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Posts posted by 2fishin2

  1. Dont bring anything and especially in a container. You said employer will ship and you have to pay taxes and duty correct? That means you will pay over the amount you paid for each item you bring. Making it extremely expensive. Everything you have there can be bought here in some form. An especially in BKK. Come here get settled in and anything you cant find here that you must have get when you return home on vacation. Contrary to what one poster said, this is NOT a third world country.

  2. Id be curious to know if any TV member purchased anything from any ad? If people are not which, I suspect it would be prudent for TV to do away with them.

    Apparently you have no idea how ads serving works.

    I think you should start reading this


    I know how it works. I was purposely being vague in my post. I had a different question and as usual TV people have to be correct and superior to others.

  3. Checked it out today. Went to both projects. The cheaper one is typical Thai style where the most expensive houses were definitely above standards. As usual you get what you pay for. I was impressed with the good side. Actually I would buy one of them. In fact, thinking seriously about it in the future.

    The cheaper project is the Inizio. You mean you are interested in the more expensive (larger) house of that estate?

    (Inizio is about 4.5-5.5M, while 88 is from 7M-13M)

    I saw both and am now looking at an 88 house. The Inizio side is typical of other Thai projects in same price range. Although, I feel the build quality in that project is superior to others in same price range. I looked at an Inzio house at the end of a road by wall which had a larger yard than normal. Was turned off immediately as house across street had already built a home business which, turn me off at any project. I want a house in a housing neighborhood not home business row.

    Nice place but the 88 project houses quality is what I am looking for.

    We'll see in about a year or so.

  4. Not putting any blame on this girl whatsoever, but was she trafficked against her will, or did she show up requesting such work for whatever reasons?

    The problem seems to go well beyond the mama-sans.

    Not meaning any disrespect whatsoever, but are you stupid? There's a reason why it's illegal for adult men to have sex with underage children, but you obviously don't understand what it is.
    I'm sorry but none of us are children at 16 we are teenagers and young adults. In SE Asia children are working in factories and construction sites at a much younger age than 16 but they don't make headlines because the purient interest of the tittilated moralists is not sufficiently engaged. There's something all too easy about being shocked and judgemental and occupying the moral highground in cases like this. It's sex these people are objecting to not exploitation.

    They are children in all sense of the word, legally and morally.

  5. Dont listen to NKM hes the most cynical poster on Phuket forums if not the entire site. He never has good to say about anything in Thailand. I personally dont know why he lives here with such a crap attitude.

    Glad you have found somewhere you like. Im actually taking a drive over there tomorrow and seeing it for myself, thanks for the heads up.

    Please let me know what you think of the place after having seen it for yourself thumbsup.gif

    (including any concerns you might have, it will help me in mitigating possible problems)

    Sure will. Best place I found before was Pruska village in Kathu.

  6. If that's the case, can you explain how "we, as a coupe, own the house?"

    What, exactly, do you own?

    Not that it's a problem, if you didn't contribute any capital, but surely you have contributed something, other than your good looks and charm? biggrin.png

    Philosophical: i don't own anything because when I leave this world it will all stay behind anyways.

    Legal: as my wife and I are married it is our shared property. That would mean she owns half, and I own half.

    That is, when we paid off the mortgage and the bank is out of the picture.

    But I get the feeling we are slowly drifting off-topic here coffee1.gif

    Dont listen to NKM hes the most cynical poster on Phuket forums if not the entire site. He never has good to say about anything in Thailand. I personally dont know why he lives here with such a crap attitude.

    Glad you have found somewhere you like. Im actually taking a drive over there tomorrow and seeing it for myself, thanks for the heads up.

  7. It's incredibly sad that those with the benefit of a Western education still seem to delight in prejudice towards others. What business is it of yours how a ladyboy, a gay man, or anyone else choose to live their lives?

    Who are you to judge someone for a choice which doesn't, in the slightest bit, impinge on the way you choose to live your life?

    Katoeys are not a single person who has wronged the nation. There are good katoeys and bad katoeys and every spectrum in between. They are treated with contempt by society and by so many of the absolute fools who haunt this board and for what? Choosing to act like or be a different gender? No wonder they have a hard time. They risk assault by pathetic people who can't come to terms with their own sexuality on a daily basis. Their families often treat them terribly. Many of them are packed off into sex work by their greedy, lousy families. And yes, many do become hardened for it. Wouldn't you?

    It would certainly be my business if two homosexual men started holding hands or kissing each other near me, and

    I would object to it.

    But if they kept their goings on in private, then it would be no business of mine.

    Really? Please read the thread title again. This thread is not about your objection to homosexuals that you see holding hands or kissing near you. Actually, its not about you at all. Its about the dangers of a BKK transgender sex worker.

  8. There is a Thai embassy in Riyadh and a consulate in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. Embassy website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/riyadh/en/home Consulate website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/jeddah/th/services

    You should try to get a single entry non-o visa based upon marriage to a Thai before leaving.

    If you don't get the visa and get a 30 day visa exempt (not a visa on arrival) you would have 15 days to convert to a 90 day non immigrant visa entry at Bangkok immigration. It would require two trips 15 days apart to get the visa/entry stamps. Your wife would have to be with you when you apply. You will need 400k baht in a Thai bank on the date you apply for the visa.

    You could also go out to a nearby embassy or consulate to get the non-o visa.

    The during the last 30 days of the 90 day entry from the visa you could apply for a one year extension of stay based upon marriage at your local immigration office.

    Here is a general list of the required documents needed for the extension. You wife will need to be with you when you apply.

    You will need 2 sets of copies attached to 2 TM7 application.forms.

    Proof of 400k baht in the bank for 2 months by way of a letter from your bank and your bank book.or 40k baht income.proven by a income letter from your embassy.

    Copies of your passport photo page and every page that has any stamp or visa for Thailand on it. Copy of TM6 departure card.

    Marriage certificate and a updated Kor Ror 2 marriage registry (Kor Ror 22 for foreign marriages)

    Copies of your wife's house book registry and ID card.

    Photos of you and your wife in and around the house. One must show you both with the house number shown in it. The number of photos needed varies by office.

    Map to your residence from the nearest main road or street.

    Proof of residence if not living where your wife's house book is for.

    Some offices may want witnesses when you apply.

    UJ why would you not advise a retirement vs marriage? Not being argumentative just wonder why. The retirement extension is so much easier and less hassle.

    • Like 1
  9. The amounts of these fines are ridiculously low.

    Somchai Simlee almost sounds like a Thai John Doe.

    Not agree.....This Verdict is hard and driving license suspended for six months is absolutely existence-threatening. A high price for his crime, but justice.

    WHAT? Hard sentence? He was already driving on an expired operations license! The guy is a complete dirtbag and should be suspended permanently. Did you miss the part where he offered drugs? But of course he wouldnt listen anyways

  10. Yes there is a extension to stay based on retirement which, is actually easier to get than marriage. 65000 a month in income or combination of income and savings of same amount. Over 50 years of age of course. In a nutshell go to immigration and get a 90 day then about 2 weeks prior to the 90 day expiration go to immigration where you will be living and get a retirement permission to stay. Ubon Joe Im sure will correct me on my errors. Very simple process

    • Like 2
  11. It's good if your on overstay and want to bypass the check in counter and go straight to immigration , that's if you flying international. Other then that if you have bags to check in then it's no real benefit. Only good for people with carry on only. Have a nice trip.

    Not true at all. You chose your seat early and would you rather stand in a 15 minute line or hour line?

  12. I also had my card "skimmed" or whatever you call it by the staff of land of smiles national carrier at the Calcutta India airport check in counter. I had extra baggage charges, that is why staff took my card into back room to process. Couple weeks later Master Card telephoned me to ask if I had purchased expensive handbags & electronics in Singapore. I had not been to Singapore or made those purchases. Master Card without a problem removed all the Singapore charges from my credit card.

    That scam of taking the card somewhere esle to process it has been happening for decades. I've always refused the staff to allow my card out of my sight for that very reason - credit or debit card.

    Checkin counters dont normally have a credit card machine, thats why they took your card. Its not a scam everywhere....

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