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Posts posted by 2fishin2

  1. NKM only thing I want to say....and Im sure you will come back with some obscure fuzzy argument is, just because a person visits a bar where a sex worker is employed does not make him a "sex tourist." And the two meal thing, hahahahahah your math is seriously fuzzy. Next thing you know immigration, hotels, taxis, are part of the sex tourism trade just because a sex tourist had to use their facilities. Oh better yet the airlines are in on it too. [emoji6]

  2. Zeer Rangsit is probably your best bet. I buy all my computer stuff there. A lot of Manufacturer outlets there as well

    I found Zeer Rangsit on the map now, just north of Don Meuang airport.

    "IT malls" like this are maybe the best option. The ones outside the city center often have a wide choice and good prices, I think.

    In Asian cities there are often particular streets for shops selling special items. Like "the street where you buy cameras" etc. But maybe the malls outside the city center have taken over nowadays?

    Thanks for all suggestions in the thread.

    If I buy mail order from the US,

    I must check shipping times to Thailand. I hope they won't add some tax, customs fee or anything when I receive it in Thailand?

    If you ship a laptop in from overseas it is very likely you will get hit for taxes and customs. With Zeer I have bought a lot of stuff there. You can get laptops without operating system and they will install a pirated copy or you can go to an outlet like Acer and get a laptop with genuine software installed.

    FYI laptops are customs exempt. Only pay vat

  3. Probably the top mall for computers is Fortune Town which is at the Rama 9 subway station so easy to get to and much closer to city center.

    I second this. It is the new Pantip Plaza which, is dead.

    In the states, I just purchased a Lenovo Yoga 900. Super light weight, long battery life, 512gb SSD, 16gb RAM, I7 chip. Im super pleased with it.

  4. Why do these threads always turn into a complete waste of reading? Why do some of you people have to stoop to the same old caveman argument of he or she definitions. Dont you have something better to do with your time? Geese Louise! I often wonder why these threads are allowed to continue as they do belittling a group of people like you people do without hesitation?

    Grow up

  5. why do you guys bother with this microsoft crap?

    have you not got better things to do with your life but to sort out some multi - corporations short comings?

    computers are supposed to make your life easier...

    Been using "microsoft crap" (still do) since I started using computers back in the 80's. Works fine for me. As usual, it operator error.

    so did i. my first ms was win 3.1 - windows for workgroups. came on 7 floppies.

    i networked a timber yard and a commercial construction company using 'code', we were running #386 dx 40 and #486 ibm hybrids back then.

    i have been all the places win has been! operator error? good morning, mate.

    i do a lot better now.

    I must be a better operator....

    No issues after all these years.

    Not going to change anytime soon.

  6. why do you guys bother with this microsoft crap?

    have you not got better things to do with your life but to sort out some multi - corporations short comings?

    computers are supposed to make your life easier...

    Been using "microsoft crap" (still do) since I started using computers back in the 80's. Works fine for me. As usual, it operator error.

  7. So many here scrambling to blame ANYTHING but radical Islam. Which is what the shooter claimed. And what ISIS themselves claim. But no, it must be a gun control issue. Or a personality disorder. Irreligious people trying to find a non-religious explanation for religious violence...

    My guess is you havent been following the latest developments on CNN.

  8. Bridge Clubs and other entertainment locations for the Pattaya elderly (are they allowed Bingo) will now need to have tight security to keep the combat troops out.

    No doubt residents and tourists can expect to see many more soldiers on the beat wearing full battle gear, bulletproof jackets and carrying automatic weapons. Just as they have been seen to do in places like Soi Cowboy. That should add a bit of excitement to the raunchy tourist character of Pattaya.

    The last outposts of democracy in Thailand are surely being extinguished.

    I have never seen armed military in Soi Cowboy any time I have been there?

    I live nearby and have, in fact, not seen any armed military on Asoke or the Sukhumvit corridor.

    Google soldiers in Patpong

    Long distance between Soi Cowboy and Patpong.

    Google Soi Cowboy [emoji4]

  9. This killed me military and experts in the same line , to take over Pattaya, more like ruin it.

    Do not under estimate the military...

    IMHO I am convinced of the accusations that the farther of the current mayor is the head of an organised crime syndicate and hopefully the military will now be able to do something about the organised crime like the Jet Ski and Baht Bus mafia.

    Don't hold your breath.

    What's wrong with the baht buses? Ten baht a shot too much for you??

    The baht bus mafia prevents the introduction of decent public transportation in Pattaya like Bangkok. Pattaya is stuck in the 1960's because of a few old Thai guys who pay off the mob.

    You think baht busses are bad? Come to Phuket and see the transpo situation. Baht busses are reliable and cheap transportation. Clueless

  10. Nothing wrong with pork if you have a few brain cells and cook it well first. I wouldn't eat raw meat of any animal anywhere.

    I eat raw meat all the time, beef jerky, smoked salmon, dry cured salami, prosciutto, speck, all perfectly safe as long as prepared correctly.

    FYI all the food you just named inhere is not raw food anymore. it's preserved in some kind of way. The salting and the smoking "cooks" the meat and fish in some kind of way.

    Raw means food as steak tartare or sushi or in this case laab leuat. Just been cut of the animal, maybe added some spices and some other things and then been eaten directly. No preservation or heating in any kind of way

    FYI preserving is not cooking, which is defined as heating the food, your "some kind of way" is actually control of bacterial growth. And this dish is actually along the same lines, it has been sterilized with chili and garlic.

    I cook fish without heat using lemon and lime juice.

  11. Uh oh.... apparently an Islamic cleric who has flat out declared homosexuals should be put to death spoke at an Islamic center in the Orlando area just two months ago.


    It will be interesting to see how the muslim appologists spin this one (are you listening Hillary?).

    Also, interesting to note that Clinton's closest aide and confidant, Huma Abedin, is muslim.

    Lets wait and let the professionals figure this out. Lots of opinions being thrown out right now. This IS NOT a simple Islamic terrorist attack.

  12. On a seperate note, me and my friend got beat up in the most secular part of Ankara yesterday for drinking in public during ramadan. Some black mercedes stopped, 2 guys stopped and got out of the car and beat the hell out of my friend, luckily I managed to run away.

    Islam has no place in the modern world, this is coming from a guy which Islam writes on his ID as religion.

    I identify myself as a mild muslim, and support Trump fully. I hope he becomes the president and cleans this mess.

    Sorry but, could you have done something a little more stupid?

  13. You should compete as the gender you were born. Nothing else is fair. This should be obvious. There is no coherent argument for doing it any other way. Obviously there could be a transgender league or whatever but their wouldn't be enough participants. One person mentioned a league where anybody can join and this would be fair enough.

    In your opinion.

    Opinions are not necessarily facts.

    The individual was born as a man and should run as a man. This is a fact.

    Incorrect, the only fact assumed is the individual is a biological male. Nothing more. We only assume it as we dont have access to medical records and are relying on a news article.

    Rest is your opinion.

  14. You should compete as the gender you were born. Nothing else is fair. This should be obvious. There is no coherent argument for doing it any other way. Obviously there could be a transgender league or whatever but their wouldn't be enough participants. One person mentioned a league where anybody can join and this would be fair enough.

    In your opinion.

    Opinions are not necessarily facts.

  15. I'm about as liberal minded as it gets, and I very much support the rights of transgenders, BUT ....

    A "woman" who is genetically a male with the genes and body of a man has an unfair physical advantage over a woman. And even though he/she did not win the final competition, he/she displaced some women in previous competitions, which allowed her to reach the finals, and them to not.

    Ok then lets use your "logic"

    She beat others earlier in precious lead up comps. Then she failed to win the final.

    Then as you say because she beat others in the lead up comps, she displaced women. These same women who lost to her. What, they are going to take a miracle drug and then win the final comp?

    May the best person win!

    I think you missed the main point of his post - " A "woman" who is genetically a male with the genes and body of a man has an unfair physical advantage over a woman."

    I've nothing against transgenders, but male transgenders should not be allowed to compete as a female.

    Complete BS! If your statement was true why didn't she win?

    Let me help you, because your opinion is a complete false statement.

  16. I'm about as liberal minded as it gets, and I very much support the rights of transgenders, BUT ....

    A "woman" who is genetically a male with the genes and body of a man has an unfair physical advantage over a woman. And even though he/she did not win the final competition, he/she displaced some women in previous competitions, which allowed her to reach the finals, and them to not.

    Ok then lets use your "logic"

    She beat others earlier in precious lead up comps. Then she failed to win the final.

    Then as you say because she beat others in the lead up comps, she displaced women. These same women who lost to her. What, they are going to take a miracle drug and then win the final comp?

    May the best person win!

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