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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 8 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    Because it is a sham trial. None of the vital witnesses the Republicans needed were allowed to appear by Schiff. Had it been an honest and fair trial, we would have the CIA deep state activist/whistleblower, and both Bidens as witnesses to clear up what the heck was going on, the timelines involved, when Schiff was involved, and why Joe bragged about withholding a billion dollars in aid to the Ukraine unless some prosecutor was fired(bribery).

     But then there is nothing fair and honest about this coup attempt by bitter losers that can't run a fair election campaign and resort to these dirty tricks.

    Those vital witnesses were blocked by the WH to testify. 

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  2. 15 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    It's extremely likely that once the next presidential elections are over and done with, Stone will be pardoned along with Manafort et alii. And given the length of time Stone will take to appeal, it's dubious that he'll even spend one day in prison.

    In a strange way, I hope he pardon all those crooks and send the message
    that crime and dishonesty are okay as long as they are in the service of the White House. That will hurt him in the eyes of the general public and also his party. Even surrogate Lindsey had said that pardoning Manafort will be a bridge too far. Susan Collin had even stronger words of caution. 

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

    Sure, it's all coming there gonna get him one day, and the Democrats are on the right path for sure. ???? That can be impeachment try number 3. ???? Time ticks. Barr is coming! Oh but hey, it's got plenty of bi-partisan support just like past impeachment attempts. Right? 75 votes in the Senate No worries ???? Let's wait and see, oh and one more time Barr is coming!

    Tax fraud will most probably get him like Al Capone. 

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  4. 46 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

    Haha. Mueller gave the most convoluted gobbledygook I ever heard for his reasoning. You could see the pain on his own face while he said it. He turned out to be nothing more then an old man who was a front for Democrat operative prosecutors who tried their best with no case available to them to prosecute. Mueller looked ashamed....of course who knows, but he oughta be ashamed!

    Haha indeed. Muller may have the last laugh. They are criminal acts that will indict citizen Trump in the Muller investigation. That is if the tax dodge,  campaign funds violation among many charges and those still under investigation waiting for him. 

    • Like 2
  5. 2 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

    No problem the case in China. Easier said then done


    https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/analysis-hunter-biden-tied-to-china-firm-with-questionable-dealings I could go on, despite the CNN MSNBC bs none can dispute the facts. They only talk around them.

    Mate that was a talking point. Like your personal opinion. Show me the case. Have they been charged in China. Same as the Burisma talking point. Have the State Dept, FBI or DOJ charged the Bidens. Quick answer is no as there are simply no evidence. Talking points and self interest opinions are dime a dozen here. 

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    • Thanks 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Indeed. Wonder what the haters will do when Trump wins another 4 years? Will we have another 4 years of continual whining from Schiff and Nancy?

    If he win another 4 years, I will feel sorry for America and the rest of the world and I would say the global climate and environment too. Big if but if public sentiment for his impeachment, polls and the massive funds generated by the Dems are to go by, he probably will lose. The world will be a better place without him. Mother Nature will sigh a relief too. 

  7. 22 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

    When you cannot use reason, logic, evidence or facts to support your arguments then attack the source.  Is that your strategy, Eric?  If it is, it's feeble.


    Also, the link I provided is to actual documentation.  No story lines, no narrative, simply hard, cold facts.  John Solomon uploaded them.  Are you suggesting that he made these documents up?

    No I don’t think he make up the documents but I think he was trying to throw up controversy and hope something stick and someone or some agencies like the State Department or DOJ will react. So far, nothing not even a feeble rustling of interest from these investigative agencies. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

    But I thought there was no evidence of Biden corruption?  You guys have been swearing to it for over a month.  Why, you guys would even link to MSM pieces that called it a conspiracy theory.  Don't tell me you guys are giving up on the "no evidence" claim so easily.

    Affirmative no evidence there were corruption. Ukraine top prosecutor said so. Your allegation is a nothing burger but credit you for trying to pull a John Kennedy stunt. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

    What's this?  Leaked bank documents from the Ukrainian General Prosecutor’s office showing complex money transfers?  Involving AS PrivatBank in Latvia?  Funneled through Busima Holding Limited (Cyprus)?  A slush fund owned and operated by Devon Archer, John Kerry Senior, John Kerry Junior, Heinz Jr, and Hunter Biden?


    Say it ain't so, Joe!


    Oh, and documents implicating Joe Biden, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Joseph Misfud's collusion and possible criminal activity in Ukraine?


    Is undeniable truth being exposed?  Heads will explode!


    (One of many, many documents released.)






    All peaceful on the western front. Don’t get yourself into a fit. If there are any truth to your allegations, Trump’s surrogate AG Barr will be all over it. 

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