I was in Thailand on a "retirement" visa, and thus could not legally work in Thailand. However, if the institutions submitted the required documentation to "immigration" so that I could obtain a "work" visa, which I could later change back to a "retirement" visa, then I could be happy to work for them. In each case, after 4-6 weeks, I was advised that the "massive red tape" requirement was not worth the effort. If I was not in my very late 50s, it may have been a slightly different story, from the educational institutions' perspective.
  5. No, Thai Ministers and officials are more powerful than Mother Nature.
  6. Maybe she should be Prime Minister.
  7. As a long time (about 50 years) visitor to, and watcher of, both Thailand and Viet Nam, who would of thought 20-30 years ago that Viet Nam would be powering ahead of Thailand? Yes, Viet Nam has bad corruption, and yes the Vietnamese Communist Party has made some disastrous economic decisions in the past, but .... Viet Nam is advancing, while Thailand, ignoring the advice of "experts" is, at best, under the influence of powerful self-interested individuals, walking around in circles, or more accurately regressing back in time.
  8. Spot on TroubleandGrumpy. For at least the past 50-odd years, whenever there have been changes to Australia's tax laws, policies, procedures, etc., the changes have been published in the media or in specialised tax publications (eg the annual Master Tax Guide, etc.), and for the last few decades on the ATO website. So the average tax payer in Australia can access information on what changes are happening and how the changes will impact them. And for some decades, tax information has been available in a number of "community" (read immigrant) languages. Meanwhile, in Thailand .... the hub of hubs of hubs ....
  9. I used my OS-based MC at Pran Buri Honda last month, no problems.
  10. I just read a similar article online about Recall. Very worrying. It is getting closer to the time when one will be forced to abandon Windows forever.
  11. Dream baby dream. Maybe more airports would help, and what are the chances that Don Muang and Suvarnabhumi could be seasonally under water by 2037?
  12. Beachfront + about 100 metres? I stand corrected.
  13. I think you need to increase your budget by 50%, at least.
  14. Many years ago, way back in Ozland, I took pool water samples to my local pool shop ever month for a comprehensive analysis - much better than the cheap home kits which generally only check a couple of variables. Maybe you could do the same.
  15. The good olde (sic) conservative far right rant again. If great mother England (a phrase I was taught in school in Australia in the 1960s) did not decide centuries ago to colonise and exploit foreign lands centuries ago, to subjugate and exterminate the peoples of those lands, then England would not have his "issue". When the chickens come home to roost, karma can be a bitch.
  16. "... around 9.25 million people, or 13.2% of the country’s total 70 million population, live unofficially in Thailand." No. They live officially in Thailand, they just do not reside at their registered address.
  17. "Sufficiency economy philosophy tends to require people to be happy with having next to nothing. A bowl of rice and a shack is 'sufficient', apparently. Unsurprisingly, it is generally supported by those with extreme levels of wealth." Agreed. Rama IX The Great received a UN award for his "Sufficiency economy philosophy", and rightfully so for its attempt to improve the lives of impoverished landed rural folks (read the last phrase carefully). Nevertheless, it is difficult, if not near impossible, to view examples of this philosophy in urban settings. Can anyone name any Thai politician or senior government official living by this philosophy? Having recently read about half a dozen books (not banned in Thailand) by Thai scholars, both Thais and non-Thais, concerning modern and contemporary Thai history (ie basically the past 100-odd years), one repeatedly sees Thai history and political behaviour repeating itself. Is it thus any wonder that the Future Forward Party were, and the Move Forward Party are, so popular amongst the Thai population, especially youth?
  18. Great, but. Which strains of HPV does this kit test for. For memory there are about 70-odd strains of HPV, with strains HPV 16 and HPV 18 indicating a high risk of developing cervical cancer.
  19. I am aware of what happens when one makes a claim; over the years that I have been here I probably make monthly visits to hospitals/clinics for minor issues; I have been admitted to government hospitals twice - once for a minor operation with 5 days in hospital and once a similar period for IV treatment for an inflamed prostrate. Paid by credit card (around Baht 20-30 thousand), and did not make a claim as it would end up costing me more in lost insurance no-claim bonuses. If I had a Baht 500,000 claim, then I would probably claim.
  20. Since has an ED Visa counted as a tourist visa???? Seems just another way for people to get into Thailand and stay/work here illegally.
  21. I am 68 years young, just renewed my policy with Pacific Cross. No new medical questions this year - just sign a coverage form and fill out a payment form. Emailed Pacific Cross with a request to renew day 1, received a reply and forms day 2, returned signed forms day 4, received acceptance email day 4. Package to be sent out to mailing address within 10 days.
  22. By the time this goal has been achieved, most of Bangkok will be under sea water.
  23. Nice article heading - which is technically correct. But, unfortunately, the Thai scientists are not the first scientists to "discover" fossil fuel pollution in Antarctica's soil, Australian scientists based in Antarctica did so several decades ago last century!!!
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