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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Thailand is building the genomic sequencing facilities in the eastern economic corridor as we speak. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can pick up covid variants if no matches are identify for current existing variants like Delta, Alpha, Omicron. When variants can’t be identified, genomic analysis will be needed for further identification. I am sure unidentifiable variants will enlist global genomic facilities to help for the time being.
  2. You really think dismantling an estimated 10% sex industry of total tourist expenditure is “shooting themselves”. Especially when most of this shadow economy doesn’t contribute to the government revenues. .
  3. It’s unfortunate that the image of Thailand oversea is poorly portrayed as a sex haven destination. The Thailand government recognized that and has embarked on re-branding as far back as 2002. In their series of surveys, they found that foreigners are actually put off coming to Thailand because of the sex reputation. Here samples of foreigners comments:- ‘Control prostitution which gives a biased image of the country which is so beautiful otherwise’ (China, Male) ‘Get rid of industrial sex’ (Belgium, Male) ‘Thailand’s reputation as a holiday destination has been sullied by the many articles and television reports of Thailand’s sex trade, the growing AIDs epidemic and the treatment of orphans, especially girls’ (USA, Female). The findings of the Branding Thailand research are being integrated in their re-branding strategy to improve their image.
  4. I thought TAT intention is about attracting high quality tourists which is in their purview and not about plans for retirees which is the purview of the Home Ministry. Just like recent Malaysia's Home Ministry strict financial changes which affected 48,000 retirees that have second homes in Malaysia. Retirees need not fret about TAT's comments.
  5. The Thai government clamped down on zero-dollar tourism back in 2016. They shut down companies and confiscated tour buses. Even the Chinese government banned zero-tourism in Hong Kong and Macao. Chinese tourists are becoming more sophisticated and preferring to travel independently. More are making their own bookings online and traveling alone and not dependent on travel agencies.
  6. A snub no doubt or one finger up to Prayut for demoting him from Governor of Chiangmai to a smaller Phayao province after he gained notoriety embarrassing the Home Minister.
  7. Less bullish than ADB but still positive forecast for 2022. For 2022, the ADB maintained its growth forecasts for most Southeast Asian economies: 5.0% for Indonesia, 5.7% for Malaysia, 5.5% for the Philippines, 4.1% for Singapore, and 7.0% for Vietnam. But it raised the growth projection for Thailand to 4.9% for next year from 4.5%.
  8. I think most are reading this wrong and fault lies with the misleading headline. This article is not about competition coming in from China but rather the rather sudden change to the import process that is holding up importation of produce from Thailand. It's about the new China import rules that are creating headaches from Thai produce to European coffee.
  9. Pol Col Pawina Ekchat was the first female police officer to be promoted to superintendent in the Royal Thai Police history in 2019. Glass ceiling has been broken and hopefully we see this óld boys club' opening up in the higher echelons of the force to women.
  10. Seem the numbers indicate greatest in quantity or most as we all know.
  11. I am sure that posters that shared their experience with anecdotal evidence of lazy Thais in their mo baan or village are right. However the bigger picture tell a different story. Productivity in 2021 among ASEAN countries has Thailand recorded the highest average growth rate and Thailand 2021 global competing ranking rose one rank as reported IMD.
  12. The committee will conclude that the decision will rest with the people and call for a referendum. Hot potato subject with the general public and politicians will avoid direct involvement.
  13. Tibetan people are genetically most closely related to Han Chinese and Bhutanese.
  14. Highly unlikely. The government policy is curb the real estate sector and reduce risk and make housing more affordable. Bailing out the offenders will only send the wrong message.
  15. Other foreign banks include MUFG Bank, Indian Oversea Bank, OUB, Misuho Bank, Bank of China, RHB Bank, CIMB, Sumitomo, Citibank etc etc
  16. This is one American legacy that Thailand do not need. Most Thais will be happy to see those sleazy go-go bars and related sex trade from the days of rest and recreation destination for US military servicemen in the 60s and 70s be gone.
  17. Any one of those failures in previous governments would have brought out the yellow shirts followed by a military coup.
  18. very likely and the court will cite good behavior during his probation period and he fulfilled all the particular conditions of the probation and behaved himself. His sentencing of 3 years and 5 months last year will most likely be shortened and free to go.
  19. My reasoning is that Beijing created the debt redlines as they saw a bubble building rapidly and seek to intervene to prevent a property crisis like the US in 2008. Beijing seem to have preempt the fall-outs and confident that the real estate financial problems will not affect the wider economy. There are stark differences in the way the Chinese buy property. Properties are bought on a pay and build agreement. Buyers will bear the brunt of unfulfilled contract. Chinese saved lots more than the west and can absorbed the lose. They normally take 60% loan from banks unlike almost 3-6% down payment in US and bank defaults will therefore be limited. Also Chinese take a longer term view in their properties to recover their investments. Talk of financial crisis due to Evergrande financial debts started in September. Since then more real estate companies are faced with bond datelines. To date some paid up their bond interests and there no financial signals of distress like the kind that we saw in 2008.
  20. Many economist described China as the bubble that never pop. I guessed it is due to China’s crisis proof economic momentum which has survived countless predictions of collapse. Even now, the unpoppable force is bouncing back with impressive speed from the covid pandemic. That said, China is suffering from an identity problem and status worthy of their wealth.
  21. Previous monarch was against any form of legalized gambling and most Thais don’t want casino. Politicians stay clear away from this unpopular subject for obvious reasons. Fast forward now, sentiment from the people is still unclear and not making any comment is strategically wise. Setting up a commission to study the subject is a bold decision and toe dipping to test the water. It will probably end up with a suggestion for a referendum to be held and unlikely by the current government.
  22. If by Chinese, you meant the Malaysian Chinese owned Genting Holding who will be delighted if granted license to operate a casino. China is cracking down on Macao and scaring the casinos owners. You probably confused with Sihanoukville which is part owned by a wanted criminal fugitive in China. China is not interested in casino and has zero experience running a casino. Thai government will give give license for integrated resort to incumbent operators.
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