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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. On 11/7/2019 at 9:39 AM, ExpatOilWorker said:

    China is hurting. They need a deal.




    The rise in bankruptcy is mostly from the construction related businesses like builders which ran out of money as banks tightened their loan facilities. 

    As for the rising NPL, it really started 5 years ago from unprecedented debt binge and a slowing economy. 

    If you are trying to link this to the tariff war, you are way off base. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Paul Henry said:

    Folding to the Chinese and getting some soya bean sales back for US farmers will not win Trump many votes. He rolled the dice along with his bulls!!T rhetoric showing he has no idea on negotiations or what tariffs are and how to use them.Buckling now will not bring back the lives of the poor farmers who under pressure put on them by Trump have taken their own lives or those who have lost their farmers and destroyed their way of life and families

    When you still keep hearing from Trump that the tariffs will meant billions lost for China and reciprocate gain for US, it fully revealed the level of understanding of tariff that he created. Xi has up the ante by demanding Trump rescind all previous and future tariffs before they meet. Looks like the master negotiator is being hurried and pushed to his edge and being look like a novice negotiator. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, Moo 2 said:

    A world wide referendum should be organize which would ask 2 questions:

    Would you like to live under a Chinese Communist Regime or

    live under a fully Democratic System.

    As for Hong Kong, anyone who think he/she supports China's Politic, should

    be kicked out of Hong Kong and transferred to mainland China.

    You urgently need an education on China history. Hong Kong is a province of China before Britain forced Beijing to concede to them for 100 years. Hong Kong citizens are Chinese citizens. If UK and USA are so concerned, they should freely allow the citizens to migrate to their countries. Guess not. They just want to creat the noise but no bit. 

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  4. 8 hours ago, webfact said:

    Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha praised China’s contribution to regional stability and prosperity

    Where is America in this region the last 3 years? Trump has disengaged America from this region on his first day. He befriend Kim, divert the battleships to Australia during those tense moment in Korea, stop the SK/US war games, threatened SK and Japan with troop withdrawal unless they pay, mute when NK fire off the missiles. He single handedly withdraw from TPP and only send a low level minister to this ASEAN meeting. He has created a void for China to grab the advantage.  

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  5. 4 hours ago, yellowboat said:

    China will crackdown if the protests spread over the border.  Until that happens, they will let the Hong Kong Government figure it out, as it is suppose be autonomous. 

    I think you got this spot on. The protests have withered down from the hundred of thousands blocking major roads to isolated localized incidents involving much smaller groups. Except for the retail industry, the rest of the economy is still vibrant. I would think the government has manage this phase of the civil unrest relatively well and bearing any mis-steps that can bring the people back to the streets and that include sending the soldiers from China to HK; they will continue with this policy and allow the general sentiments to prevail. Already most HK citizens felt that the protests have gone too far and caused long term damage. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, candide said:

    Too bad for his "not Mr. Nice guy" advertising campaign.

    Growth forecasts have already been updated.

    "IMF sees weaker global economic recovery. US growth pegged at 2.1% in 2020"


    That will take away his only bragging rights. With his unfulfilled promises of the wall, Obamacare alternative, reducing the deficit, protect the steel, coal industries which are collapsing; he is running on empty. His core supporters will still support him till kingdom come but the majority want him to go away. He is on his last leg.  

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