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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 12 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Maybe it's not better than a couple of years ago. But imagine how bad it would be if the Shinawatras would have looted the country 4 years longer. And if their red army would have terrorized us like they did when the Shinawatras were in charge.

    I don't think Prayut is good, but he is a lot better than Thaksin, his little sister and their red mob.


    Only Monday and early afternoon and you starting to imagine. I am worry for you. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:

    Look at Nat as an example btw. Never elected as a "Red shirt Leader" but mysteriously appointed; never elected to parliament but given a party list seat by the boss. Great example of cronyism.

    BB talking about election is so refreshing. Anyway, lots of untruth to be pointed out. Nat is the Secretary General of UDD (not red shirts) and it’s an appointee position. He was a Parliament MP through party list no different from Ahbisit. 

  3. 12 minutes ago, MikeN said:

     If Thais want to get rid of the cheaters they have to learn it works both ways.

    It will take some time with the right leadership, constitution, laws, independent institutions, education, equality, transparency to change the people ‘s perception of corruption. Can this be done? Of course it can if you look at the examples of Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore. No secret that they achieved that accolade because of uninterrupted democracy. 

  4. 34 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    So essentially, the Thai economy led by the junta has regressed back in terms of growth to the chaotic times of government shutdown by PRDC and pro-military supporters. Only one time has economic growth matched pre-2013 government protest levels. All the while increasing both household and government unmatched debt.

    And the Prayut government wants to be rewarded by Prayut's election as the next PM?


    The Happiness poll is sliding in the same downward momentum as his chance for PMship. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, The Deerhunter said:

    Those in power always look after their own and persecute the opposition Eric. Exactly the same as when the Shins were running the place.

    Not too sure about being the same. Few notables cases were pretty suspicious that those in power don't have the "real" power. The TPI illegal donation scandal that could dissolved the Dem Party was ruled out on technicality or Ahbisit/Suthep charged with murder of the taxi driver squashed by NACC and Suthep's pending police station case.   

  6. That is quite an astounding poll result and if accurate will be bad news for those pro junta parties. The 78.6% first time voters that will cast their ballots is way above global average as studied by IDEA International. Most youth are disinterested in politics and are less keen to do their civic duties. 85.8% of the youth is monitoring political development is very high and is good news for parties that are anti supression of rights and opinion and have strong views on the abolishment or conscription and curtailing future coups. Very encouraging poll for the future of democracy and that the young still believe in political parties leading the country. I hope the poll is accurate and is representative of the whole country’s youth. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, robblok said:

    I prefer all of them in jail i see no reason why if he is corrupt he should escape a jail sentence.

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

    Sure don’t we all prefer to see all corrupters in jail. Unless the institutions that served as watchdogs against corruption are independent and not compromised, we may perhaps see that happening. Don’t see that in the inforeseeable future. 

  8. 26 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    No matter what happens, this crowd will pull whatever stunt they need to hang on to power.

    They have got used to having their snouts in the trough, and will not relinquish that easily.

    Might not be Prayut. Technically he seem to rule himself out as party PM nomination according to the 90 days party membership rule and the election to be held on 24 Feb. He has just another 4-5 days to state his political intention and join a party to qualify the 90 days requirement. The caveat is of course the junta can delay the election to accommodate him. I don’t think he will risk the backlash from the citizen if he become an outside PM. 

  9. 15 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Eric you do realize your making a error here. The quality of life has improved if you look at the figures from a 50 to a 100.

    It is just that it improved more in other countries but in score the quality of life has improved.

    Dont try to say they measure it differently as Japan the nr keeps the same absolute number.

    So you actually made his point for him.

    Try find some other proof.

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

    Have you look at how the indices are measured. Look it up to get an understanding that other factors were added since 2015. Anyway, the point was that under elected government in 2012 was a marked better ranked than post coup military government. That fact stand.

  10. 51 minutes ago, gamini said:

    Whichever party they vote for they know it makes no difference to their quality of life. Many will vote for a military-aligned government since they see them as the lesser of two evils.

    Sorry to burst your fantasy bubble regarding quality of life and fascination for military government, check the ranking below. The year 2012 was under an elected government and quality of life ranking was “10”. Then check 2013 onwards and see how they declined under military government to the current “17”. A denial like you may not agree. 


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  11. 50 minutes ago, JAG said:

    For the very large numbers who voted for it, and it's predecessors, consistently?


    Personally, my take is that as a party it was the best bet out of a poor field, but that is just my personal opinion. The point is though, it was consistently and decisively the choice of the Thai people - a choice which the military ( or more accurately those the military answer to) have found it necessary to foil twice (three?) times in the last twenty years. The electorate may have regarded it as a good choice, or merely as the best of a bad bunch, but it looks very likely that an attempt will be made to remove that choice, once again, at the critical point, prior to the election, which will prevent any effective replacement being established. That is, maybe, why these venal creatures are jumping ship?

    As long as the generals continue to stage coups, the bad of the political parties will continue to thrive. Like the idiom, an one-eye corrupt man will be king in the land of blind corrupt generals. The alternative to stratocracy and authoritarian rule is always more appealing. Empowering people to vote their leaders is the only solution #Malaysia.  

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