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Everything posted by superal

  1. Not only will I be happy to see casinos in Thailand , which is inevitable as Thailand emerges into the real world , I would like to see legalised on line betting , betting shops and an above board , western type lottery with draw tickets bought at say 7-11 by way of a computerised system using numbers of your choice and where all the income is distributed in an open book way . The prizes would be far more attractive and donations made to good causes / charities . Betting has been going on , in some form or another , for many years in Thailand . Bars & places of pleasure have been here for many years , should they be closed because of alcoholics and sex pests ?
  2. Since the government have endorsed dual pricing , some hospital are charging 10 x times the normal Thai price for basic treatment and are billing the farang patient daily . If hospital are reserving beds for farangs at the expense of Thai patients , that is shameful and bordering on crime . I would not like to stay in a basic ward because of the lack of air-con , so have always opted for a v.i.p. room which I think most foreigners would do .
  3. The problem being , the lack of baggage handlers , check in staff , air crew and even pilots , most of whom were let go from their jobs rather than being furloughed . There is an article today within the BBC news web page . Airlines have been contacting previously employed staff ,asking them if they want their old job back but at less wages and worse terms . Many of the " let go staff " have found alternative employment with better wages . It is not only Heathrow that is effected , it is all of the UK
  4. So in the meantime we allow Putin to continue the daily slaughter of innocent people , destroying the country of Ukraine's housing , business centres , utilities and infrastructure ? All because he threatened NATO with nuclear weapons if they dare to interfere . Will NATO back off , if Putin invades say Poland , holding the same nuclear threat tactic ? This NATO alliance are in my eyes spineless and choose to supply weapons only which in itself is a cowardly action . A bit like watching a woman being beaten up by 2 men and doing nothing to stop it . Putin has already threatened the UK and that shows his intentions . Nobody in their right mind would want a war but there comes a time when there has to be a reaction .
  5. NO ! . Its time that NATO joined in and hit Russian buildings . I have heard all the negative opinions on why non interference is prudent . How other countries can stand by and witness the daily war crimes on Ukraine people by the nasty XXXX Putin , is beyond me . A steady build up of troops and weaponry from NATO that is happening now , might just be that a retaliation is on the cards . Now could it be that Boris is aware of an imminent invasion which would secure his tenure at no 10 ?
  6. I agree with you when you say Thais are selfish drivers , they are Jekyll and Hyde . I disagree when you say they " they know the rules " . Only yesterday there were cars parked on both sides of a pedestrian crossing , in my town . They do not take into account driving conditions , e.g. pouring with rain , yet many of them driving fast on a water logged road with limited visibility . Emerging from a side road into a main road , many motor bike riders do not look right , they just swing straight out and expect other users to avoid them . Many do not understand road markings , especially in the smaller towns .
  7. Agree but what about babies in a push chair or unfortunates in a wheel chair ?
  8. Please forgive this digression but my point is relative in dual pricing . Has it ever occurred to you why there is never a price on the wind screens of used car sale sites ? It is of course that they will try to extort as much money as they can from you . A foreigner will pay top price . There is dual pricing between Thais , as I know first hand , where in my daughter in laws shop she charges a lower price to regular customer and higher to unknown customers . None of her merchandise carries a price tag
  9. Hotel dual pricing in Thailand already exists . Hotel in Bangkok 3 years ago , I was paying 1200 baht a night . I found a bill in the wardrobe , made out to the previous occupant , for 450 baht a night . I confronted the manager who refused to comment . What is happening now is the government are encroaching on free enterprise businesses which will undoubtedly mean that there will be an individual with his finger in the pie with the potential to make a lot of money . Dual pricing , based on a persons nationality ,is at best racial discrimination which is a crime in the western world but here it is not disguised and is approved by the government . What the TAT needs to remember is that the low cost of goods and services on holiday destinations , are a major consideration for potential holiday makers . What is the point of travelling half way round the world , to a country that is openly biased to foreigners , when there are equally good , much cheaper and safer countries in Europe .
  10. Sorry to hear you have only been with 2 Thai women . Strange that they both had silicone implants . You sure they were genuine ladies ? Majority of Thai ladies have only small breasts and you are really taking a chance with large breasted ladies . Alarm bells when I am approached by top heavy girls , even when I have had a few to many beers .
  11. Seriously folks , are there any guys ( or gals for that matter ) who like huge boobs especially when they are made of silicone ? I have been told by a friend that they are not nice to touch????. If she thinks she looks sexy then she is demented . Thai women far more attractive and some older than Kate Price / Jordan .She is certainly a case of past its sell by date .
  12. That is what hit me too . Will admin explain ? What has happened is they have quoted from the Royal Coast Review ( RCR ) not the Bangkok post directly . Is that correct admin ?
  13. It seems that the rules for foreigners in Thailand who want to visit the casinos at the Kap Cheong border have changed . Pre pandemic it was show your passport plus a fee , gained entry to the casinos for either a flutter or duty free items . Now you have to have your passport stamped plus a fee . So unless you have a multi entry p/p you would lose your current visa/ extension . What happens on the Cambodian side , I am not sure.
  14. No proof . You are a medical person who can give a diagnosis from a video or picture ?
  15. Putin is dying ? Do you have proof or is it just media speculation ?
  16. I would think that Putin has a peerless security and an assassination attempt at close quarters would be all but impossible . It is more likely to come from one of his own , or using a missile attack at a known venue of his presence .
  17. Indeed , your mentioned honeys are among the top 5 that were recommended Kiva Raw Manuka Honey Manuka honey is considered the best in the industry. This is because it has a significantly higher concentration of potent of anti-viral, nutritional, and healing properties. Created in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the manuka bush, manuka honey is native to the country and is strong in both nutritional content and taste. It has an unusual taste, that is less sweet and has an Earthly herbal hint to it. Steens Raw Manuka Honey Steens Raw Manuka Honey is unique for containing bee bread. The raw component that makes this brand stand out is fermented pollen mixed with bee saliva and honey. This causes the grainy texture and the antibacterial properties. Steens has one of the best manuka honeys available on the market. It keeps the signature richness without that awful medicinal aftertaste
  18. I can imagine the amount of paperwork required by the FDA , typical of Thailand's many steps but that does not prove that , for example honey , is the genuine product . There are possibly no laboratories in Thailand that can test for fake honey ( below link is informative ) . It would appear that the majority of members on this forum are not aware of the extent of fake honey on supermarket shelves and that applies to the supermarket owners , distributors and buyers . The evidence is there for all to see . https://www.wired.co.uk/article/honey-fraud-detection
  19. Just did a quick search for Thai Air , direct London to Thailand return , economy , out Dec 8th return Jan 7th was best part of £1000
  20. Click on the link I posted , look and you will find , but I think you do not want to know the facts , just want to be negative , not going to waste my time with you anymore .
  21. The attached link may be of interest . https://www.wired.co.uk/article/honey-fraud-detection
  22. Just do your own Google search on both olive oil and honey fakes , their is so much info out there , especially on the fake honey which originates mostly from China . The finished product is almost impossible to tell the difference in real or fake .
  23. That sounds like a good deal . After your initial consultation , how long was the wait for the operation ? How long ago was the op and was it successful ? I am intrigued that you had both eyes done at the same time because I had one eye done in the UK and had to keep a dressing on it for 2 days followed by eye drops through out the day which made the vision blurry and unable to drive . Eye drops finished after 3 weeks , vision good but need to get the other eye done . At night I still get glare from car headlights but if I close the bad eye it the glare stops . Would you recommend your hospital for the operation ?
  24. You are so right . In the UK for example , there is consumer protection and I would think that most western countries have something similar . Consumer protection , from the government , will ratify the products description on the bottle or box etc but here in Asia I do not think its quite the same and to think otherwise would be naive . The link below shows the extent of fake olive oil . https://www.epicurious.com/ingredients/seven-ways-to-tell-the-difference-between-real-and-fake-olive-oil-article
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