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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Just to humor your post and assuming Trump will run, Jon Stewart will be the perfect candidate to run against him. You know Trump just can’t stand comedian and Jon will throw him off base to have any coherent strategy. Jon has much democratic views although an independent. He may be pondering.
  2. Mental health not in play for the international opinion of Biden’s leadership. He is providing global cohesion to ward off Russia invasion of Ukraine. That’s mental toughness. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/07/25/international-opinion-of-joe-biden-in-6-charts/
  3. In his defense, he state that he was following legal orders from the then President. That's a lot to unpack. Those (I think 3) who plead guilty have entered into a plead deal and will cooperate with sibstantial cooperation. The noose is tightening for the chief instigator/s.
  4. Not in any position to answer your question. Perhaps NATO can best explain why they felt threatened. https://www.nato.int/docu/review/articles/2022/07/07/the-consequences-of-russias-invasion-of-ukraine-for-international-security-nato-and-beyond/index.html
  5. 7 years or more jail time for the foot soldier. Wonder how many years for the chief instigator. More please.
  6. Don't think we need Russia to disintegrate which will just bring a different kind of problems to Europe and the world. All is needed is for the top echelon of power impeach Putin and remove him. With Putin in power, there will unlikely to be any avenue for stopping the war. US will likely to get the plum contracts in the re-construction of Ukraine and recover some of the aid billions.
  7. Biden's occasional gaffes are not mental health issues. Now if he invents statistics or facts in his speeches or stare at the eclipse, that will likely to be associated with mental instability aka mental health issues. There is a need to have a measure of proportion. Biden does struggled to express himself sometimes but he has been struggling with stutter since childhood and has been prone to bouts of inarticulateness for decades. That is far from mental health issues.
  8. He will not run and kingmaker is a myth. Just look at the Georgia voters rejection of Trump's endorsed candidates. 3 top Repiblican officials who rebuffed the former presidfent's efforts to overturn the 2020 election coasted to victory over Trump backed rivals. There is fast dissipating influence for Trump in the party and country.
  9. Snowden stole classified information from the NSA and was charged by DOJ for 2 counts of violating the Espionage Act. Vindman and Ciaramella were witnesses to the former President's attempt to pressure Ukraine into investigating his political rivals and committed no crime. False equivalence and bad faith on your part to make that comparison
  10. Better use of your balls to fight and defeat them inflicting casualties and taking them to the world court for war crimes. How would calling them out help to defeat the Russians.
  11. So you think Putin invade Ukraine without a grandeur vision of the Soviet Union. Simple mind. https://www.ft.com/content/84c4beae-fbd6-4d1e-aeb5-5d147b9621a4
  12. There will no war but a cakewalk annexing Ukraine because Trump withheld military aid which has been approved by Congress.
  13. Biden is right on this. The designation of Russia as state sponsor of terror could delay food exports and jeopardize deals to move goods through the Black Sea. Russia has threatened that it would break off diplomatic ties if US label them as sponsor of terrorists. Russia is on the receiving end due to Biden’s leadership and western coalition. Continue with military aids has proven effective rather than rhetorical labeling. GOP can do well to support Biden’s military aid but they wouldn’t because of silly partisanship.
  14. Courtesy Ballotpedia 19 Sept. Biden is therefore greater than your favourite former President. Agree? President Biden's approval rating for the 86th week of his term was 43%, up 0.5 percentage points from the week before. President Trump's approval rating at the same point in his term was 41.5%, down 0.5 percentage points from the week before.
  15. Just for the sake of comparison, Biden's total departures from Washington is less than the former. Still he accomplished a lot like passing the $1.9tn pandemic relief bill, rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement, delievered jobs, got pandemic under control and the infrastructure bills. That's what he can accomplished by not playing too much golf.
  16. Hyperbole much. Don’t see your point. Biden is old but he is doing his job with policies for the country. Not much to show for the former.
  17. I know what's bugging you. Trump lost and Biden win. I know that hurts but take that as a reflection point on why Trump lost and most are self inflicted. like the badly managed pandemic etc. If only he works for the country and not for himself and his family.
  18. Republican insisted on the near total abortion ban and now have nowhere to hide. They chose extremism to rule on the most personal part of people's lives. Less than 2 months to mid-term and the Dems are salivating turning AZ blue. Thanks MAGA.
  19. As long as Alana Hubbard is Trump’s lawyer, we can expect her sloppy performance will most likely increase the likelihood of Trump and family face more court losses and legal peril. She is a liability to Trump’s legal team and they dislike her for self interest and pointless aggression like calling L James a “black b…” and creating a racist atmosphere in her office
  20. Trump had decades of legal problem as far back as in 1975 before he walk down the infamous escalator. Back then he has already started to accused the DOJ of being storm troopers and acted like the Gestapo. Nothing changed for Trump crime after crime. All this can end but he just can;t help himself.
  21. Ukrainians are fleeing the war. Russian are fleeing the mobilisation. Please get it right at least once.
  22. The irony of TRump's dissipating hope of being a Presidential candidate because of insurmountable legal perils is that he and his allies cannot claim that the investigations are political motivated.
  23. Ya right. Critical race theory is a social emotional championed only by the right.
  24. Interesting read on the chain of command for potential Russia nuclear strike. My key takeways are:- 1. Putin has a small briefcase known as Cheget that link him to the command and control network of Russia's strategic nuclear forces BUT he don't have the launch code. Whether the General Staff who has the code will obey his order is not straightforward. 2. Russia has a doctrine on nuclear launch which laid out 4 scenarios. One scenario pertained to Ukraine and the coming referendums i.e. if the ánnexed provinces are attacked, that can be interpreted as threat to Russia existence. 3. No nuclear weapons have been used since the 2 atomic bombs on 2 cities in Japan in 1945. Deterrent may prevent Putin doing a reckless act. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/what-is-chain-command-potential-russian-nuclear-strikes-2022-03-02/
  25. We are lucky to have Biden as President in this crisis rather than the previous one. Just imagine if miltary aids were held back for political leverage, Ukraine will be part of Russia months back.
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