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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Could have just said that he will investigate the allegation and then reject the next day. May change people perception. But this arrogant bloke just can't do it. Got to display his obnoxious style of leadership.
  2. Let me put you to ease by stating that there is a better possibility of an India and Pakistan war than with China. There is no strategic reason for war between India and China. Border skirmishes will be there but a full scale invasion is simply not plausible as China military capability is twice larger than India which is a massive deterrent. As for Japan, their constitution forbid external use of force and has a no war clause.
  3. Perhaps but more importantly was the prompt decision making by their leaders compare to Thailand. Singapore sealed its first deal to buy vaccines in June 2020. Meanwhile Thailand signed deal with AZ in November.
  4. Extract from op-ed illustrated your point well. “ In a way, thanks to President Joe Biden’s quick reaction to the post-Afghanistan chaos, the region has seen his administration’s true colours – jumping from one debacle to create a new one. The tripartite alliance will change the way the region perceives the US for the rest of 21st century”.
  5. I read that he has applied for asylum status with the UNHCR and formally seek asylum in Australia. This may put a spanner in a speedy extradiction back to malaysia. He really has no choice to flee across the border to Thailand as his passport was cancelled.
  6. He fled because his life is in danger after he renounce Islam. He said that he just didn't want to be Muslim any more"" and for this he received death threats. In Malaysia, renouncing Islam is dangerous even though the constitution enshrines freedom of worship. The government's stand is direct that one cannot leave Islam if he or she was born Muslim. May not be a federal crime but religious courts have very broad jurisdiction over conversion and apostasy. Punishment is very harsh. He has to seek asylum as he stand practically zero chance back in Malaysia. Good luck to him.
  7. All 6 countries laid claims on the maritime issue. It is still on-going negotiation between the concerned countries. Been hyped and used as political fodder by US up as though it will lead to a big China invasion. Islands were reclaimed rocks in China territory. Himalayas was a border skirmishes between India and China that lasted few days.
  8. To be fair to the author, nuclear submarine are inextricably linked with nuclear weapons. All 6 countries in the world that possesses nuclear submarines have nuclear weapons. Nuclear submarines powered with the same enriched uranium that is used in bombs. You don’t acquire nuclear submarines just to cruise around. Australia has forfeited their status as a country linked to the Treaty of Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. I personally think it’s a wrong policy as their alliance with US is strong and can provide the nuclear deterrent. Australia action runs contrary to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in this part of the world. Make this region unsafe against nuclear mishap.
  9. Where do you draw the line between freedom of speech and offensive post.
  10. Yes neither do they have military bases all over the world.
  11. The CCP was formed by the people who were discontented with the miseries inflicted by colonists. China history is filled with revolutions and uprisings when the country rulers didn’t delivered to the citizens. CCP government is not infallible if they can’t deliver the expectations of the people. Chinese now have a much better standard of living, extreme poverty has been drastically reduced and they are proud of China achievements in science and innovations. Cowed into silence is a myth. They have freedom of speech no difference from the others. However China like other Asian countries don’t share the same extent of freedom of speech of the west that has creat division and disunity among the people. US has shown that an elected leader can caused lasting and extensive damage to the country and democracy even if he was voted out.
  12. SEA enjoy a nuclear free zone and not be a target to any nuclear wars. Meanwhile Australia has now join the nuclear club and will be a target. Wonder if this nuclear alliance has the consent of the Australian people. Is it worth it.
  13. Asia including China are eternally grateful for US war contribution to WW11. That era has long gone and US need to re-think their foreign policy that military brinksmanship and superiority made America and the world less safe.
  14. Just one example of uninvited intrusion. By the way, why are there so many US military bases overseas. Last count 119 in Germany, 119 Japan, 73 in SK, 44 Italy as well as more than a dozen countries. Seem intimidating. https://indianexpress.com/article/india/us-navy-freedom-of-navigation-operation-india-waters-without-consent-7265898/
  15. China don’t have fleets like the US Second, Third, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Tenth Fleets active all over the world. Who is doing the bullying?
  16. China is a member of APEC since November 1991.
  17. The Chinese and Russian vaccines are acceptable for travellers in many countries despite the reluctance of the West to heed WHO's advise to include all vaccines approved by them. UK even don't recognized Astrazeneca made in India. Strange idiosyncrasy policies of the western countries. https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/07/20/which-covid-19-vaccine-is-the-most-widely-accepted-for-international-travel
  18. One shot of every vaccines is inadequate against Delta. You need 2 shots to provide the best immunity.
  19. Really depend on the gender or non-binary gender of RafPinto. ????
  20. Is it a fetish hobby of yours to hang around beauty clinic?
  21. Thailand has a free trade agreement with China since Nov 2020 called RCEP.
  22. This is timely for the government to review the minimum wage and make changes to a competitive wage structure determined by market demand and supply for labour. It will help attract Thais and will also give a boost to the domestic economy.
  23. It’s pop culture. You will never understand as you in the wrong age group.
  24. If the master plan is for more connectivity and trade resulting in the prosperity of the region, the new world order is certainly moving in the right direction. The world is better off with more trade than needless brinkmanship on political system.
  25. Basically China out maneuvered the west to construct the belt and road as an alternative global transport linkage. The west only focus in maintaining and protecting the sea lanes and didn’t have the vision for a land trading route. Now the west has to respond by undermining the belt and road.
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