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Posts posted by alanrchase

  1. Well, I have to admit that I have never been to a full-moon party but have had friends that have over the years. I will say that I have lived in several locations around the world with similar annual drunk and stoner fests. In every case, every one of them was eventually banned. Sometimes it took a couple of years, sometimes a couple of decades. Most started off as fun events, quite often even family events. But they always ended up being ruined by idiots who slowly took over with their booze and drugs. Even a police presence did not have a big effect, and these were in North America and Europe. Eventually, somebody always ended up being raped, beat up or killed. Fights always broke out in the end, probably fuelled by an overabundance of testosterone combined with a bunch of dead brains. I really would love to know what ever happened to people just going out for a good time without all the other garbage they seem to need to take with them these days. Combine tourists who think they they have the right to act any way they want with alcohol, drugs, sex and late nights and you are bound to have trouble.

    As many have stated previously, if the police actually did any real policing, it would be a step in the right direction for all the problems that are currently plaguing Thailand. When the police force itself is one of the most corrupt institutions in the country, it's difficult to improve very much other than superficially. Until that changes, I cannot foresee any permanent improvements.

    Used to live by Stonehenge, solstice party was fun. Hitch back from school and stop off there. UK police could not do too much about it.

    Full of drugs, each to their own.

    Party goers probably had no interest in history or solstice. Could get away with anything there.

  2. Yea Full moon parties really need to be banned, its on the tick list for guys and girls in their twenties and a bit more.

    They come a long way just to get pissed and act idiots , its got out of had and the drugs don't help either, if a girl loses her friends ,even a guy and goes it alone in the early hours they are at serious risk.

    I know that on KPN, taxis drivers get away with most things.

    The so called mafia are used to the good life on that island, so maybe too much money involved to ban, lets wait and see, test case pending.

    He wants to clean Thailand up , but lets mad drug frenzied parties continue a bit hypocritical i'd say.

    Its a foregone conclusion that if he bans the one on Ko Tao, cause of the murders, even worse catches no one, but lets the one on Kpn continue, he will, for the first time, left himself open for ridicule.

    Another horrific incident is bound to happen again, its only a matter of time, then what will he blurt out, no more bikini's please !

    Isn't it the responsibility of the officials to lay down the law? It's not up to the farang... they will simply do whatever they can get away with. Thai people complain about the sex on the beach and the pi$$ing and $hitting in the sea... surely it is up to them to say, "hey you can't do that, it's illegal and you will be fined, and spend the night in jail." That's pretty well how it works at home, (it's called "policing" and "law enforcement".) This responsibility lies squarely with the Thais to clean it up... it would make a safer place and improve tourism ten-fold.

    But that is not what the party goers want. Whole point of the event is that it is not policed. No one attending wants the police.

    Complaining after the fact is a lack of personal responsibility.

    Know some fun places arround the world, bit dodgy. No one should be murdered anywhere.

    Put yourself in a questionable situation things may happen.

  3. Yea Full moon parties really need to be banned, its on the tick list for guys and girls in their twenties and a bit more.

    They come a long way just to get pissed and act idiots , its got out of had and the drugs don't help either, if a girl loses her friends ,even a guy and goes it alone in the early hours they are at serious risk.

    I know that on KPN, taxis drivers get away with most things.

    The so called mafia are used to the good life on that island, so maybe too much money involved to ban, lets wait and see, test case pending.

    He whats to clean Thailand up , but lets mad drug frenzied parties continue a bit hypocritical i'd say.

    Yes. Have no problem if the party atmosphere is what they want. Sure most have been in similar situations in their lives, also sure most have witnessed awful things happen. Not Thailand problem. The party goers want it as it is, good for them, sure it is fun. Unfortunately certain combinations lead to people loosing all reason. Responsibility of the individual, blaming lack of policing is an excuse for their own actions.

  4. Knee jerk, as usual.

    Agree it is a bit knee jerk. However anywhere in the world where there is a simmilar event will eventually have the same outcome. Drink, drugs, sex? Carry on but a person should be aware of what could happen. Town I used to live in in UK had a couple of families that had a feud. The lads did not go out for a few drinks they went out for a fight. The "are you looking at me?" syndrome was alive and well there.

    • Like 1
  5. The parties arnt the problem, its the murderers and scum that attend..... police these places with uniformed police properly would be a better solution, not leave it to the local mafia

    If its a tourist location then there needs to be a visible police presence to protect tourists... duh

    So the police should keep an eye on what is basically illegal behaviour?

    Arresting people would be out of order I suppose.

  6. English girl raped and murdered in 2008 by fishermen

    I was on a ship anchored off Koh Samui in 2008, I think that was the year, when an English girl was raped and murdered by two fishermen, who had swum ashore from their boat, which was sheltering from bad weather, the same as our ship was. They raped her then killed her, swam back to their fishing boat and told all the other people on board. Fortunately the skipper radioed the authorities and the culprits were arrested. They were initially given the death sentence and presumably it was going to be carried out, even though they admitted doing it. It was reported at the time that they were to be made an example of by executing them to warn any other people of the consequences of carrrying out such barbaric crimes. I never knew until I researched after this latest double murder, that their sentences were commuted to life imprisonment. Which as from my knowledge of prison in Thailand, through the media, you'd probably be better getting executed. So I was wondering if the police had thought about the possibility that maybe there were fishing vessels just off the island and that some of the crew could of come ashore and been responsible for this outrage? Just a thought!

    Not a nice reminiscence. Execution talk a bit worrying.

  7. Not excluding anyone. Point was no police force is perfect. They have a hard job to do. Rather them than me. Forum seems to have a lot of bigoted wannabe police.

    You seem to be offended by anyone who wants the police to consider any person of any nationality calling them "bigoted wannabe police", yet happy to support a police force who ruled out someone based on a nationality.

    There must be sense in there somewhere but I'm struggling to see it.

    Post was directed at the must be an Asian culprit as a Westerner would never do that. Apologies for any misunderstanding.

    • Like 1
  8. from news reports in Australia coming via BBC the crime scene wasn't contained and was totally contaminated with tourists and media walking all over it along with the police. Apparently a crime scene has still not been established by the BIB. Evidence has been totally destroyed and it is something like a tourist attraction.

    Foreign press from the supposed first world countries love to comment on the inefficiencies of supposed third world countries.

    I love Thailand as a place, but do you believe this is just some huge conspiracy to get at the Thais and Thailand or do you genuinely accept that things could have been done very poorly?

    If this case was in the UK and the investigation was going like this current one the authorities would be getting slaughtered by the media, so it's certainly not just and anti Thailand thing.

    Have no more idea about this case than I would about a similar case in UK. I as most have no idea what is actually happening. If you want to use the UK police as an example I could mention the Yorkshire ripper. Pointless to do so really, hindsight is always 20 20.

  9. from news reports in Australia coming via BBC the crime scene wasn't contained and was totally contaminated with tourists and media walking all over it along with the police. Apparently a crime scene has still not been established by the BIB. Evidence has been totally destroyed and it is something like a tourist attraction.

    Foreign press from the supposed first world countries love to comment on the inefficiencies of supposed third world countries.

    • Like 1
  10. Jonathon Head just tweeted this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Police on Koh Tao now reluctantly admit killer of 2 young Brits could be a Thai.
    Well there we go.

    Is that the same as a lot of posters have been suggesting but you've been totally against the idea?

    Point is what? Open to all ideas. Jonothan Head knows more than anyone else? Personally waiting for all the speculation to die down and get some facts. I live there does not cut it for me. Jonothan has probably not left his free hotel in Bangkok.

    Jonothan Head has been doing live reports on the BBC news back to the UK standing on Sairee beach as it's a BIG story over here, about 3rd today but been 2nd and 1st over last few days EVERY day... I wasn't saying he knew more than most but was saying he seems to be exasperated by the way the crime scene & investigation has been handled and is saying as much as he can about this in each report & via Twitter.

    Fine. Why is he better than the Thai authorities? Western news is the best? So much unconfirmed talk on here. Sorry but think western arrogance is taking over an horrendous crime.

  11. Jonathon Head just tweeted this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Police on Koh Tao now reluctantly admit killer of 2 young Brits could be a Thai.

    Well there we go.

    Is that the same as a lot of posters have been suggesting but you've been totally against the idea?

    Point is what? Open to all ideas. Jonothan Head knows more than anyone else? Personally waiting for all the speculation to die down and get some facts. I live there does not cut it for me. Jonothan has probably not left his free hotel in Bangkok.

  12. Have to say before I unsubsribe from topic that the anti Thai rethoric is disappointing. Amazes me how people live here and derive enjoyment from taking the p##s out of the people they live with.

    Think you've gone early with the rhetoric remark. Most folk who live here, (well me anyway), can think of dozens of wonderful reasons to live here... I can also think of a few things that really disturb me, (like road safety), but on balance it's pretty good. I think we can say that nowhere is perfect, and if its so bad then I don't have to stay... but it's not like that. I've been here over half my life, so I think I am entitled to look through the microscope.
    Re read please. Agree with you.
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  13. Hi just replying to this as I used to be a resident of Koh Tao for many many years until last year.

    Quite a lot of posters don't really seem to know much about the island other than it being a beauty spot and great for diving. At risk of sounding negative there is a lot more to the place than this and its very diff to Phangan and Samui - it also really does have a very sinister side (as most places in the world do if you scratch the surface - like I say I'm not slating the island here but just giving an insight).

    Firstly - the police don't have a CLUE nor care on the island. unless the bigger police come (normally to nick folk and extort money from them when they have gambling debts) from Samui or the mainland the po po don't give 2 shits about what goes on. Immigration come from time to time but the island is so small that the word gets round to anyone who shouldn't be there. Its pretty lawless to be frank.

    Almost all the workers are Burmese in all the businesses. I'd actually go as far as to say there are more Burmese here than Thai (maybe). The Thai's that do live here are mostly from Bangkok. The gangs run the island without a doubt. There are no cars on Tao except for taxi's - the taxi drivers are run by the gangs and they hold the place to ransom with what they charge and how they operate - there have also been lots of reports of taxi drivers "touching up" shall we say drunk female holiday makers. I have also witnessed taxi drivers beating the sh*t out of tourists on many many an occasion. They wouldn't even allow an ambulance service which the farangs tried to set up and said it would be shot at if they did (they see it as taking business away from the taxis). There are lots of clinics (gang owned) but no doctors and no hospital. If you had an serious accident or say a stroke here you'd die put it that way as you wouldn't make the next island fast enough on a boat. Most of the bars etc are gang owned - the ones that aren't are often burned down if they start making money or people get shot at.

    The bar the 2 victims were at (AC) is EXTREMELY dodgy past about 1am. Some really dangerous folk frequent there. The island is such a wonderful place but yes (as I say like most places) it gets to a certain time of night and all the freaks come out - couple this with drugs, drink, weapons and a police force who just sit in their office playing cards and you better off staying indoors! Anyway like I say - just an insight.

    I'm not going to start speculating about what happened as there is too much of that going on here on this thread. Will just wait to see how this pans out.

    RIP to these poor people I have thought of nothing else for the past few days - its just so shocking.

    Yep. I also used to live on the rock and we left as it was no place to be, especially as a young family once you had scratched the surface and witnessed first hand some of the things that go on first hand. RIP

    Scratched the surface. Pray tell more.
  14. Have to say before I unsubsribe from topic that the anti Thai rethoric is disappointing. Amazes me how people live here and derive enjoyment from taking the p##s out of the people they live with.

    Think you've gone early with the rhetoric remark. Most folk who live here, (well me anyway), can think of dozens of wonderful reasons to live here... I can also think of a few things that really disturb me, (like road safety), but on balance it's pretty good. I think we can say that nowhere is perfect, and if its so bad then I don't have to stay... but it's not like that. I've been here over half my life, so I think I am entitled to look through the microscope.

    You reflect my attitude here. It is what it is. I am happy to accept it. Dangerous for a foreigner? Possibly.

    Terrible crime was committed, who knows who did it?

    Am I scared now? No. Wife amusingly (toungue in cheek) is the most dangerous person I know.

    Horrible event, condolences to the family.

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  15. L&M cigarette butt. Now the police say they have found an L&M cigarette but with DNA of two people matching the DNA found on sperm from the victim. Well that points to two people sharing a cigarette, which is common among either local or immigrant workers, who share cigarettes sometimes because of lack of money. I can't see tourists sharing a cigarette unless it had been used for the purpose of smoking marijuana, so therefore it points strongly to an Asian connection.

    Again, stereotypes and ill informed speculation. Why bother? Could invent several scenarios if neccessary.
  16. They won't stitch up any one here. They will release BS media reports and subterfuge until they have a confession. My bet is they already know who did it and are working on getting evidence. Some times the Thai police can be inept and useless, but not in this case. They must and will get the right people. In my experience, I can see it being local bar staff or fisherman (commercial)... bagged to the eye-balls on meth. There is no mafia cover-up at work here, trust me. The Thais as much as anyone want to get the right person. The mafia don't control the islands...that is absurd. They control certain aspects of the island, like fruit selling on the beach, parties and taxis, but they are not in control, so put that myth to bed. Furthermore, the local Thais despise foreign Thais who do this sort of stuff in their back yards, they want justice to prove that they are not animals. The right people will be grabbed... I've got no doubt.

    Not sure if you live here. If your post is a serious gut feeling why stay. Lived in three countries in my lifetime, half of that spent in a country who's views I disagreed with. Money talks. Thailand to me is as safe as anywhere else in the world. Great place for a holiday. Terrible crime, unfortunately life includes that sort of thing. How can a crime be worse or better depending on the country it happens in? Sad sad sad about the Thai remarks on this thread. Seriously grow up and be less bigited.

    Yeah, I live on Phangan. Have done for 30 years. I have seen a lot of stuff, and generally the bad stuff is done by foreign Thai boys being bad. Very rarely is it a farang... Dems da facts. I build walls around my life, and live inside those walls. I don't go out and play with the boys... Anyone of any repute doesn't "hang out" with the riff-raff. After 30 years you know who is the riff-raff. Crazed bar staff... mark my words.

    Not too sure what a foreign Thai boy is. Get the drift. Most crime here is probably comitted by Thais, stands to reason. My only problem on this thread is the people who deny the crime may have been commited by a Westerner. Enough said.

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