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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Why do you need to hear when you can see the attack on the Capitol. Can't you see the called to action by Trump and his sycophants on the same day and days before. You are just a denialist and a poor one.
  2. It will certainly be a Democrat if the election based on democratic principle of majority rules as in most developed countries.
  3. Love your sarcasm. Moving to the real world, Trump was stupid enough to suggest to his aides that he want to pardon himself in the final days of his presidency, according to 2 people with knowledge of the discussion.
  4. Just imagine the embarrassment of those old generals to lose to a young political upstart. Happened once and will happen again.
  5. By usual suspects you meant the 3 Ps, they have been neutralized by the new boss. None has direct command of the army. Their patron and possibly conduit of previous 2 coups has passed. Another coup is still possible and will not be a cake walk.
  6. I am letting this go after 1st July. See no need for drama and call for ridiculous civil disobedience. One here even think it involved China’s plan to take down the world. Asinine at its worst.
  7. Are you now saying that you trust the government data? Really not at all bother about finding for you data on outdoor masking. Just telling you to obey local mandates and not being dramatic in suggesting civil disobedience over a rather trivial matter.
  8. Fauci had 2 shots and 2 boosters and had mild symptoms and continue to work from home. At his age, he could have suffered worst if not for the vaccines.
  9. Are we taking about wearing a face mask or subject someone to leg iron. It’s rather extreme to call mask wearing a political oppression and to say it is motivated is conspiratorial. I don’t like the junta government and their poor governance and lack of boldness. I can’t wait for the election. But I don’t use hyperbole to make accusation. Rules are rules unless you disregard as you implied. Whether wearing mask indoor and outdoor when infections are still rampant and fatalities still occurring is moot but we need to abide by the law. Thais still not use to western style freedom and you can leave that at your doorstep.
  10. Does wearing a mask bother you so much. Just a piece of cloth over part of your face and it may save you and others lives. Is this your political expression. Meant no malice but personally think you should complied to local rules. At some point in the near future, it will be lifted.
  11. 90 days reporting cancellation and casino projects are 2 of the least concerns of voting Thais. Shoot himself on the foot like he did with the controversial fire sales of watered down 1997 assets. Plus he is perceived as arrogant, defensive and a bad listener.
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