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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 5 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    "Trump has claimed he released the aid on September 11. But five sources told Bloomberg that $141 million of the money was actually authorized to be released several days earlier after lawyers determined that the White House Office of Management and Budget and, therefore, the president, had no legal standing to block the funds."   https://www.aol.com/article/news/2019/11/10/ukraine-aid-was-released-after-federal-lawyers-said-trump-freeze-was-illegal-report/23857555/

    Trump didn’t authorized the release of fund period.

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  2. 10 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    Point of order only:- The US was already involved in Syria before ISIS rose to power. They (Including UK and France etc) were supporting a ragbag group of Sunni terror groups - many believe at Saudi Arabia's request. Remember the pathetic attempts to establish the "Moderate opposition" at $1m per soldier.


    If your friend/child/relation was killed in 9/11 (Or 7/7 UK) you might wonder why your government was supporting Al Qaeda in Syria (Later to become Al Nusrah). 


    Otherwise I agree with your points.

    Respectfully US designate Al Nusrah as a terrorist organization and State Department categorically denied arming them and Treasury sanctioned and targeted their financial structure. They cut ties with Al-Qaeda in ‘16. I am no expert and this is totally off topic. Have a good day.  

  3. 2 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    I disagree. It was an easy way to show the dems are just fine with the concept of "quid pro quo" as it pertains to foreign policy and aid so long as it themselves doing it. Others can not use that method. They will be impeached.


    An apples and oranges out of context approach could be used to highlight the sheer hypocrisy (and sillyness)of the situation. For ex Trumps predecessor invaded Libya and Syria on suspicious premises and caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and civil strife, slavery and violence that continues to this day. Nobody batted an eyelid and he got the nobel award. Trump has a phone call with another world leader and asks him to look into corruption and it's the end of the world, meltdown and temper tantrum the likes of which have never been seen before. Certainly makes you wonder.....


    You really got to provide better examples if you want to be taken seriously.


    Libya military intervention was to implement UN Security Council Resolution to stop crimes against humanity. US intervention was part of NATO allies involvement. 

    Syria intervention was again a coalition involvement against ISIL.


    Meanwhile Trump’s phone call was a personal effort to get dirt on the Bidens. If corruption was what he after, he should asked for an investigation of Rick Perry and his shady deal with Zelensky to get his energy buddies the oil and gas project. Their bids were lower than others but they still clinched the project. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:




    But I don't want to see some bitter old corrupt hag from America openly interfering in British Politics whilst whining on about how wrong it is to interfere in American politics.


    Hypocrisy of the left, as usual. Always "do as we say, not as we do". 

    Going by your argument, Boris Johnson shouldn’t comment that he side with the protestors in Hong Kong and shouldn’t even talk to them.  

    • Confused 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, riclag said:


    Apparently the dems and the media don't find this POTUS has any right to freeze foreign aid to countries who have been under recent suspicion of corrupt dealings such as in the investigation of Russian collusion starting back in 2016 and the Ukraine involvement

    Obviously Rick Perry who got the oil and gas projects in Ukraine for his donors were not investigated for corruption. That in spite of their bids were a few millions lower than others. What was he doing there when Pence was supposed to attend the President inauguration. 

  6. 29 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

    LOL.  You announce it as if you think we're quaking in our boots and pooing in our pants while simultaneously wetting our leg.


    Chomper, I've said it many times that I truly look forward to the public hearings.  The Dems have opened Pandora's box and I'll delight in seeing how they'll destroy themselves.

    Shell shocked White House and foul mood from the President unleashing fury fact bending tirades conjured a President seeing his Presidency slipping through his fingers. Don’t see how it will destroy the Dems. They are not panicking. 

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