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Everything posted by superal

  1. After the school massacre in Dunblane Scotland 1996 when 16 children were killed and previously the Hungerford shootings 1988 of 16 dead the UK government introduced new legislation , namely the Firearms Act 1988 . Sales of firearms came under strict scrutiny with annual police inspections of gun cabinets and doctor reports of each gun owner . There were also national amnesties where privately owned firearms were destroyed . It took about 10 - 15 years for gun crimes to have a significant reduction . There are few gun crimes in the UK and even unauthorised possession carries a jail sentence . Hate to say this but quite often there is sometimes a similar mass copy cat shooting that follows . America , the leader of the free world should be setting an example of firearms control but instead refuses to disarm because of politics and ignorant selfish gun owners .
  2. America , the land of the free . To me and others it could be so much better if it sorted out its political systems . Gun lobbyists seem to dictate the firearms laws ." Having a gun is our constitutional right ", is widely backed . The Sky news just reported that on average 22 children a day are hit by gunshot . On average 5 children die every day . Every year in excess of 117,000 people are shot with over 40,000 dying . Theses are staggering stats and the USA government should be ashamed . Time for the American people to speak up and change this gun culture which will take a few years to do but gun sales need to be restricted to those who have been background checked and have a legitimate reason for gun ownership .
  3. many western soldiers fought there and many lost their lives . Also many refugees were taken into European countries . There are many war crimes happening every day in Ukraine , against innocent civilians . Strange that Russia withdrew from the 2019 protocol of the Geneva convention which highlighted protection for civilians in a war .
  4. Indeed a good gesture on behalf of humanity from a country that states it is neutral in the Russia / Ukraine war . So will this hotel or others extend their hospitality to stranded Russians ? I have to say that the war does not seem to have the same media coverage in Thailand that the western world gives and many Thai folks are not aware of the atrocities taking place . As regard wars in other countries , many refugees have found new homes in Europe . Finally , this war has a long way to run and will escalate because of Sweden & Finland joining NATO . Very sensitive situation with Putin with his back to the wall and the Russian people , being fed propaganda and being ostracised from the rest of the world , will either lead to WW3 or a Russian civil war . NATO troops now building up military exercises in some Baltic countries .
  5. Just feels like there is a niche in the inter-provincial flight market that may not be viable for the big boys but for a small lean team it could be an attractive business . I would think that there must be similar foreign business models operating somewhere that could show the way ? Flying in smaller aircraft may not suit everyone as you are certainly aware that you are flying compared to large aircraft . Two pilots per flight could be enough to repel investment in small , light passenger flights , unless its easy to get a pilots licence in Thailand . BTW did you see the video of a passenger taking controls of an aircraft after the pilot had collapsed www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbMoyWukjbs
  6. The majority of domestic flights seem to be via Bangkok . I would like to see more inter provincial flights that do no entail touching Bangkok . Or another airport that is more up country as an alternative hub for domestic flights . Bangkok is good for international arrivals and then take a domestic flight but when living here it is difficult to avoid Bangkok for local flights .
  7. Including the DWP who are hiding behind ancient state pension rules that need a revision / upgrading to be up to date with modern day living when retirees can spend their autumn years in warmer climates that benefit their health and also save the UK NHS millions of £s . There is no justifiable reason to meddle with a persons pension , that has been earned by way of their contributions , if they decide to live outside of the UK . Is bad enough that the UK pension is not sufficient to live a comfortable life in the UK especially with the cost of living spiralling out of control .
  8. Yes , I heard the same forecast on TV and it is to happen in the 3rd quarter but I cannot recall the reasoning . American politics / elections not always easy to understand
  9. Sterling seems to be outstanding in its free fall against all other currencies . So is it slow economic growth or political instability ? Having said that the Russian Ruble sank at the start of the war with the Ukraine but has rebounded to new highs despite Russia being ostracised by many countries . The only plus for the UK will be that its exports will be cheaper to buy if all components are sourced within the UK . It appears that the UK finances are in trouble with a 10% inflation rate forecast for later this year . Also unrest from the population on the high cost of living and fears that protests will soon take place against the Tory government who seem to be out of touch with the true cost of living in the UK . Rumour has it that Johnson will offer monetary solutions / benefits in this weeks queens speech .
  10. How long did it take for the red stripe to appear ? BTW , I found that a salt water gargle on the throat gave some relief but even better was a warm water and whisky gargle and plenty of them . Good luck and get well soon .
  11. So it could be that you have a stronger immune system than your wife who had the sino vac x2 as opposed to your az x 2 ( I had same as you ) . We all know that sino vac is not as effective as most other vaccines . It is a pity that we cannot get a pcr test without the fear of testing positive and taken to a covid camp where we have to stay for maybe 10 days and be hit with a huge bill . It is for that reason that the real covid stats will never be known in Thailand , maybe designed for that reason ? Finally when covid is compared with a heavy cold or the flu . If you get flu , it will lay you up for a week with a high temperature and severe muscle pains . It can put you out of action for a couple of weeks . Flu is often confused with a heavy cold which can have similar symptoms to flu but on a milder degree . Heavy cold is often described as flu by men or indeed by others as man flu .
  12. Just a couple of things that both you and grains did not comment on and that is vaccines . If you had what were they and did your lady have the same ? I had covid about 6 weeks ago and it was same as a heavy cold , tickley throat , sneezing and non stop runny nose , headache like never before but after 3 days nearly clear but took a total of 8 days to test negative on the rapid flow test . BTW my initial test had the 2nd red line appear within 10 seconds but after 5 days I had to wait abut 10 minutes for the feint line to appear . Hope your wife gets well soon .
  13. Me too but on a recent visit to a large swimming pool up here in Issan , I was using a table and chairs close to the toilets . In my 4 hours at the poolside there were no users of the toilets , accept me , honestly
  14. Western financial institutions have been promoting the cashless society for many years as it gives them lower overheads having not to employ so many staff , pilfering and in house theft kept to a minimum . Very few if any western companies pay their staff in cash . Funny money is avoided along with machines that detect fake bank notes that are in most banks . On top of this , if you try to make a large deposit you will be asked , " where did the money come from " . In emerging countries there will always be cash as in the circumstances that you stated earlier . Back to the main topic and I can only quote the UK when if I try to pay for a purchase in a shop with a £ 50 note , quite often the response is " sorry we have no change or we do not change large notes " If I am out for an evening in Thailand I will always try to carry 100 baht notes only
  15. Watched a Thai motor cyclist yesterday . He was wearing a helmet and a mask . I thought that was good until I realised he was texting on his phone whilst doing about 50 kph .
  16. http://www.phuketdentalhomeclinic.com/ . I used this dentist last year and is based in Karon . I had lost 3 front teeth and he made a denture in about 1 week total cost was 4000 baht , 2 k up front and same on completion . I am terrified of dentist but this man was gentle and easy going . You can negotiate the price with him .
  17. Never pee in the sea , why ? Have you ever experienced rip tides ? I watched a programme recently where there had been several attacks on humans in fresh water and fishermen nets had been broken and so they used heavy nets and caught the culprit which was a bull nosed shark . Apparently it is the only species of shark that can live in both sea and fresh water .
  18. I agree that as long as there are the low paid / day to day paid workers , there will always be cash transactions . Higher up the ladder " cash in the hand " for work rendered will attract a discount and is not easy to trace by tax collectors . That transaction has almost disappeared in the UK . Here in Thailand , those who are employed in the cities will and are using cards and apps to pay bills and even in my ladies semi rural restaurant , customers often pay by their phone app / direct transfer . Your link about covid spreading through bank notes and coins shows that it happens and especially in a typical market environment where money is passed back and forth many times in humid conditions . Finally , cashless transactions do not always need bank cards as you point out with your wife paying with her phone app and direct bank transfer , in her local market . In the UK ( and most other western countries ) cash purchases are in the minority . The UK has seen 50% of its banks close in recent years and all because of online buying and contactless payments . The days of people queuing up in banks and post offices to draw money or pay bills are all but gone .
  19. Only time I let my lady drive is when I have had a few too many drinks and then I become a terrible back seat driver as we crawl along at a snails pace or stay behind a truck with no intention of overtaking it . Also riding a motor bike in Thailand is just not worth the risk , no matter how much enjoyment you get from it but there are many die hard farangs who have had motor bikes all their lives and they believe they know better .
  20. There will always be cash in all countries but its use will/is subsiding . There is a good feeling to hold a bunch of high value bank notes in your hand as opposed to a bank card which although may hold an access to a large amount of money does not give the same pleasure . The Thai folks will gradually come around to the cashless system . There was a resistance in the UK at first and also I remember when receiving my weekly wage in a pay packet of real money and that gradually came to an end . Digressing slightly , did you know that the covid virus is carried and passed to others by way of the bank note ?
  21. Time you caught up mate . Thailand that has an international banking system .It does in fact deal with debit/credit card transactions , so no reason that it should not partake in cashless purchases that avoid fake bank notes and also gives security to all involved . For the underprivileged , cash can still be the way to go . More and more businesses are taking up the card to pay transactions because it gives security , is instant banking , plus a deterrent to muggings and robberies . Sign of the times sorry to say Del boy .
  22. My thoughts exactly and not so far from where I live here in Thailand , these ambulances can be seen driving dangerously in towns with sirens blasting out and I have seen them arrive at hospitals without patients and joining up with their pals for lunch and so that is part of the reason that they do not command too much respect from some of the public . I can only quote the UK ambulance crews who are well trained medically wise and driving to high standards ,plus they are well respected by the UK public and all traffic pulls over to let them pass . The petty fine in this case demonstrates the almost lawless society with one law for us and one for them . Each case should be dealt with on merit or on the wealth of the guilty party . In this case a couple of more noughts on the end i.e. 50,000 baht fine or time in a prison of repute .
  23. Backs up the shout for cashless transactions . Everywhere in the UK now and took me by surprise on my recent visit . Even in the pubs and taxis . Just make sure you read the bill / receipt to make sure it is the correct charge before you use your contactless bank card or even your smart phone app .
  24. Most of the motor bikes / cars parked outside of shops etc belong to the people working in them and thus give no parking for customers . That is typical throughout Thailand . On the other hand , you get shop owners who think they own the road outside of their shops and put obstacles on the road to stop anyone parking there . Away from Asia ,often businesses have to show parking facilities in order to get permission to open their business but TIT .
  25. The rat urine was not put in the fluid on purpose but because these back street filthy , unhygienic places that make the fluid are rat infested the urine is passed into the product . The same goes for fake tobacco / cigarette manufacturing which also often contains vermin faeces .
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