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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Coddle up he did by planning to invite terrorists to Camp David. His Foreign policy team was aghast and Bolton quit.Trump's stunt aborted.
  2. Pelosi has always been a staunch critic of China throughout her more than 3 decades in Congress. She does not bow to China's threat. She has thumbed her nose once by unfurling a banner on Tiananmen Sqaure memorializing those killed. She is a strong supporter of the 2019 pro-democracy protests and a close friend of President Tsai of Taiwan sharing similar democratic and liberal values. China threats are just sabre rattling and needed for Xi to bolster his nationalistic credential ahead of the party congress later this year.
  3. That claim was reviewed and debunked. Likely to be 65% Republicans didn’t trust the election. Trump’s own AG and Home Security said election not rigged. Courts said the same. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/feb/02/viral-image/no-most-americans-dont-believe-2020-election-was-f/
  4. I thought you not a Trump's fan yet you defend his election denial lies. You can't be taken seriously. Maybe a troll playing both sides.
  5. Pelosi invited GOP Representative Micheal McCaul, the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee for the trip but he declined stating a flimsy excuse that it was due to scheduling. Looks like Xi own the Republicans too. Weak lily livered too.
  6. That’s my point. 20 months ago, Trump weaponized DOJ for his own agenda and yet could not find any prosecutorial leads. It’s a nothing burger even with Grassley making all sort of accusation. Move on. Nothing to see.
  7. Have you pause to ponder why Trump’s DOJ kept quiet publicly on Hunter Biden investigation in spite of Trump pressure on Barr. I tell you why. It’s a nothing burger. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/12/21/william-barr-hunter-biden-special-counsel-449576
  8. It’s called economic forecast for good reason. Businesses still find forecast useful for investment and planning.
  9. Trump is or maybe was a billionaire and he no expert. He made some silly economic ideas like trade wars are good and easy to win. That kind of made your statement rather asinine.
  10. Actually lost in 2016 popular vote aka democracy. Instead a 200 years relic dedicated to the preservation of slavery electoral college gave him an undeserving win.
  11. Trump’s action certainly qualify as treason. 8 U.S. Code § 2381 states: "Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."
  12. Seem to bother Trump a lot. https://sports.yahoo.com/trump-fox-friends-gone-dark-142652284.html
  13. Washington DC is known for its multitude of law enforcement agencies and each has its own jurisdiction. The Metropolitan Police has jurisdiction on the city streets. You really need to stop your embarrassing diversion.
  14. Unlikely to be a civil war pitting red and blue but arms against government aka North Ireland. I honestly hope it never ever happen to a great nation but the deep polarization fueled by irresponsible leaders like Trump and his cronies can't be ignored.
  15. Majority of civil wars since 1946 have broken down along ethnic and religious lines. I pray that you right but I still will pause for concern.
  16. Media pushing?? https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/19/republicans-mail-in-voting-trump-398774 What about this statement from Brad Raffensperger. “Georgia is a leader in election access,” said Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. “Notwithstanding the pandemic, voters in the Peach State can take advantage of no-excuse absentee ballot voting by mail or through a secure drop box; three weeks of early, in-person voting; or Election Day voting.”
  17. Nice attempt to try abscond blame on Trump but at least you restore some sense of intelligence by taking a stand against an despicable and lying grifter. Pentagon and the US Intelligence community didn't predict that the Afghan security forces would collapse so quickly and dramatically and offer no resistance. There is a failure on the intelligense side and a lack of coordination with European allies who felt betrayed by the American exit. Biden failed in providing leadership but not all his fault.
  18. The US-Taliban agreement by Trump to withdraw troops by May 2021 started the devastating collapse of the Afghan military morale and was the catalyst for the country collapse. The agreement has a psycological impact for the soldiers who switched to survival instead of fighting mode. Trump shared the blame with Biden for the country falling to the Taliban.
  19. Lack of knowledge and understanding of socialism and fascism. A MAGA problem.
  20. Correct when he was a young socialist but he split with the movement and rode a wave of anti-socialist violence to fascist power.
  21. America already has socialist programs and you probably benefit from them.
  22. Trump’s central ground likely to be oligarchy. Still worse than progressive. Think about it. He is anti-immigrant and anti-black policies, refused to denounce his most extreme and violent supporters from the neo-Nazis and white nationalists in Charlottesville to the Proud Boys. He also planning to gut the DOJ with his loyalists to go after his enemies and not his friends. You support those kind of egregious actions.
  23. Your feelings noted but isn't progressive better than fascism?
  24. You can't say election is rigged without an iota of prove (none in 60 court cases) just because you didn't like the outcome. By the way, majority of Americans trust that elections are fair, are confident in their state and local governments'ability to administer elections, and trust the results regardless of whether their preferred candidate win. Only the majority of Republicans who bought into Trump's lies about nonexistent widespread fraud still think election was rigged. Mostly those without college degrees. Those with college degree trust elections. Facts matter.
  25. Zero carbon footprint is achieving a balance between cutting the amount of Co2 produced and remaining emissions re-absorbed from the atmosphere by forest and oceans.
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