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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. In a recent Washington Post article, Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony was speculated to be another John Dean moment. She has spent almost 20 hours with the Jan 6 committee in previous hearing. She likely to testify about her direct knowledge of Meadow's efforts to help Trump steal the elction by sabtaging the electoral count in Congress. Borrowing the words of a disgraced leader "be there. Will be wild" at today's hearing.
  2. Not a secret that central banks in Asia spend billions in their foreign exchange reserves to slow down currency declines. Evident in their sliding reserves including Thailand.
  3. The FED hasn't hiked interest rates this agreesive in decades. So far FED has hike rate by 1.75 percentage points this year and will most likely to push rate all the way up to 2.75-3 percent. How will BOT respond and is there risk that the FED hike does more harm than good to the economy. A recesssion will take the sail out of dollar strength.
  4. BOT this morning at an analyst meeting has dropped a big hint on hiking interest rate. Their focus will be on monetary policy adjusted in a timely manner to keep inflation expectation anchored. BOT will hope that it will reverse the capital outflow and stablize the Baht and together will tourism increasing that will creat demand for Baht. Don't think it will effective to strengthen against the hefty rate increase by FED but certainly possible to stabilize the Baht which is much needed for the economy.
  5. I am curious to learn from a better mind as to why the powers that falsely inflated the Baht don't do the same now.
  6. Dems growing a spine and fighting back against growing fascism to control the lives and freedom to decide of the majority.
  7. The land of the free and greatest freedom loving country flushed down the drain by the party who appointed the majority of the conservative judges but has the minority votes. The irony is laughable and truly sad.
  8. World leaders reaction. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/world-leaders-slam-horrific-us-abortion-ruling-canada-uk-france-2769771
  9. Astonishing and bewildering that Sharia Law on abortion is more liberal and progressive than USA. Sharia law allow a more liberal attitude regarding abortion in Islamic countries.
  10. I can envision a throw back wild Wild West scenario with gunslingers, bounty hunters and Gunfights. Republicans are moving back in time; good old days. Yippe ki-har.
  11. If it is a great day for America as you said, why are there widespread protests. If you care for the lives of innocents, are you for banning guns?
  12. Considering Brooks and others who sought pre-emptive pardons are the inner circle of the coup plot, the pardons will be be indirect evidence of a logical inference that the fact exist in court case. Not good for them and Trump.
  13. Mo Brooks abandoned by Trump and will testify to the Jan 6 committee. Could be the John Dean that will put the final nail to Trump’s demise.
  14. You right that average 200 killed each year in accidents caused by deer compare to 18,800 people died due to gun violence by June 2022. There are many nutters in other countries too but none is more dangerous than gun loving law protected Americans. It is relevant to all as it amazed us on how broken the US political system and how a minority is holding the majority hostage.
  15. Dossier not needed when you have powerful testimony from a parade of Republicans and Trump White House aides. This time no House republicans can help Trump avoid indictment.
  16. Denialists still singing from the same song sheet that widespread fraud could have been committed because poll watchers didn't get proper access to the voting process. Trump regurgitate this BS repeatedly. Fact is that all the lawsuits related to this BS have been dismissed over LACK of EVIDENCE. Period and end of story.
  17. A constitution writtened in the eighteenth century. Much have changed but not the mindset of gun loving rightist.
  18. Delicate dance for BOT. The inflation spike is not due to demand and wage increase but surge in energy costs. Raising rate will be disastrous for most Thais with debts. It will snowball to massive bad loan situation which will badly affect financial institutions. It will also create a drop in demand for housing, cars, household appliances etc and certainly can lead to a recession. IMO the energy price surge is shock reaction to Russia oil & gas sanctions. The west will rally and probably find other sources of oil supply and sanctions against Iran and Venezuela likely lifted. I think targeted fiscal policies rather than rate hike will be better to deal with the current economic situation. Reversely the interest rate differential with US is causing massive outflow of capital from Thailand to US and causing the Baht to weakened and caused imported inflation. However the return of tourists back to Thailand will creat a demand for Baht. The economy is also improving and likely return to a current surplus which will strengthened the Baht. A delicate position for BOT to ponder.
  19. Why do you need to hear when you can see the attack on the Capitol. Can't you see the called to action by Trump and his sycophants on the same day and days before. You are just a denialist and a poor one.
  20. It will certainly be a Democrat if the election based on democratic principle of majority rules as in most developed countries.
  21. Love your sarcasm. Moving to the real world, Trump was stupid enough to suggest to his aides that he want to pardon himself in the final days of his presidency, according to 2 people with knowledge of the discussion.
  22. Just imagine the embarrassment of those old generals to lose to a young political upstart. Happened once and will happen again.
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