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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 15 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

    You understand it well.

      The election is just a show. After the election the senate will simply appoint Prayut as PM plain and simple to discuss how it will come out is a waste of time. That will be the end result.

       There will be an election some time. After all is said and done when time to decide on new Pm the senate will appoint Prayut.


    Prayut as new PM or even involve in future politics is still murky. He and the privy council don’t pull the string now. If he hold on to power for another 4 years, he will be seen as a threat by him. Looks like his rhetoric about his political future has tone down and he still has not decide on party affiliation. Like he has been told to drop his ambition and he dutifully obeyed. 

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  2. 58 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    You can call me overly optimistic, but I think the junta is going to get slaughtered in the upcoming election. The army has to go. A friend of mine was recently at the Moto GP EVENT in Buriram. He said when the guy who promoted the event, I believe it was Tanaisiri Chanvitayarom, Managing Director at Buriram Circuit, got up to give a short speech he got a standing ovation for doing such a great job. The crowd was very enthusiastic, and many reported it was an exceptionally well run event. 


    Then Prawit stood up to give a speech. Nearly the entire 100,000 people in attendance jeered, cursed, booed and cajoled him. He could not be heard. He cut his speech short and sat down humiliated. This is how the majority of the nation feels about these utter fools. Their time has come and gone. Get out. Get out now. You are not liked, wanted or popular. Your fake polls are not convincing anyone. Four years is enough. 

    A dilemma for Newin and BJT. I am sure his heart is to support the junta and pave the way for more riches but his mind may signal political suicide for not listening to his people.  

  3. 28 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

    Rule of law or demcoracy weren't mutually exlusive in Thailand. No member of the Thai electorate ever voted for a criminal, as convicted criminals cannot contest elections in THailand. However the current Junta leader running Thailand IS a criminal, and no member of the Thai electorate can do anything about it.

    Give you credit for trying to educate that recalcitrant farang. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, yellowboat said:

    Its like the constitution.  What choices were there for the average Thai ?  You either agree and move forward, or watch the buffoonery continue to make participatory government in Thailand look like a dog and pony show.   The elections will be the same.  The electorate will participate in the hopes of making Thailand a better place.  The corrupt and delusional are in control.  Hope those who took to the streets at the end of 2013 are having trouble living with themselves now.

    The electorate have been through this before in 2007. The popular party was massively handicapped by the banning of many of their key members. The military was going to the red shirt provinces and intimidating them to switch allegiance. The army chief was backing the Dem. Constitution was the-written to favour the elites dominance and the EC was selectively targeting political enemies. Somehow the electorate turned out in large number of over 70% and mandated the leaders of their choice. No difference this time. They will turn out in numbers. Also the youth first time voters and the disillusioned yellows. It will be a disaster for pro military parties. Prayut is toast. 

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  5. 4 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    Perhaps or perhaps not.


    It all depends on how many parties the government can dissolve before the election.

    The junta can dissolve the parties but if the electorates boycott the election and the quorum of seats don’t achieve 95%, the election is null and void. Each constituency also need a percentage to be legitimate. I can recall the percentage. Bottom line is that if the anti junta parties are dissolved, they will ask their supporters to boycott the election. Don’t think the junta want that kind of publicity and world attention.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Loss of face and the often violent reaction to that will be exaggerated by alcohol consumption. So alcohol is a moderating factor to the reactions of loss of face.


    Alcohol impairs judgement and will make people more prone to knee jerk excessive reactions. 

    Loss of face highly exacerbated by ethnicity especially Asians and Thais in particular. 

  7. 17 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    A link please to that 16%+ outbound Chinese tourists figure?


    Sorry, step back a moment. Your quote is first half '18, the boat accident happened in second half!



    I was referencing to your comment on depreciating yuan against USD. 


    Obviously 2nd half ‘18 yet to publish but you can extrapolate. Fact is Chinese tourists have avoided Thailand for other countries due to mishandling by the junta. 

  8. 50 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    The loss of life due to the boat accident is coincidental to the issue of growth, it took place at the same time that the trade war started and the value of the Yuan began to fall against THB.



    Didn't stop the increase in outbound tourists according to the Tourism Ministry. First 6 months '18 saw a 16+% increase. Just that the tourists were turned off by the negative media report of Prawit's ill thought-off comment blaming the Chinese for the boat accident and the ill thought-out decision to crack down on the zero dollar tours. The charges against the tour companies were acquitted by the court. Tourists like all tourists see safety as important criteria and the reaction of the authority was inadequate. Taiwan and South Korea are the benefactors of our loss. 

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