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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. It's unfortunate that covid vaccines have been hijacked by political provocateurs with their acts to foster public disdain and mistrust for political gains. This is a recent phenomenon that has spread as fast as covid-19 all around the world. In ths past, vaccines were less worried and less resisted and people who resist or delay vaccines are called ignorant, selfish, stupid and much worse. Now they are called freedom fighters and pro-choice.
  2. I am sure those "tourists" didn't walk all the way to Thailand and to their home without stopping at 7-11 to get a drink and bite. Collectively taking the flights, taxis and stopping for bites are called spending.
  3. Let's trust the science. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20210810/High-alcohol-consumption-increases-risk-of-SARS-CoV-2-infection-finds-US-student-study.aspx
  4. Denmark close their pubs for the same reasons. Ireland too have acknowledged the perils by closing pubs at midnight. This is abnormal times and we saw what can happened when inhibitions were loosened at the Thonglor clubs.
  5. Obviously self interest on his mind. Soft pressure on the government to lift alcohol restriction for his fellow bars and clubs businessmen.
  6. Came here in 2006 with clear hearted willingness to set up a business with modest expectation and not expecting any special treatment for my investment. Submit myself to follow the laws, regulations & culture of a foreign country and not looking for entitlements. Glad I made that decision as business has been kind to me, got married to a Thai and living life to its fullest and enjoying it.
  7. Dump this constitution in the bin and bring back the 1997 'people' constitution because of the degree of public participation involved in its drafting as well as the democratic nature of its articles. The current constitution is just the opposite.
  8. Not making any excuses for the incompetent duo. For me both are illegitimate not democratically elected leaders. I am just stating the fact and surprised for someone who post intelligent comments not to acknowledge the obvious. Well prepared countries like Israel and Singapore with early vaccination program couldn't defend against the Delta variant and saw big surges of cases and deaths. Thailand before Delta struck in early April recorded only 2 deaths and 3,489 confirmed cases. Since then, all hell broke loose. No countries even mighty USA couldnt keep pace with Delta devastation. Just how you be ahead of the curve with something so unpredictable. Will there be a much more contagious and deadly variant after Delta. No one can tell.
  9. Don’t seem odd to me. Odd will be alluding that exercise like a battery with finite amount of energy.
  10. Thailand like all other countries thought they were ahead of the curve until the more contagious and deadly Delta variant strike and now all countries are clamouring for higher efficacy vaccines and booster shots.
  11. Timely accolade and argurs well for the future of the tourism industry which is dire. Tourism is a big contributor to the current account surplus in the past and will bolster the Baht strength and stability.
  12. I would hesitate to put much weight on Thai Enquirer which is a media website to report factual news. If TE revealed their sources, I may change my mind.
  13. Thailand youths will have another good reasons to take to the streets. Students are rejecting uniforms, standing for the national flags and defying royalist traditions. Protest on Saturday was a warning by the youths to the establishment not to step back to the past. This new educational law is just that to bring Thailand backwards.
  14. What happens when I arrive in China? Unless you are travelling on a “fast lane” arrangement that allows some essential travellers to skip quarantine, you will generally have to undergo 14 to 21 days of quarantine. Fast lane arrangement for some internal provinces and selected countries like Singapore.
  15. This link may throw some light to your question. In any case, China is still not permitting inbound and outbound travelers. So it’s wait and see. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/china-vaccine-passport-visas-covid/2021/04/20/8a6422d0-a14e-11eb-8a6d-f1b55f463112_story.html
  16. The covid situation is still fluid and Jan 16 opening is conditional. Europe is having a surge and Holland has reversed their relaxation policies and reimposed partial lockdown and cafes and clubs have to close at 8 pm. Next probably Germany. Flip-flop policies not only Thailand. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/netherlands-impose-partial-lockdown-halt-covid-19-surge-media-2021-11-12/
  17. They have another choice to opt out. Vaccination here not mandated. Again free to choose.
  18. Long queues at Seer Rangsit this whole week for the Sinovac shot. None bounded in chain and ushered in by uniform personnel. Definitely not forced.
  19. Countries weakened or strengthened their currencies by buying and selling in the currency markets. Thailand did that in 1997 with disastrous results. It is called currency manipulation or 'studity spending' as you called this. I did more than read, I live that moment in 1997.
  20. We are discussing foreign reserves manupulation of the fixed exchange rate. Then it was a financial disaster when BOT exhausted US39 B of foreign reserves to defend the Baht. You are out of depth, smug and impolite.
  21. Delicate dance for Powell whether to stammer economic recovery and inflation. Depending on individual country economic recovery strength, central banks may not follow US lead on hiking interest rate. IMO Thailand not likely to raise rate as it slowly recover and inflation still within BOT forecast with the exception of energy prices.
  22. I do think inflation is transitory due to the global supply disruption and will ease gradually. For Thailand inflation is cost push inflation rather than demand pull inflation. Not too long ago, some were talking about stagnation in Thailand.
  23. Have you attended or even invited for a Indian wedding? I was invited to attend the wedding of the daughter of the owner of a steel mill in Delhi held in a 5 stars Hotel in downtown Bangkok. It was typical Indian wedding that will spend money to ensure a wedding that will be remembered forever. The immediate family booked at least 20 rooms and close friends and business associates came along too and stayed for next 5 days. Talking to the father, I was told it's common for Indians to come to Bangkok and hold weddings because of its proximity to India, unparallelled hospitality and value for money.
  24. Bitter 1997 lessons learned. Financial disaster from manupulation that spread throughout Asia.
  25. Rice price support scheme, quarantee scheme, insurance scheme, pledging scheme. Only one ran foul of the political persecution.
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