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Posts posted by 2fishin2

  1. How can anyone expect a 20 year old kid to be responsible for managing a speed boat with 3 high powered outboards on it full of passengers (likely overloaded as well)?

    It's a shamefully ridiculous situation.

    age does not define competency or incompetency.

    many a 20 yo grew up with a boat captain father/family and in addition to gaining licensure are competent though this scenario is not common in thailand

    Complete BS.

  2. 40 yrs in I.T and you still need to work. I feel sorry for you no offence. You should be a multi millionaire by now. Why would you want to get involved in I.T again after all this time in a country that you might not fully understand....

    Great post bud....

  3. IMO they made the right call.

    Absolutely not! That was an American citizen on American soil and should have been guaranteed due process of a fair trial. There were other options available - starve him out, he was cornered with nowhere to go. No water for three days, he would have come out or passed out. This is a dangerous precedent to set, police becoming judge, jury and executioner - Judge Dredd style. What this creep did was heinous and he would have been convicted without a doubt. Next time a cop gets angry about someone failing to signal, will they start calling in drone strikes? Of course this is a ridiculous comparison, but the logic sustains it. NO American should get bombed to death without a trial of their peers.

    LOL your post and comparison is so ridiculous I dont have a comeback LOL

  4. Paypal must be guilty by now of millions of counts of petty theft.

    Receiving money on a paypal account is super risky because Paypal might block the account anytime for some bullshit reason and who would pay a lawyer to recover 500 USD?

    The only way to use paypal is as a buyer using direct credit card payment. That way, if there is a problem, you can still cancel the CC transaction. But I think there rarely is a problem with CC transactions because Paypal probably has a healthy respect for VISA/MC/AMEX who could shut down Paypal anytime.

    Really millions of petty thefts? Some of you people, where do you get your assumptions and these outrageous stories?

    Risky receiving money?

    Ive read plenty of nonsensical BS posts and yours is right up there near the top.

    If PP was as bad and corrupt as you say it is, it would have been shut down and sued many years ago.

    Your post is straight out of lala land

    Paypal stole 500 USD from me back in the times when I was starting selling online.

    Check forums where internet merchants write about their experiences with Paypal, there are thousands of complaints.

    Many internet professionals have lost accounts and money in the Paypal system.

    The best is, Paypal doesn't even answer, except for a couple of copy-pasted messages if you are lucky.

    Paypal is the worst of the worst in the world of internet payments, sellers should stay well away.


  5. Paypal must be guilty by now of millions of counts of petty theft.

    Receiving money on a paypal account is super risky because Paypal might block the account anytime for some bullshit reason and who would pay a lawyer to recover 500 USD?

    The only way to use paypal is as a buyer using direct credit card payment. That way, if there is a problem, you can still cancel the CC transaction. But I think there rarely is a problem with CC transactions because Paypal probably has a healthy respect for VISA/MC/AMEX who could shut down Paypal anytime.

    Really millions of petty thefts? Some of you people, where do you get your assumptions and these outrageous stories?

    Risky receiving money?

    Ive read plenty of nonsensical BS posts and yours is right up there near the top.

    If PP was as bad and corrupt as you say it is, it would have been shut down and sued many years ago.

    Your post is straight out of lala land

  6. Call them? I don't know about Thailand but I tried to call them from a European country where their website announced a bank account for making payments. After many attempts to call them, they said that this was not a valid account even though it was provided via their website! And the local authorities could not do anything legal against them despite the fact that they had falsely advertised, broke a basic contract, infringed my consumer rights and refused to pay back what they owed.

    Actually they never refused - they just did not do it. No one on their side would agree to take a position.

    It took several months to get a refund and I probably spent at least 12 hours and untold phone/Skype credit trying to get them to agree to repay. It was very clear that I would not be able to do anything legal against them.

    Use Paypal? NEVER AGAIN!

    And Paypal has the reputation of being easily hacked too.

    They do what they like because they can.

    Instead I use visa debit cards which work perfectly well.

    Ive used paypal since their inception. They are a little expensive but, the service they provide is worth it.

    After a couple thousand transactions with them over these years they have never done me wrong.

    Guess Ive been lucky?

    Please Id like to hear about the hacking you spoke of.

    A couple of thousand transactions, wow that is impressive, or do you pay your daily grocery bill with Paypal?

    Oh by the way, shame that after those couple of thousand transactions you still haven't figured out they are FREE.

    FREE? Ha, I wish.

    Like SL said they arent cheap but, the best option and especially with Ebay which is where the vast majority of business transaction occurred.

    Yes they are FREE, whatever I buy on Ebay or anywhere else, the amount I have to pay to the seller is charged to my credit card, in the currency I purchased the item, and not a cent or satang more..

    So please explain where the Paypal charges are.

    For people using PP for business such as I did the fees are a little expensive but, the service is worth it.

  7. Call them and explain your issue.

    Call them? I don't know about Thailand but I tried to call them from a European country where their website announced a bank account for making payments. After many attempts to call them, they said that this was not a valid account even though it was provided via their website! And the local authorities could not do anything legal against them despite the fact that they had falsely advertised, broke a basic contract, infringed my consumer rights and refused to pay back what they owed.

    Actually they never refused - they just did not do it. No one on their side would agree to take a position.

    It took several months to get a refund and I probably spent at least 12 hours and untold phone/Skype credit trying to get them to agree to repay. It was very clear that I would not be able to do anything legal against them.

    Use Paypal? NEVER AGAIN!

    And Paypal has the reputation of being easily hacked too.

    They do what they like because they can.

    Instead I use visa debit cards which work perfectly well.

    Ive used paypal since their inception. They are a little expensive but, the service they provide is worth it.

    After a couple thousand transactions with them over these years they have never done me wrong.

    Guess Ive been lucky?

    Please Id like to hear about the hacking you spoke of.

    A couple of thousand transactions, wow that is impressive, or do you pay your daily grocery bill with Paypal?

    Oh by the way, shame that after those couple of thousand transactions you still haven't figured out they are FREE.

    FREE? Ha, I wish.

    Like SL said they arent cheap but, the best option and especially with Ebay which is where the vast majority of business transaction occurred.

  8. Every time I find something on Lazada that I'd like it says it has to be shipped from overseas. I check eBay and find the same item at around half the price. So far I've always gone with eBay and goods have arrived on time in perfect condition. I see no need for Lazada.

    Little exaturation with the half price comment dont you think?



    Lazada = 691

    eBay = 300

    That's far less than half price.

    Please retract your comment and do some research before making such comments again.

    Dude really? They are two completely different manufacture's products! You CANNOT compare them.

    I retract nothing and actually double down on my first statement!

    Oops gave the wrong Lazada link it should be


    which costs 437. eBay 300 Still substantially cheaper. Done this compare so many times and eBay is ALWAYS much much cheaper ..never found a product where the price is same or even close.

    I await retraction of your comments which are based on NOTHING. Do some research before spouting off.

    Not retracting square root of anything. You quote some obscure cheap chinese crap and think everything on ebay is cheaper? Give it a rest man. Nothing wrong with either Lazada or Ebay, both great companies to order from. You want to order from Ebay rather than Lazada Im cool with that. However, not everything is 50% cheaper on ebay which is the basic premise to your original post.

    I never said everything. I said those items which I have researched. You need to read before writing. And there is at least one other person here who agrees with me about eBay vs Lazada. You should give it a rest until you've done some valid research.

    Please show me in your first post the words "I researched". I read very well and those words are not in your first post which, is where my comments originated from.

    First I would never order such crap as you have used in your posts. Id gladly pay good money for something that would last vs that junk.

    Like I said, you want ebay please be my guest. Just because the junk you order is cheaper, does not mean that ebay is cheaper than lazada which I say again is the premise of your first post. Anyways its the seller and not either Lazada or ebay that makes things different.

  9. Every time I find something on Lazada that I'd like it says it has to be shipped from overseas. I check eBay and find the same item at around half the price. So far I've always gone with eBay and goods have arrived on time in perfect condition. I see no need for Lazada.

    Little exaturation with the half price comment dont you think?



    Lazada = 691

    eBay = 300

    That's far less than half price.

    Please retract your comment and do some research before making such comments again.

    Dude really? They are two completely different manufacture's products! You CANNOT compare them.

    I retract nothing and actually double down on my first statement!

    Oops gave the wrong Lazada link it should be


    which costs 437. eBay 300 Still substantially cheaper. Done this compare so many times and eBay is ALWAYS much much cheaper ..never found a product where the price is same or even close.

    I await retraction of your comments which are based on NOTHING. Do some research before spouting off.

    Not retracting square root of anything. You quote some obscure cheap chinese crap and think everything on ebay is cheaper? Give it a rest man. Nothing wrong with either Lazada or Ebay, both great companies to order from. You want to order from Ebay rather than Lazada Im cool with that. However, not everything is 50% cheaper on ebay which is the basic premise to your original post.

  10. Call them and explain your issue.

    Call them? I don't know about Thailand but I tried to call them from a European country where their website announced a bank account for making payments. After many attempts to call them, they said that this was not a valid account even though it was provided via their website! And the local authorities could not do anything legal against them despite the fact that they had falsely advertised, broke a basic contract, infringed my consumer rights and refused to pay back what they owed.

    Actually they never refused - they just did not do it. No one on their side would agree to take a position.

    It took several months to get a refund and I probably spent at least 12 hours and untold phone/Skype credit trying to get them to agree to repay. It was very clear that I would not be able to do anything legal against them.

    Use Paypal? NEVER AGAIN!

    And Paypal has the reputation of being easily hacked too.

    They do what they like because they can.

    Instead I use visa debit cards which work perfectly well.

    Ive used paypal since their inception. They are a little expensive but, the service they provide is worth it.

    After a couple thousand transactions with them over these years they have never done me wrong.

    Guess Ive been lucky?

    Please Id like to hear about the hacking you spoke of.

  11. Overtaking the lorry and had not allowed enough distance or not looked ahead.

    Not sure if the truck turning right was in error as the lane markings are not clear, just a wide central lane.

    Scary stuff. We are all just 1 moron away from such an incident.

    It appears to me that the lead pick up, that got hit first, and waiting to do a right turn, was way over the center line and into the outside oncoming lane. The poor motorcyclists would have felt safe never-the-less tucked in behind it.

    Where do you see a centerline? If no centerline in the road the municipality should be held accountable for creating unsafe traffic conditions.

    Watched the video on TV this morning,, there is a very clear centerline and the truck was way over center at an angle into both his lane and the oncoming lane. Typical stupid local driver.

  12. I ... an American ... often stay in Thai hotels by showing only my USA ID card .... no passport.

    So am I. Now what is an USA ID card ? I have a state drivers license, retired Military ID card but don't have a USA ID card.

    Now I'm confused. You just mentioned 2 government issued ID cards from the USA. But you go on to say you have no USA ID card?

    Which is it?

    Pathetic that you open your mouth when you dont know what you are talking about

  13. There's consistent evidence of tightening of immigration law enforcement for the last few years.

    I would only rent accommodations by legit hoteliers who do all the proper reporting. I stay at the same hotel in Bangkok 4-5 days every month and always give them my driver's ID. Well, that won't do now. Two weeks ago they told me they need to copy my passport and departure card from now on, a police order.

    Are you Thai or Foreigner?

    The hotels I've (British) stayed in in BKK, Phuket & Pattaya have been taking copies of passports and departure cards for many years, but it may be different for Thai nationals as there's actually no reason for you to even have a passport if you're staying in a hotel in Thailand. Just wondering......

    I ... an American ... often stay in Thai hotels by showing only my USA ID card .... no passport.

    BS no such thing as US ID Card

    Wrong! there are State ID cards, issued by the DMV.

    Incorrect there are 50 states which make up the US. There is no such thing as a US ID Card. What the foik does the DMV have to do with a US ID card anyways. Everybody knows what hotels need for ID. And there is always "that guy" who just has to be different and go against the flow.

  14. The passport/ s were reported to have been issued during yingluck' s watch, to countries that it just so happens thaksin has made numerous business deals with and /or visited.

    You never know who some people are pimping for, or where /how they find the potential company that they have been requisted to find.

    Its a far stretch to get that from the OP article dont ya think?

  15. After holding a US government for over 34 years with many different levels of access I can say without a doubt, something is fishy and this isnt over.

    I guess on a forum board poster's can claim a lot of things aye? The only ones this isn't over with are the right whingers who hang their hopes on your statement.

    Pretty bleak.

    BTW I'm Mayor of San Francisco, can I sell you a bridge?crazy.gif

    Clueless in Seattle

  16. Every time I find something on Lazada that I'd like it says it has to be shipped from overseas. I check eBay and find the same item at around half the price. So far I've always gone with eBay and goods have arrived on time in perfect condition. I see no need for Lazada.

    Little exaturation with the half price comment dont you think?



    Lazada = 691

    eBay = 300

    That's far less than half price.

    Please retract your comment and do some research before making such comments again.

    Dude really? They are two completely different manufacture's products! You CANNOT compare them.

    I retract nothing and actually double down on my first statement!

  17. There's consistent evidence of tightening of immigration law enforcement for the last few years.

    I would only rent accommodations by legit hoteliers who do all the proper reporting. I stay at the same hotel in Bangkok 4-5 days every month and always give them my driver's ID. Well, that won't do now. Two weeks ago they told me they need to copy my passport and departure card from now on, a police order.

    Are you Thai or Foreigner?

    The hotels I've (British) stayed in in BKK, Phuket & Pattaya have been taking copies of passports and departure cards for many years, but it may be different for Thai nationals as there's actually no reason for you to even have a passport if you're staying in a hotel in Thailand. Just wondering......

    I ... an American ... often stay in Thai hotels by showing only my USA ID card .... no passport.

    BS no such thing as US ID Card

  18. Every time I find something on Lazada that I'd like it says it has to be shipped from overseas. I check eBay and find the same item at around half the price. So far I've always gone with eBay and goods have arrived on time in perfect condition. I see no need for Lazada.

    Little exaturation with the half price comment dont you think?

  19. OK. I will rephrase that. Homosexuals are normal people, it is their sexual behaviour that is not normal.

    I am not trying to upset anyone, just stating a fact.

    Your opinion is not a fact, its just your personal opinion. Why do you continue this conversation over and over again? As I said many posts ago the topic is not about you.
    "As I said many posts ago the topic is not about you".

    No, the topic is not about me. it is about what I write in reply to other posters.

    Do you not know what a forum is for? obviously not, and I am not going to waste my time telling you.

    What I said in this case is not an opinion, anyone with half a brain knows that two men having sex

    is not normal, nothing to do with an opinion, if you object to me saying that, fair enough, just move on.

    I read topics for the information provided and discussion. All you have done on this thread is bash homosexuals, their actions and spouted your own personal opinion in regards to those issues. This is not your own personal thread to state your opinion on homosexuality. Actually this thread is NOT about homosexuality, its about BKK transgender sex worker dangers.

    Can you please give it a break? If you want to post about gays and your distain for their kissing habits please go to the gay forum and do so there as none of this has any bearing on the topic at hand. Im sure your opinion would be met with welcome arms there. [emoji8]

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