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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 1 hour ago, NE1 said:

    On July 5th. I posted " 

    We live in a rural area and the wifey has just been to a village meeting .

    She has come back and said that anybody who wants to buy and or use weed killer has to have a license.

    We use a bit of grass killer around the house basically to stop encroachment , but the village has been told any body who wants to buy weed/grass killer has to go on a course to learn how to handle it when you buy it. 

    After you have your " license " to buy it , she needs to go on a 3 hour course on how to use / apply it . 

    Nobody from the end of this month can buy or use weed killer without a " license " .

    Penalty 6,000 baht.

    Apparently this is a nationwide directive ".


    Apparently there was 92 million baht set aside for these courses nationwide .

    3 months have past , and it appears it has died a death . 


    I have seen this before and I can tell you that the there will be loopholes for exploitation and corruption. The registration of chemicals by the Industry Ministry has the same policy requiring companies to pass their safety and handling test. The test is very technical and required some comprehensive knowledge on chemistry, medicine and first aid. It is a difficult test and small companies can't afford to hire staffs just for passing the tests. Up pop companies that operate to serve this need and somehow they have the 'expertise' to get the certification. They charge a upfront fee and monthly fee to 'represent' you. In short, you will find real soon that someone has the license to buy for you. You just pay for the service. 

  2. On 10/14/2019 at 7:18 AM, londonthai said:

    no, he and non of his party ministers will quit - they are in the government exclusively for the bananas they are getting from Thammanat. 

    his party is totally corrupt, unprincipled

    He can't afford to quit and antagonize the junta. The junta had him by his bullocks with the multi billion infrastructure projects that his company Sino-Thai Engineering and Construction benefited with more to come. He is part and parcel of the unholy alliance that stole elected governments for their personal gains. 

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  3. 9 hours ago, scorecard said:


    Sunthorn surprised many by suddenly giving thaksin an exclusive licence to start and operate a privately owned telecoms company. At that time it was law that all telecoms operations had to be owned and operated by the state. Thaksin went right ahead and got the monopoly operation started and charged exorbitant rates for mobile phones and services. 

    Gutsy move to take such business risk when penetration of telephone was relatively limited at a 3.3 ratio of telephone lines per 100 population and mobile phone was in its infancy. 

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  4. 9 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    Then blame republicans for changing the rules to allow this to happen.


    Just because you dont like it doesnt mean they cant do it. 

    I hope the Dems just Ignore and don’t play into the Republicans game to prolong the impeachment inquiry. Do it to spite them. They asked for it when they change the rule to disadvantage the Dems. Now things has change in the house and no sympathy for the Trump’s lackey Republicans. 

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  5. 10 hours ago, wayned said:

    The Feds just arrested two of Giulani's cohorts at DC airport with one way tickets out of the US.  They are the two that congress wanted to testify.  They had just had lunch with the Mayor.  Giuliani might want to run and hide .  Trump put new tires on the "bus" and is probably warming up the engine as I type!  Although, the arrest might put a damper on any congressional appearance by the two, they are now indicted for campaign finance violations and other charges and probably would just take the 5th.

    They will face 2 charges which could possibly add up to 35 years in jail. They are Ukrainian with US citizens. Hope they squeal and more damage to Trump and Giuliani. They donated huge amount to Trump campaign. Got to keep them securely locked; many would like to get their hands on them. Problems for the orange man piling up. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, MikeN said:

    Natural, dense rainforest is cleared to plant a few palm trees in nice straight rows, all equally spaced the same distance apart. So it is certainly not misleading.

     Palm oil is not a healthy product to use anyway, but it’s cheap, that’s why the manufacturers use it......and why there is row after row of the stuff on Tesco shelves and only a few bottles of other vegetable oils. It’s taken a while but I have finally got the missus not to buy palm oil.

    Like plantation trees after the west devastated their forest. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, seajae said:

    nice try to dismiss the truth of the matter, doing it while Bangkok was flooded and then personally delivering it to thaksin was the reason he was charged, he went behind everyones backs to do it to please his master. Nothing will change the fact he was not following the lawful procedure, it was a total farce on behalf of the ptp to please thaksin, they did as he told them too as they always do.

    Seem the same logic of Kasit withdrawing Thaksin passport to please his boss and he was not charged for malfeasance. Foreign ministry issue and approve passport; nothing illegal unless the NACC made up the charge. Lots of malfeasance to slap on this government if the NACC chose to do. 

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  8. 41 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Not the point. The point is Iran lied, repeatedly to the EU.


    The EU cannot ignore that and expect to be treated seriously.

    The problem is that Pompeo accusation is shrouded with ambiguity whether this was an old accusation back in September or a fresh case. He is like his boss making unclear impulsive accusation which mystified the allies. Which is reason his EU allies are ignoring him. A bit like the boy who cried wolf, 

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  9. 34 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

    Polls are useless.  Where is the guarantee that the random respondents were equally republican and democrat?  Remember, Hillary was projected to win by a margin of 70% to 90%.  People can, if they choose, believe that polls are an accurate reflection of the true support for impeachment or not.  Polls are useless.

    Polls are useless unless it is a Fox poll and they still told the same numbers overwhelming supporting the impeachment inquiry and even want him impeached. Even more than half of Fox polls disapproved on how he perform. Ouch!

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