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Everything posted by superal

  1. Hindsight is a wonderful thing . COVID 19 government actions were by way of taking advice from Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies ( SAGE ) . At the time the pandemic was rife in Europe with many deaths in Italy . There is no doubt that the " lockdowns " ) prevented many more COVID deaths . What came before Covid were the austerity years . All this compounded the downturn of UK economy . Then came the high levels of immigration that have become a huge burden to the NHS , housing and education etc . COVID and austerity are history and cannot be undone but uncontrolled immigration has to be halted . As you say , immigration was wanted by employers so as to reduce labour costs and improve profits . Ponzi scheme ? I agree and on the Covid event , many made money from the lack of P.P.E. e.g. M. Hancock , shameful . What we are faced with is a new Labour government that have similar ways to that of the Tory party . The rise and popularity of the Reform party cannot be dismissed and many electorate see them as the only answer to broken Britain . Those who advocate uncontrolled mass immigration , before the welfare of those born in Britain , are betraying their country and many might say are guilty of treason .
  2. I for one welcome the casinos to Thailand . One concern is the regulating of payouts . In the UK that payout is between 80-99% on takings ( RTP ) from a slot machine , under government law . Would that type of control be applied in Thailand ? I have my doubts . Also does the amendment of gambling laws in Thailand open the door to betting shops or online betting ? In Thailand , horse race betting allowed , lottery allowed , cock fight betting allowed and soon casinos . To criminalize online betting e.g. football betting seems unjust and illogical
  3. You said " But nah racist rhetoric is better. " . Well if putting your fellow countrymen first before asylum seekers , immigrants or refugees then I am a racist ? . The UK has lost its identity . No wonder that immigration is top of the concerns from the voting public in the coming election . BTW expat retirees in Thailand do not sponge off the Thai government but have to put up with discrimination as being non Thais and are charged sometimes 10 x the price for commodities or services that a Thai pays . Ex-pats do make a monetary contribution to the Thai economy . The Reform party has growing support from the electorate , has a good chance of being the shadow opposition and even forming a possible coalition with the Tories to defeat the Labour party who are starting to lose popularity .
  4. The data suggest net migration has started to decrease following its 2022 peak, with 1,180,000 people immigrating and 508,000 emigrating in the year ending June—with net migration at 672,000. This most recent figure is lower than the figure for calendar year 2022, but up from the previous full year ending June 2022. The data suggest net migration has started to decrease following its 2022 peak, with 1,180,000 people immigrating and 508,000 emigrating in the year ending June—with net migration at 672,000. This most recent figure is lower than the figure for calendar year 2022, but up from the previous full year ending June 2022. Stats reported by the " Migration Observatory " at the university of Oxford . Links to the real facts are easy to find on a Google search . Immigration in the UK by either a legal or illegal route has and is causing unrest among the UK population , as it is in other European countries . The UK crime rates have soared which correlates to uncontrolled immigration . Many towns have " no go areas " , and shoplifting crimes carried out by immigrants are so many that the police do not attend the crime scene . Housing costs beyond the reach of most first time buyers and rents are at an all time high because of a lack accommodation . There are specialized non- indigenous immigration lawyers who tell immigrants what to say in order to remain in the UK ( made up stories of persecution to satisfy the immigration officer ) . The lawyers advise on the UK benefits system which is overwhelmed It is no wonder that the Reform Party have so much backing .
  5. Facts , last year 1.2 million migrated to the UK last year . 50% of these are not productive . They will be claiming benefits and when the refugee status is granted the UK government has to find them accommodation . No wonder there is a housing shortage which is leaving the young UK generation having almost zero chance of owning property . In the same year (2023) 532,000 people emigrated from the UK . These people , in order to emigrate , have to have qualifications in their profession or trade . That is a brain drain and thus is the reason for a lack of tradesmen , doctors / health workers etc in the UK . Spin it as much as you want but immigration is a massive burden throughout Europe and has led to voters choosing the far right political parties . The UK along with other European countries is broken . Big changes are needed or the prediction of Enoch Powell may well happen .
  6. 50 years ago most scientists agreed that we on planet Earth were probably alone throughout all planetary systems . That opinion has changed as more and more planets are discovered that have a similar atmosphere to the Earth . All aspects of space travel are based on what we have for propulsion . I believe that an open mind is best on this subject . One of many mysteries are factual and tangible evidence , e.g. in many countries there are drawings , carried out by cave dwellers , of space craft etc. These drawings were made thousands of years before any kind of aircraft were invented . They painted what they saw , along with wild life animal drawings . Also not forgetting many huge and heavy structures that were built by ancient civilizations without heavy lifting equipment . Other evidence , videos supplied by the USA Air force of UFOs cannot be denied . Open mind is my belief .
  7. Already happened in a sneaky way . They have taken many large UK cities as Mayors and have a big influence on how their cities are run .
  8. Strangely enough , since I started this thread and having complained to Wise , I have made 2 transfers and guess what , they were both transferred in seconds , as it always use to be , apart from the previous month . Wise have always been reliable and easy to use . Let's hope that the complaints written on this forum have made an impact as Wise have posted comments on Aseannow on numerous occasions .
  9. That's taking recycling to a new level . You must have a steady hand and a good aim to achieve hitting the target . Or do you have a micro member that can fit into the bottle ?
  10. I guess Nell was too early for the little blue pill .
  11. Tonight on BBC there is a 7 way debate with all political party leaders including Nigel Farage .
  12. I think you will be wrong about the Reform party . Their popularity is increasing rapidly , especially since Farage joined them . I think they will be in the political leaders debate on Sky TV , Wednesday , June 12th . Should be a better debate than the ITV show . Farage will tie Sunak and Starmer in knots
  13. Yes really , according to Chang Classic beer https://www.carbmanager.com/food-detail/md:b21bdac008871c869f86850195882235/classic-lager-beer
  14. I have been using Wise for 14 years always with my UK debit card . Between 200-300 GBP weekly at least . Use to arrive in seconds but lately 3 hours , 10 hours or 3 days and that happens despite you saying you will pay out in seconds . I spoke to one of your Customer Service agents who said the delays were caused by converting the currency . What BS . I can do the conversion in 1 minute . Sadly your company's reputation is getting tarnished . No longer reliable or consistent .
  15. Chang beer has zero carbs
  16. The Battle for Number 10 Leaders Special Event, Wednesday 12th June 7pm-10pm on Sky News - free wherever you get your news. Freeview channel 233, Sky 501, Virgin 603, BT 313 and streaming on the Sky News website, app and across social channels. It is also available to watch on Sky Showcase.
  17. Above in bold print is to me a strong reason for being denied a visa . However for a Thai lady to visit the UK alone would be a bit strange . Thai tourists to the UK are often part of an organized escorted company tour . My ladies previous application stated that she owned her house and large restaurant ,plus took care of her elderly parents . My lady was 48 years old when applying for the visa . I wrote the covering letter for the application stating that I would sponsor her , house her and guarantee she would return to Thailand at the end of the visa . However the visa was refused , reason was they did not believe she would return to Thailand . Maybe that having my own UK property and she would be staying there with me , sounded alarm bells .
  18. I have also read that Trust Pilot can be paid to enhance reviews and martin Lewis found the same https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/discussion/5519663/trustpilot-a-dawning-realisation-that-its-a-scam
  19. Sorry but I that is no longer available , some time ago , about 9 years ago
  20. Not stupid ex-pats but those who have become used to instant transfers using Wise . I am in a fairly comfortable financial state but there are ex-pats in Thailand and other Asia countries who live week to week or month to month . I do know a couple of ex-pats in that situation living in Thailand with their Thai wife and children .
  21. Sorry Mike but I do not agree with you when you say most expats are unlikely to want to use the 30 baht scheme . E.G. I would rather pay the 500 baht a month and qualify for say a cataract operation in a government hospital that will cost around 30,000 baht as of now . Furthermore how does the Thai government justify ex-pats paying taxes ? are they just copying other countries ? Ex-pats will now be careful of funds paid into Thailand . Tax avoidance scenario . Money transferred into Thailand via Western Union , by someone not living in Thailand , to a Thai family member or friend who then passes the money to you . Is that doable ? Cannot be illegal .
  22. What ever the mechanics are for the Wise transfer system are not really an interest to most users , only that Wise commit to their promise of quick transfers . When Wise state that the monies will be paid out in seconds ( as is the case most times ) but then do not deliver until much later , that is annoying especially to ex-pats on a limited income who have become used to an instant transfer and are relying on the funds to hit their Thai account in seconds . I suppose that answer is to plan for a delay when making a transfer when using Wise .
  23. Thanks Yagoda , may I ask if you have found a better alternative ?
  24. Fact , many Thai ladies are successful with their UK visa applications . Many of these ladies have no reliable employment , employer or income ( maybe false employment claims on the application ? ) . Many are working in bars with little or no collateral or savings. I have heard that some use an agent who guarantees a visa if paying the agent a fairly high fee . My case , my lady has her own business , own house and large restaurant . Money in the bank , employs up to 7 Thais . Takes care of parents . Visa refused on the grounds that they thought she would not return to Thailand . I stood as sponsor which I have been told may suggest that she would like to stay in the UK and an application to purely take part in an organized tour would / may be successful . Do you agree ?
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