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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, meanwhile, yesterday congratulated Thai citizens for “partially getting back their basic rights snatched by the NCPO almost five years ago”. Thaksin, who has been on self-imposed exile overseas since 2008, said in his Facebook message the junta was forced to lift the political restrictions. “It’s not their kindness to us,” he added.

    Force by who, I wonder ????

  2. 49 minutes ago, connda said:

    If that was true then things would be falling apart now.  But they are not.  Public servants, conservatives, and big corporations simply adapt to the government model.  Authoritarian regimes rule with an iron fist, which can make for a stable, albeit unhappy, country.  Business still thrives.  Countries like the US don't intervene.  So unfortunately, even a government without 'credibility' can still rule the roost effectively if the stakeholders accept the status quo.  And most stakeholders and a significant part of the population will go along willingly.  So I don't see a post-election 'junta' led party leading the nation to ruin.  You'll just have an autocratic government that a lot of people won't like but won't have much power to do anything about.

    Authoritarian is defined as autocratic, dictatorial, despotic, tyrannical, draconian, oppressive, repressive or simply undemocratic or in the case of this junta, non elected that seized an elected government by force. 


    Tell me what so acceptable are all that to you. Country of inequality that became worst during the junta tenure. Human right abuses increase, extra judiciary detention, misuse of laws to punish people who have opinions, misuse of article 44 and frightened off foreign investors and hindered the economic progress and missed opportunities. 


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  3. 7 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    A coalition is the usual manner to provide motivation for cooperation.

    In a parliamentary system a coalition is typically achieved through division of cabinet ministries (see recent Germany election). The current 20-member cabinet has 1 prime minister, 19 ministries with matching deputies plus 3 deputy prime ministers - a lot of room to negotiate distribution of ministries among parties to join a coalition. For example, Abhisit gets Ministry of Tourism & Sports while PTP gets Foreign Affairs.

    But what is required is a HIGH voter turnout (80%?) to drown out pro-military party elected seats. Voter complacency or despair will not change the face of the Thai government.

    If history is an indication, post coup election in 2007 brought out the voters in high numbers at 74.5% turnout. The 2011 election was also significant in rejecting military interference in appointing a crony government which saw turnout at 75%. I see no difference and with the youth awakening thanks to the young activists actions, we may see 80%. Keeping my fingers crossed.


    I really don't know how those pro-democracy parties can work together if not in a coalition that involves some horse trading of positions. Both big parties will tread this with caution fearing a backlash from their supporters. If the Dem was to come on board this partisanship against the military, it will probably help Ahbisit and the party more in the long run.  

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  4. 3 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    The only question that really matters in Thailand today is how do you root out and destroy this cancer?

    For that to happen, it will mean a landslide pro-democracy parties win to have a chance to change certain aspect of the charter that will allowed and empowered the citizens to file charges against coup-makers. These pro democracy political parties don't need to form a coalition as they have very different ideologies but just come together in a non partisan approach against the military. 


    If Prayut cheat his way to take the government, the pro-democracy parties can join in a non partisan 2/5 vote to initiate a no confidence debate in parliament and vote to kick him out.


    Amending the charter seem the best way to destroy this military power albeit it will not be easy and seem impossible but if there are enough noises from the people demanding amendment, a referendum can be justified and legal binding. 


    From reading between the lines, there are also attempts to dim the power of the Burapha Group where previous coups are staged by their generals. The army chief's loyalty is key and the 1st Army garrison locality may have some significant relating to their ability to stage successful coups without much resistance. 


    Army is not the solution although some fools still think otherwise. As the editorial stated that the generals have been wrong all the way and they have been plundering the wealth of the country and should not interfere with the democratic process. 





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  5. 5 hours ago, madmen said:

    Sounds more like backtracking by you and others. Already given up because you and I know what the result will be when the Thais put it to vote

    Strange though you guys were such fighters and now you all have tail between legs already admitting defeat. What a wasted four years of posting.. You will never learn or understand whilst you cling to your western version of democracy for Thailand.

    Eastern version of democracy is what I understand and what I deemed right for Asian. Try reading up and understand what version is Asia subscribing before you lecture anyone. 


  6. 1 hour ago, ramrod711 said:

    For a guy that claims to want "democracy" you have very odd ideas about who should lead. But maybe you know something the rest of us don't. Perhaps his thug sons will be at the rally's or maybe the pink Bentley will be the campaign vehicle. Will he encourage people to burn their local government buildings? PTP needs new blood not retread drunken goons.


    Chalerm is a relic of old politics and can only talk smack and represents many undesirable things. However anyone who gets in the face of those two thugs, get my vote. 

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