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Posts posted by alanrchase

  1. TomYumpoochai, on 23 Nov 2014 - 10:36, said:

    Entering the country on a 1 way ticket and intending to work? Im curious as to the visa he had for that?

    I suspect someone with that kind of gameplan probably didnt have a thai elite card and im fairly confident he didnt see the need to waste extra chang money on insurance....

    Idiot, that has NOTHING to do with the OP...grow up and keep your bigoted views to yourself, and start your own thread. People like you give my the S#its.

    Why so angry? Poster has a point. Bigoted? Young lad that had a dream, good for him. Tragic outcome. Zero judgement till more info available, even then judgement is probably irrelevant.

  2. My cremation expenses have been paid for in advance here. I have medical insurance. Half of my cremains stay here, husband takes the other half to my surviving family in the US.

    Personally they could dump my remains in a gutter and it wouldn't bother me. The family back home would want them for a wake and my husband would want to spend time with them to grieve.

    Forward thinking. Not like that myself but should do something about it. Mother died in UK two years ago, her will stipulated all funeral expenses would come out of her estate. Wonderful lady, no family arguments.

  3. Interesting on topic article on the BBC website of today.

    The consular service provided by the UK Foreign Office sometimes falls short of what the public "can legitimately expect", a report by MPs says.

    Bereavement services - offered when Britons die abroad - had fallen "well below expected standards" at times, the Foreign Affairs Committee report says.


    No real surprise in the contents given some of the comments in this topic.

    Read that earlier today. Last time I had to visit the British Embassy was about 20 years ago. They had little interest in things they were paid to do back then. Since then they have downsized a lot so would expect very little from them now unless the press get involved. Personally try to make sure I am covered for various outcomes with my own finances. Would hate for my family back home to have to pay for me.

  4. In a situation like this logic and rational thinking is not the point!!

    You have grieving parents, who want some kind of closure. And if it takes to get the body of their loved one home, who are we to tell them, they are wrong??

    If the world was all logic and rational, it would be a very cold place to live!!

    That's your particular perspective!!!!!! Some 'kind of closure' is not spending a large amount of money the 'grieving parents' appear not to have, simply to throw the physical remains into a hole in the ground has nothing to with either 'logic' nor 'rational'. Exclamation mark exclamation mark exclamation mark.

    You clearly never have heard of the word spirituallity, and obiviously don't understand the meaning of it either.

    Hope that nothing bad will happen in your strong and righteous life, so you will never have to ask the help of someone else!!

    Words for you too google: Empathy and solidarity.coffee1.gif

    Each "religion" has their own ideas about death. Cremation for some is out of the question.

    The reports on this tragedy make no mention about religious beliefs. Each posters stance on death is valid but may not resonate with the bereaved. Religion is both good and bad.

  5. What about the British Embassy for once doing the decent thing??

    Get the poor guys body home and worry about the monetary aspects later!!

    I'm British and I don't expect my embassy to give a flying fig about my corpse once I've carked it. What does it matter where a body is finally laid to rest? I'd rather my family (or indeed my country) kept the money (and its expensive to fly the deceased home - it's not the same as finding them an aisle seat - there are health regulations to be met, coffins to be found to hold the body, etc.) rather than moved my no-longer-in-the-remotest-bit-concerned flesh around the world.

    I actually agree with you, but this is not about you or me, but about the young mans family, who clearly feel different!!
    So they can pay for to take him home.Travel insurance is available in Thailand.

    any recommendations for travel insurance in thailand please? (sorry off topic)

    If you are visiting Thailand probably best to get insurance before you travel.

  6. One thing that it easy to reconise,by the nature of most of these posts is.....That Thai-ness must be catching.

    Please explain Thainess. Is it wrong if your opinion happens to follow a supposed Thai way of doing things. Should each foreigner who in some people's opinion show signs of "Thainess" be sent to western re-education camps?

    Looks like you are infected, Sorry as far as I know,there is no cure. Better take a trip back home sometime,you could get it on the NHS .

    Take each post on here at face value. If I disagree so be it. Thainess does not come into it. Daft things to my mind go on everywhere. Possibly here more than other places. Used to read a certain tabloid back home more for fun than news. If you believed every story in it the country concerned was a farce.

  7. Not many people aware of it, but last year there were nearly 400 fatalities of British people alone

    in Thailand, and that's says it all....

    "and that's says it all......"

    Yes but maybe not the way you intended!!

    For half the numbers of visitors to Thailand last year Swedish fatalities was about 100.

    So the mortality rate amongst the Brits are twice that of the Swedes.

    Makes you wonder why!! Maybe Thailand is not to blame alone............coffee1.gif

    not saying theres not a lot of violence in Thailand at the moment, Ive been attacked several times myself recently, but you have to remember that quite a few Brits retire here and retired people do generally die at some stage of their retirement

    You been attacked several times recently? Please expand. Where, what time, by whom.

  8. The usual Thai apologists and trolls out in force. Sad.

    Sorry, the stats of deaths are starting to add up.

    Accept your point but statistics generally prove very little without context. Road deaths here are very high compared to western countries but the number of motorcycles on the road here far exceeds a western country so cannot be compared. Likewise the number of possibly disillusioned people with their homeland who believe Thailand to be cheap and the women to be plentiful but arrive without thinking through a realistic budget are possibly greater than in the west. Tragedy unfortunately can follow.

  9. I hate it when dodgy stuff gets covered up

    Until an autopsy is performed and the findings published, and as it stands, there is no evidence, whatsoever, of anything dodgy.
    And back in the real world....

    A Thai neighbor drowned in the river this afternoon while gathering shellfish. Police were there fairly quickly. 15 minutes later a "rescue pickup" arrived. 30 minutes later an ambulance arrived with hospital staff to officially pronounce him dead. 30 minutes more and the casket was delivered. No autopsy, no investigation. Seems that is how it works here.

  10. Never change prior to arrival anywhere (except into Eros ...maybe!). rates here from Pounds is pretty much the same anywhere in Thailand. Though some banks will charge you a bit more for the service... but in the end that will not be much at all. talk to your bank there or credit card people and see if they charge you a foreign use service charge first. Fro I have found that ATMs here are good to pull Thai Baht from at rather good enough rates. There are apps that you can get and sites that will give you up to the minute exchange rates, but remember that these posted rates are different than what the banks or exchange places will give you. Personally, I prefer banks over the currency exchange places. But that is just me... and deal in US Dollars.

    Why deal in US dollars unless you are American? If not American you will be exchanging money twice and paying twice for the privilege.

    • Like 1
  11. You will have Government compulsory insurance anyway or should have if you have a road tax disc.

    The insurance you are relating to is extra cover from an insurance company from what you state.

    Thanks for that. That will be why the wife kept pointing at the tax disc.

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  12. we just renewed our car insurance online, they sent details by email with a copy of the government insurance, the complete set came through the post by recorded delivery about a week later

    No problem with the wait for the policy to be processed just unsure how I prove the car is insured when no temporary cover note was issued.
    You should have got a receipt stating how much monies were paid and what for from the dealer. That's what they all should do. In my case the insurance come through some two + week's later. You won't get a cover note they the insurance peeps don't seem to issue same here.

    Just pop along and demand one, I don't know of anyone that hands out cash monies without some sort of paper work.

    My son does apparently.

  13. we just renewed our car insurance online, they sent details by email with a copy of the government insurance, the complete set came through the post by recorded delivery about a week later

    No problem with the wait for the policy to be processed just unsure how I prove the car is insured when no temporary cover note was issued.

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