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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. This not only just a leak (federal felony), it's also only the prosecutors's side of their evidence to Delaware's Attorney. The defense evidence including witnesses for the defense have not not been heard.
  2. Don't really need a study as we all know that Republicans are firmly anti-vaxxers and therefore vulnerable to deaths. You practically hear from their own leaders like De Santis legislating to fight federal Covid-19 vaccination rules. Those gullible fools who hang on every words of De Santis's opposing federal rules crammed into the House and Senate galleries, filled up 2 overflow rooms and gathered on the steps of the capitol super spreader style. Hope these folks are alive. Well the study now confirmed what everyone knew of the recklessness of GOP leaders toying with the lives of their supporters.
  3. 2 years in politics is ancient. His rallies are dwindling in numbers and the company that organize the rallies is in financial quagmire. His endorsements are not meeting expectation. Lots of failures for a man who bragged that he is tire of winning. Put him off to pasture or behind bars please. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/gop-strategist-trump-base-b2055671.html
  4. That was history. Now less than half of the Republicans and independents inclined to vote with the party will even support his nomination for the 2024 election. Many would like to see someone else. A big fall for a former incumbent.
  5. The proverbial throwing everything at the wall. Cornered and running out of legal option. Last throw if the dice scurrying to his appointed and highly controversial judge and pray that Ginni will help do his bidding as it seem she wear the pants.
  6. After living and working in KL for 15 years, I don't see much leisure opportunities than Bangkok.
  7. Personal attack is the only modus operandi of the Maga GOP besides misinformation and lies. They are not intelligent enough to talk about Dem's policies. They overplayed basement Biden last election and got a rude awakening. The public were not easily fooled. They can distinquish the difference between responsible campaigning and reckless super spreader rallies. His policies will be remembered and not his gaffes. He has done his part to beat Trump like a drum and should be remember for that achievement. He can be forgiven if he don't run in 2024.
  8. You seem triggered by her being an immigrant and smart. As for Biden, Obama was refering to him running for President in 2016. Obama prefer Hillary. Obama was a big supporter of Biden and backed him enthusiastically in his 2020 run for President. Even spoke to support Biden at the Dem Convention. You must missed all of that. Biden was seeking diplomatic and economical alternatives to deal with Iraq rather than war. His objection to taking out Osama was because there were insufficient proof that he was in the Abbottabad residence. His job was to provide his opinion as VP as there were significant risk to lives and political relationship with Pakistan. I agree with you that Trump craved the press exposures more than Biden. Anything more?
  9. Trump was far more available to the press than Obama, Bush, Clinton and reagan with his non traditional informal freewheeling press interactions. The way he likes it but lacking in substance. Joe was in the government from 1973 to 2009 and a vice President before he became the President. To say that he lack understanding of US policy is nonsensical rambling, balderdash and lacking good judgement. Karine Jean-Pierre doing a wonderful job especially engaging those pesky Fox and Newsmax reporters. And she is an immigrant.
  10. Will be wild to see Trump to take questions and debate. Then he was shielded by the corrupt DOJ and the senate.
  11. I may agree with you that Joe don’t need the theatrics and camera hoarding style of the former President. Well after all Trump is a realty artist and craved for attention however needless. Joe makes gaffes and he apologies or the WH explained the actual context. That’s the difference. Former President never apologies and invaded the WH press briefing or the press secretaries double down on his lies. Oh by the way, WH press briefings were practically non existence for a period of time.
  12. Every President has different way of communication. Biden's viewpoint is that it's not just the President but the whole adminstration should communicate to the media and Biden is willing to let them speak in his steed. Honestly what's the big hoohaa about hoarding the limelight to be infront of the media if the appearance is more for threatrics, ranting on news media and spreading misinformation. Further what's the point of press conferences when the President contradict his own team like the former President. It went so bad that even his press secretary Stephanie Grisham refused to hold any briefings at all. Better to spend time working on policies than making appearances and allowing his team to be free to express to the media.
  13. Commodity currencies are not performing well with the world staring at possible recession and China's economy slowdown.
  14. Maga folk adopting the same trashy diatribe as their cult leader. Showing their inability to speak intelligently. By the way, decision making not make by one man now. I know it’s difficult for you to understand that concept.
  15. More off topic distractions from the Harris Deranged. Is she really that much of a threat? LoL.
  16. I think most people know that Biden has a long history of gaffes and even blunders even as Vice President. However those missteps rarely impacted his ability to perform. I think this is important as he has done quite well in major issues. But I do agree with you that he is now the President and his gaffes are now viewed more by the general public and will hurt his image.
  17. There are more than one sign to determine Alzheimer. Just the occasional gaffe is certainly not the determinant. Not need to worry. He still solving problem, making difficult decision and his mood doesn’t sway. Old person forget sometimes.
  18. Of course that recalcitrant poster will not come back with evidence. However what is stated fact is that over the last decades or so, an unsettling number of Republicans like Ted Crus, Tom Cotton and Paul Rand have voted against federal disaster aid packages and subsequently change a different posture when their constituents needed help. Trump not spared with him stopping relief aids to California wild fire and refused to increase funding to Puerto Rico after devastated by hurricane Fiona. Shameful lot.
  19. If DeSantis eat humble pies and beg Washington for re-building aids, Florida got a chance. He will have to be friendly with Pelosi’s and Schemer too to get the house to pass the appropriation bills. Florida will be bankrupt by this hurricane. His $18 M political stunt now looks like karma and may cost him his political ambition.
  20. It will not affect the federal appeals court decision to permit DOJ to resume using the classified documents seized from the former President's resort. Canon's ruling was that the former President need not provide court with a sworn statement called for by the special master.
  21. Finally we can agree on something. Stop talking about Trump. He is a loser and an idiot and not worth the time to bring him in any conversation. He is done and fast declining relevance to mainstream USA. Plus the fact the he might end up in jail as a criminal.
  22. Trump is not that great. Joe just ran as a decent man with vast experience. He won. Trump just a after thought with declining reverence to politics.
  23. Global opinions are influenced by Biden’s politicking style, values and health issues at home. What happen politically in US has big influence globally. There are lots of interests outside US on the Jan 6 hearings and the stolen classified documents that have global implications.
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