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Everything posted by tomazbodner

  1. I don't know how retirement visa would have affected anything but last year I used Chubb. Had forms and policies provided in both Thai and English.
  2. Austrian Embassy in Bangkok offers consular services for Austria, Slovenia and Slovakia. The country you can apply for visa to depends on where you plan to spend most time in. If you say go for 2 weeks and spend 8 days in Austria and 6 days in Czechia, then you should apply at the Austrian Embassy. Applications are filed at the VFS, for which you need to make appointment and it's located at the western end of top floor of Chamchuri Square (Samyan MRT, exit to Chamchuri square). Visas take between a couple of days (if all paperwork is in order) and 2 weeks if anything is fishy. Austrian embassy also has a very responsive consular service by email, so for any clarity, you can email them and they generally answer very quickly. Added Edit: VFS also offers additional services like taking photos, courier delivery of passports to your home, etc. You can add those at the time of making an appointment.
  3. OK, so if I am selling a house of 500m2 but actually house only has 150m2, regardless of what price I actually sell it for, and the buyer sues me for fraud, will my argument that the buyer and judge don't understand valuations and they are all subjective, where from one point of view 150m2 could as well be 500m2 would fly in court?
  4. This is comedy gold. Trump is appealing ruling that he's not as rich as he claims, yet he's unable to find 5% of what he claims to have in order to launch appeal, basically confirming ruling was spot on...
  5. Agree, but just the examples quoted were ... ok, corny. Surely they could come up with something other than "my daddy is the chief of police station" theme...
  6. Correct link to whole article (as of now, it might get changed again?): https://thainewsroom.com/2024/03/19/2-dead-many-injured-in-double-decker-tour-bus-accident/
  7. How could an aircon compressor in a room that's not sold (so aircon not running) blow up and catch fire? Daikin uses R32 gas, the most advanced coolant, and very difficult to ignite (see video below). Only way this could happen would be sustained fire inside compressor box to allow gas to be trapped there long enough to ignite. But what could cause a sustained fire? I'm really looking forward to see what the investigation comes up with.
  8. For some people Havilah shampoo (wash twice, once to remove oil and rince, then massage and leave for 3-5 min then rinse) works. Apparently formulated to Asian hair, whatever that's supposed to mean. But there could also be reasons from diet, as it is said (I have no scientific evidence for it), that monosodium glutamate, as well as some types of meats promote hair loss. Anyway, I have some friends on whom Havilah seems to have worked, so it may be worth a shot. It's available on Lazada. Many shops, including their official store.
  9. You can get the official printout of the receipt from the website for... can't remember how many years back. I have used the receipt from the website (alas mine showed 0 as I was getting refund, not paying more), but nobody asked me for the yellow slip after presenting website printout. Been doing web filing for at least 7-8 years now.
  10. No, some of them defecate there.
  11. She's Lao, as you say. If she has not registered marriage outside Norway, then she's still single outside Norway. She could get a letter from her government stating she is single, and a freedom to marry document, which would allow her to marry anyone else. I don't know about Norway, but in Thailand there's an abandonment option, where one party to marriage can claim abandonment after 1? 2? years, after which divorce can be granted, whether the other party signs any divorce papers or not. However to annul marriage in Norway, the paperwork would need to be handed to Norwegian authorities. It's also possible to do that at Norway embassy, but may be complicated by the part that she's Lao, not Thai.
  12. Is the poster going to be charged with computer crime for recording and sharing porn?
  13. What's the difference between AseanNow and prison? None. Sit here all day waiting, and writing on the wall...
  14. 2 blondes talking: You know, I must be a very talented artist. What makes you think that? The moment I took the first photo with my new mobile, it asked me if I want to open gallery...
  15. Or if you have an account created, fill out the form online and attach the documents. If not, get it done this time at RD office, and you won't need to leave the house to file it next year. https://efiling.rd.go.th/rd-cms/ Use Chrome or Edge Chromium browser and translate pages on the fly if you cannot read Thai.
  16. Or if this were 1900s France would be looking to surrender.
  17. What? No special visa and direct flights to Phuket?
  18. Yes, arm the people who hate you and teach them how to use those weapons against you
  19. Did you just sponsor the first 500 miles, or the 500 miles more as well?
  20. Old Samsonite lasted forever. New one, not so much. Central is the distributor for Thailand so they would have them in their department stores. Central World has (had?) a Samsonite shop on ground floor near Groove on ground floor. However I had some of the wheels break on mine, and when reaching out to Samsonite service center, manned by Central, I was told that unfortunately they don't carry the spares and cannot fix it for me. So stick to your old one as long as it lasts. Their parts are custom and some shortcuts are used in how they are assembled, which makes them difficult to impossible to service with generic parts. That said... I still stick to Samsonite, and all my travel stuff is from them. Tumi, mentioned above, is considerably more expensive, and their metal cases are known to be very tough. Unfortunately their expensive laptop backpack fell apart in half the time Targus one did. So maybe they are good for some things, but that doesn't mean they are the best for everything.
  21. In my case Nok had free baggage allowance where Air Asia didn't. Found space between seats bigger on Nok vs Air Asia, but interestingly, the Nok seat belts some 10 cm shorter. Nok flies Boeing 737 on busy routes, while Air Asia uses Airbus 320. Air Asia is more punctual (according to FlightRadar). Air Asia also seems to have less dated aircraft, from the look of the equipment wear (leather on seats, etc) but both acceptable. I wouldn't mind booking either of them.
  22. And then that last sentence... I'm lost.
  23. Should I stay or should I go now? If I go there will be trouble And if I stay it will be double Bob it's not about which country you want to go to, but which country would tolerate you staying there!
  24. KFC and McDonald's are already setting up shops next to the White House...
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