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Everything posted by superal

  1. A quick Google search showed New Zealand is to ban the sale of cigarettes to anyone born after 01/01/2009 . Denmark & Australia have similar plans .The price of cigarettes in some western countries has become very expensive ,e.g in the UK they start at about £10 for a pack of 20 . Australia average price for a 20 pack is aud$35 . So smoking has become beyond the means of most people in the mentioned countries . Golden Virginia 50 gram hand rolling tobacco is £ 29 25 in the UK shops . Thailand is keeping the price within reach of many smokers , start at around 50 to 120 a pack of 20. Thus the revenue continues to come .
  2. Fakes & copies were always enjoyed by tourists to Thailand and indeed copies were a tourist attraction plus wealthy folks will pay the high prices for say a Louis Vuitton handbag or £60 sports shirt which are out of the price range for most tourists . I once bought an England football shirt at a Thai market . Quite funny really cos on the small hologram it read Endland instead of England but the rest of it was good . Have also bought many golf shirt copies which were good quality and lasted many years .
  3. Tobacco cigs are OK to smoke in Thailand because their is no risk of ill health ? So why the study on vaping and not the well known perils of cigarettes ? Being hooked on tobacco is very difficult to stop for most people . Vaping is seen as a healthier option and also a halfway house to quitting plus vaping has been approved in the UK by top medics who describe it as having one tenth of the dangers associated with tobacco smoking . The next on the list are nicotine patches and other stop smoking aids , all of which are not allowed in Thailand . So in summary there could be an assumption that tobacco and cannabis are permitted in Thailand because the government get good returns from taxing them and in reality the health concern is pure b/s .
  4. You could not make this up , incredible .
  5. The link above is not clear on the amount of vaccines that meet the requirement . In the beginning of the statement it says that a certificate of covid 19 vaccination is required which could be interpreted as a single vaccine will suffice . Drop down a couple of paragraphs and it mentions " not fully vaccinated travellers " ( no info given ) , Also the article says that travellers aged between 5 & 17 should have had at least 1 approved vaccine more than 14 days before travelling to Thailand , so is fully vaccinated 1 , 2 or 3 vaccinations ? I do not wish to be pedantic but the details are not clear .
  6. Yes it is true that Thailand has huge foreign reserves but mostly in the USA dollar currency . I have read recently that paper money is not the way to go as opposed to tangibles e.g. gold , oil reserves , real estate and land . The world seems to depend on the American dollar, come what may but right now there is concern that the federal bank will put up interest rates to try to halt or lessen their imminent inflation . Some have said that the American balloon is about to burst . So if Thailand relies on the U.S. dollar , as its main source of foreign reserves , there could be a weakening of the baht that would exacerbate the problems of Thailand's poorest folk and desperate people do desperate things of course . The Thai government must take care of its low paid folks by introducing a welfare scheme rather than spend money on submarines or conscription's etc .
  7. Your charitable efforts are to be admired , however have you ever looked into the problems that eating instant noodles can bring . You may be doing more harm than good . Below is an extract from Google that highlights the dangers of regular eating of instant noodles . Mostly carbs and no protein . Bad news! They have white carbos (not that bad but can lead to diabetes). They have lots of salt (also not so bad in a tropical climate where you need more salt). But what is SO BAD, is that they are almost always FRIED in PALM OIL, which really is so bad, and apparently clogs your arteries.
  8. No & why ? Know all xxxx , do not bother replying
  9. That is news to me and most others I suspect . Interested to know the extent of insurance coverage on the yellow plate
  10. I am aware of that and the medical coverage is minimal .
  11. A friend of mine was in an accident where his car was hit by a motor bike taxi . There was some costly damage to my friends front plastic , one piece valance ( about 12000 baht repair costs ) . Guess what ? The motor bike taxi had no insurance . Pal has own insurance that will cover the repair to his car . So , in the event of an accident, a passenger , riding pillion on the motorbike taxi , could not claim . This has to be taking the proverbial xxxx . How do they get a licence to operate ? No passenger insurance cover ? the mind boggles at other types of public conveyance in Thailand .
  12. You are correct . 200 baht a month for 12 months = 2400 baht and that is on top of the monthly payment for the new phone and line . I could not believe it and had it confirmed in writing and put my money back in my wallet and walked away . It had me thinking if it was a farang extra levy because the serving girls all looked at me sheepishly .
  13. Did you buy from Lazada and are they to be trusted as selling the real thing as opposed to copies that they seem to be known for ?
  14. It is about my existing DTAC sim card that DTAC wanted to charge me 200 baht a month to keep , so I declined the deal as I have many contacts with my old number . This has to be a rip off which is taking advantage of the customers panic into retaining all established contacts .
  15. Have not sealed the deal because I did not like the 200 baht a month charge to keep my old number . I am already with DTAC and they want to hit me with 200 baht a month for keeping my existing number . This is the reason for my post , asking why is it ? and already using my sim with DTAC . So it is the principle of charging me 2400 baht for the 1 year , using my existing sim card . Where is the sense or justice ?
  16. I have delayed renewing my old phone because I could not make my mind up with so many on the market but in a moment of weakness my lady convinced me to buy a modest VIVO on a 1 year contract whereby the phone cost is billed alongside your monthly subs . All ok until I was asked to pick out a new number to which I said that I wanted to retain my old number . The shop ( DTAC ) said that is OK but I would have to pay an additional 200 baht a month to keep my old number . Not understand because I have been with the DTAC shop with the same number for 2 or 3 years . Is the additional 200 baht charge the norm ?
  17. Yes , China now surrounding Taiwan with war ships and aircraft , virtually cutting off Taiwan from the world as a punishment for Pelosi visit . I have to ask , will this development have an impact on Eva Air flights , especially the UK to Bangkok and Taipei ?
  18. Corruption comes in many forms but when this directive comes from the government that has condoned dual pricing , you have to question their credibility
  19. Then there us this new drug to dissolve plaque from your arteries . https://www.cnbc.com/2017/11/03/drug-melts-away-heart-fat-in-just-one-dose.html
  20. superal

    Large size shoe

    looks good and can buy online at https://shopee.co.th/shoesshi
  21. I think Eva set the bench mark on non stop UK to Thailand . There was a time when I preferred Thai Air but that was 5 years ago or more . I cannot comment on business class etc as I always fly economy . I have flown Eva a dozen times or more and their service is superior to BAs. The flight crew are always polite and helpful with service with a smile . Their food is always a decent quality and normally there is a choice of 2 meals . I have never had an English breakfast on any flight but there has been sausage and scrambled egg etc but in their business class , named royal laurel , I believe , there will be more choices .
  22. So now we have a choice of 3 direct flights from London to Bangkok . They are 1/ Eva Air 2/ Thai Air 3/ Scoot Air . Current prices are around £2000 return for Thai and Eva . I struggled with the Scoot Air web page as most dates they have no flights it seems but I did find a one way flight BKK to Gatwick in about 2 weeks time at 34,000 baht ( £770 ). They are a budget airline owned by Singapore Air . Have flown with them but not again Eva number 1 , Thai 2 , B.A. 3 and Scoot 4 . Prices down to £6-700 return in September with Eva . B.A. must have done a feasibility study on the UK to BKK and realised that the route will cause them staffing problems ,
  23. Is there a limit on the amount of times that you can re-enter on a multi entry permit ?
  24. As we all know Heathrow was/is asking previously employed check in & baggage handlers , if they would like their jobs back but on less money and worse terms . Most have refused as they have got better paid jobs . This is serious mismanagement by the airport seniors . Many travellers are business people who rely on their regular flights . Answer has to be , pay the airport workers decent wages or have a government enquiry into the running of the business that is a vital transport industry to the UK
  25. For regular annual applications , all that is really needed is a new set of photos and a form asking " has there been any changes from last year and if so please write the details and inform the I/O " Went with a pal yesterday to get his 60 tourist visa extension . He gave all the relative paperwork and was told to go and wait in the garden . He was called back some time later to sign many papers of which he had no idea what he was signing . Most of the staff were eating at their desks (not lunch time , that is 13 00 hrs ,it was 11 20 am ) . Finally got the extension , total time 2 hours and maybe 3 other customers . Its the same where ever you go in Thailand , over staffed , too many steps per activity especially some diy stores . One diy store in my town , pay for the goods to the cashier , take your goods to the next desk where they put the goods in a plastic bag , take the bag to another desk where they empty the bag and check off against the till receipt , reload the bag ( 2 staff for this ) , then the receipt is stamped and off you go .
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