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Everything posted by superal

  1. Interest rate rise or no rise , there could well be a downturn on property values . Things are about to happen in Thailand and your last paragraph may be on the cards . There are all ready protests in other countries concerning the cost of living .
  2. It is a combination of Ukraine and Russian wheat grain that is being held back from global distribution and is 30% of the world production . Gas stations in U.S.A. , petrol now $5.190 per gallon when from 2010 to 2020 it was averaging $2.6 per gallon . So although the US is producing oil , it is pushing up the prices at the pumps . The Ukraine war along with the covid pandemic is the root cause of many countries slow economic growth . How Thailand calculates its GDP is a mystery when probably half the working population incomes are unknown to the government . The lower paid are going to suffer if and when there is an interest rate rise in Thailand . Currently Thailand's nominal household debt is 90% of its GDP and an increase in interest rates will weaken the Baht . Further more , there are murmurs that the dollar will take a hit in the third quarter . Currencies will be unreliable assets and commodities will be a better investment .
  3. So cannabis is now legal to buy local or on line but not vaping or online alcohol . Thai people can be seen openly vaping without a concern but for a foreigner , beware .
  4. I know a few American guys who are Trump supporters ( not me cos from the UK ) and they say that Trump was the best POTUS they have had in ages . He put America first , was pragmatic in his actions and a far more suitable man for the job compared with Joe . I liked Trump
  5. and ASLEF have said they are joining in with the strikes and also have a total of 6 strikes planned as opposed to 3 by the RMT . There will be little public sympathy when the already "struggling to make ends meet public" cannot get to work etc . Drivers getting £60k + per annum , no wonder the rail fares are so expensive . Now seeking a pay rise over and above the inflation rate ? If this strike goes ahead it will cause massive disruption and damage to the economy . Government should bring in the army and teach the operation skills and follow up with new civy recruits for train workers jobs . Let the strikers know that their jobs will be lost if they go on strike
  6. What a palava , could and should be simplified . Enough to test the patience of a saint . There are of course alternative options to secure an extension or visa . In the ops case I would have thought that there could have been some sort of concession due to the covid travel problems plus there should be some consideration and common sense given the fact that he had lived in Thailand for 10 years and so had a record of many successful extension applications .
  7. Good idea , above reply , just hope you can trust him . Does he post the numbers to you , pre lottery draw ? Have you heard from him recently ? ???? Being outside the country should not exclude you from playing the lotteries especially as in my case where they know my UK address , my bank details which include my debit card info that I use to buy additional tickets .
  8. Can you play the Powerball if you are in Thailand ? because you cannot play the UK or Euro lottery if you are not in the UK . They even seem to be able to detect that you are using a VPN and will refuse any attempt to play .
  9. This week the UK lottery 1st prize was £7,440,150 = 1 winner or baht 319,926,450 baht
  10. I think scratch cards are more like the lottery but probably they have never heard of them here , not to mention bingo , now that would catch on .
  11. The dog was found tied to a tree in a popular walking place . Then given to the monk to take care of it . The accused and deceased were ejected from a bar in Prasat recently for fighting each other . Taking her ATM card , how would she be able to access cash ? Taking her phone is a no brainer towards guilt . The DNA will be proof . Dead man walking ?
  12. Thanks for the Fixed link. What an eye opener . A real brain drain . I just hope that those who have fled Russia can settle in their new homes and not to be seen as bad people . One would think that by now the Russian population would be aware that they are being fed propaganda by Putin and that an uprising may take place
  13. The Thai lottery system is typical of the way things are done in Thailand i.e. over complicated and too many steps . The prizes are low when considering the price of the ticket . Are all the sales paid out in prizes ? If there is a surplus , what happens to it ? For a comparison the UK lottery is £2 , so same as the Thai ticket . This week the jackpot is £ 7.4 million which equates to 318,200.000 baht and the Euro lottery ( £2.50 per ticket ) jackpot is £122 million or 5246,000000 . All of the proceeds are accounted for with a percentage going to charities . The system is easy where you take a lottery slip and cross off 6 numbers or select a lucky dip and hand it to the cashier, or it can be done on line . There are also scratch cards costing from £ 1 to £5 and with various prizes and they are very popular but not seen in Thailand .
  14. Lets face it , the EC nations hated the UK for leaving the EC and have been giving us a hard time since to the extent that BJ is in an untenable position apart from sticking up 2 fingers to the EU and scrapping the agreement but the EU being a huge single market would be a huge loss and so BJ is in a corner . Lets not forget the tough times that this UK government has been through with covid being the most devastating event since WW2 . Unlike the US who just print money and continue to borrow without conscience , BJ wants the £ to be stronger by economic growth and reducing servicing huge borrowings that supported the furlough payments .. Then we have the Ukraine war which has sent fuel and wheat grain prices soaring with the forecast that things will get worse in the autumn. Antone got a crystal ball ?
  15. Pal of mine is a brickies labourer and on £200 an 8 hour day self employed . Other friends who are skilled welders earn £23-£30 per hour self employed . Both are non union
  16. The UK is in recession but Thailand is not much better and the baht is still up there . Pound is forecast to drop for the next year . Scary times for us Brits living in Thailand unless you are banking in the US dollar
  17. True but that 5p did not reach many pumps . I am thinking a temporary 50p cut that would bring down the price of haulage and also the cost of food . The price of a barrel of oil will come down eventually ( maybe within 1 year ) but in the meantime a reduction on fuel revenue is needed in the short time . Richie Sunak is reluctant to do this .
  18. Like the railwaymen on average £40,000 per year and drivers on £60,000 flat per year . Their strike will cause even more problems . The UK seems to be in a real mess and although I once was a BJ supporter it is time for him to be replaced for the good of the country .
  19. Unemployment rise and prospect of new Scottish independence referendum fuel recession fears Above from the main topic but that is not accurate as the UK unemployment is at its lowest for 50 years . Reasons for the weak pound are 1/ Continuing differences with the E.U. over the Brexit agreement concerning Northern Ireland's border controls which could lead to a trade war between the UK and the E.U. 2/ Rising inflation partly caused by the Ukraine Russian war with gas and oil prices hitting domestic bills with a 54% rise and will be double by October 3/ Low economic growth 4 / Political uncertainty with BJ losing popularity . GDP has fallen below predictions and a recession is imminent . Time to by dollars me thinks . Any idea why the government have not eased revenue at the fuel pumps ?
  20. As it stands the Russians are and will flatten Ukraine . Ukraine is under constant bombardment night and day from tanks and missiles . There is some close combat fighting . Ukraine is losing up to 200 brave soldiers a day which it cannot afford to lose from an already small army in comparison to the much larger Russian army . There can be no turning back for either nation with Putin committed to destroy Ukraine and Zelenskyy wanting revenge for the murder of innocent children , that no war crime court could bring retribution or satisfaction . I cannot understand why Ukraine has not been backed up by other countries forces . Both U.S.A. & the UK are supplying arms to Ukaine and doing it quite openly and must be seen to be in bed with the Ukraine and guilty by association . Putins actions are causing devastation to the world with 30% of wheat coming from Russia and Ukraine combined and then of course the oi;l and gas that is controlled by Russia . The previously mentioned are enough reasons to join up with Ukraine and then possibly Russia could be defeated within 1 month and its oil and gas supplies put in the hands of western countries and stock piles of wheat released to starving African countries . There are famines happening right now and there could well be a mass emigration to European countries
  21. From a non user of cannabis but none the less interested , how do you tell the difference between a .2% THC cannabis plant and one at 20-30% THC
  22. A deliberate action by the UK government to make the UK competitive in the global market . Now has the lowest unemployment rate for more than 50 years , however with inflation now running at 11% and the cost of living soaring , something has to give . If the national rail strike goes ahead there will be chaos . A gallon of petrol now £9 . Fish & chips £10 and up . Working people using free food banks. We should be glad not to be in that situation here in Thailand but the future is not good for the Thai baht according to the banking trade .
  23. A diplomatic settlement ? maybe 2 months ago but not now as there has been too much loss of life to innocent Ukraine folk , including children and the elderly caused by deliberate targeting of schools and hospitals . Peoples homes and possessions destroyed . There is much hatred from the Ukraine people to the Russians . The Ukraine's want revenge , not only to take back the land that Russia now occupies but also Crimea . That would mean the backing of the Ukraine army . Then perhaps an invasion on Russia and take over the oil and gas supplies plus impose collateral damage on Russian government buildings . Russians are being fed lies about the war . Some are taking up VPNs and now can access the true line of events via outside TV stations rather than the propaganda from the Russian national TV . When the truth has spread there could be an uprising against Putin , that is if he has not been taken out by either one of his own or opposing forces ,
  24. Sooner or later the USA & UK will get involved in military support for the Ukraine , hopefully sooner . Putin is about to execute 2 ex Brits who were serving in the Ukraine army . Putin accused them of being mercenaries . Putin has committed many war crimes . He is also holding back the distribution of wheat grain to the world with African nations starving right now . What will it take for the Ukraine to get military backing ? Putin threats to western countries of " keep out of this war or I will use special weapons " . Me thinks , time to call his bluff and it would not take a long time to defeat the amateurish Russian army . The rebuilding of Ukraine will involve lucrative commercial contracts with preference given to the supporting countries of Ukraine .
  25. A recent TV money programme from the UK , forecast a dollar collapse in the 4th quarter . Also that foreign currency reserves would lose their value , big time , and better to hold tangible assets such as gold or real estate . Here in Thailand, the household borrowing is at an all time high and coupled with post covid unemployment , any rise in interest rates will cause problems . Global inflation is rapid with the UK at 11% and the USA at 8% and USA petrol prices at an all time high of 5 dollars a gallon and rising . What is round the corner ? no doubt that the Ukraine war is having an influence but unless they release the safe passage of wheat grain to the world ( Russia is helping itself to it now ) there will be massive starvation in African countries . Not to mention Russian gas/oil exports . The Thai baht has been well supported in past years with a close alignment to the US dollar but with the US economy being hit by high inflation there can be no way out for the baht , it will lose value .
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