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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 13 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Interesting point you make regarding the NACC. Isn't creating a political attack dog exactly what the Shins did with the DSI under the now never seen Tarit? Ably assisted by the dubious Chalerm?

    Same same but different.


    Indeed, until the lots cleared up, nothing will really change. Just the players moving around the musical chairs.


    But looking around, this game, of the rich and politicians benefiting themselves seems to be happening all over. I despair of some of the corrupt politicians in the UK who somehow seem above the law with the connivance of the police who don't want to know or do their duty. 


    Wasn't Tarit Pengdith appointed by Ahbisit and he charged 9 UDD leaders for treason. The charges against Ahbisit and Suthep thereafter were for charges stemming from the violence in 2010. That don't seem like an attack like how you want to make this out. The NACC president Watcharapol was appointed by Prawit and has yet to conclude corruption cases relating to Prawit and Suthep. Same? I don't think so. 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Really. And all the ones I know, including the ones who voted PTP in the last election, will not vote for any Thaksin owned party again. That is those that live outside of the corralled villages where the local headman tells them who they must vote for.

    You think the headman will write the ballot papers for the uneducated village people and put them in the ballot boxes for them? Just asking. 

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  3. 15 hours ago, markaoffy said:

    What a pathetic lot! Supporting the Junta for their own personal gain ! Let’s see if other parties are allowed to stand ! Thailand is a pathetic excuse for representative democracy

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    Delays in pursuing indictments are big incentives too besides the personal gains. Boonsong will get a reduction in his 42 years with his son sacrifice to join the evil side.  

  4. 48 minutes ago, Phuketshrew said:

    Even if it does turn out to be true then what next? I can't see the Generals and military leaving the trough and shyly retiring to their barracks.

    Things have changed recently. All depends on where the army chief place his loyalty and how strong the next government to re-write the constitution and defang the military. Cloudy future but the election is the only logical step and attempt to do something. 

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  5. 11 minutes ago, Eligius said:

    Absolutely right, SABloke. And even if this thing were sentenced to 100 years, do we actually believe he would sit them out in a nasty, rotten, stinking jail, chained up and treated like scum? Or do we think that words spoken by a judge ('sentenced to 100 years') are, for Thai officialdom, equal (when it suits them) to the deed, the act? 

    He will walk free, even if we are all told he is 'serving a prison sentence'. Words in this country mean absolutely NOTHING as regards reflecting the actual reality on the ground!


    He will get a suspended jail sentence and the judge will cite his immense contribution to the country and the tax he paid. In any words, he walk free, period. Money buys freedom in Thailand. The poor gets 15 years in jail for picking mushrooms. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, scorecard said:

    And again you make things up as you go along, to suit your need to glorify your idols.


    Your actually quite dishonest, I have never ever said anything to indicate I don't support / respect universal suffrage and you actually don't know my views on this subject, in reality I am a strong supporter of universal suffrage and democracy (real democracy) and sharing the wealth. 


    Pity you weren't at a seminar at the NUS National University of Singapore arranged jointly by the post graduate studies arms of the Economics faculty and the Executive Leadership School.


    I gave a joint opening address along with 3 other invited presenters, all asked to share our personal beliefs which then constituted a numbers of break out discussions.


    My address was in macro terms based on what I wrote just above in terms of my own strong beliefs on strong support for universal suffrage, democracy (real democracy) and sharing the wealth and selected socialism. I also mentioned support for researching the idea of legal caps on the extent of the gap in salary and benefits. 




    Since you talk and feel strongly about real democracy, allow me to quote you a definition from New Compass's Camilla Hansen. A real democracy is a direct and participatory democracy in which all citizens have the possibility and the right to participate in the decisions that affect our lives and our communities. This contrast with representative democracy that was the norm for Thailand before 1990. Before 1990, democracy is equated with representative government based on free elections of political elites that rule on the citizen's behalf. The coming Feb election has all the features of Thailand moving backwards to representative government aka military parties and laws favouring them to win and form the next government and most likely a general PM. If you are a strong supporter of real democracy, I am glad for you and you should also stop supporting the junta. 


    PS. I am from NTU not NUS.

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  7. 13 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Of course they won't go away. The prize is too great and the only real risk is being exiled. 


    They've seen the likes of Marcos, the Lees, Hun Sen and others get a family dynasty in place and pillage and thieve vast amounts. Just like his dad's old mate Mugabe, they think they're entitled.

    There is only 1 dynasty in Thailand. The Shin don’t qualified as dynasty. They have to be elected and they can’t change the constitution and laws to allow them to stay in power. That is in the purview of the military who also stage coups so that they can pillage and thieve vast amount with impunity. You should know all this by now. No?. 

  8. 20 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    "Providing they are even allowed to participate of course. "


    Just wondering whether the other parties will be allowed to openly / easily contact the electorate and speak with the electorate in local village etc., discussions, in the red areas?


    And just wondering how active the 'red democracy schools' are now and even more so in the run up to the election date? (Meaning active behind the scene / controlling the village folks.)


    And just wondering whether the election commission will be actively watching this subject areas across all of Thailand is is the 'new' EC just as toothless and inactive as the previous recent folks?

    You really need to stop wondering and walking needlessly around. It is very disturbing. If you have the facts that red villages still survived after the intense purged and under the watchful eyes of the military, please spit it out or forever hold your tongue. By the way, the new EC is armed to the teeth in dispensing unfair practices for their junta master and have started in earnest to gerrymander the constituency maps. 

  9. 12 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    THE JUNTA chief said yesterday that he has decided not to join any political party – not even the pro-junta one.

    Thailand's personalisation of party leadership always have big impact. Thaksin for PTP, Ahbisit for Dem, Newin for BJT, Suthep for ACT and so forth. Party leaders help the party to affect directly the voters particularly at election. They also move their party in a policy direction which enable their party to be more appealing to the electorate. Now that Prayut has decided not to join any party, PPRP seem rudderless and disorganize and will disadvantage the party going to the election. He can still join the party but will be not be legible to contest the election and that will be a target for attacks by political parties. Either he has finally faced up to reality that he is not as popular as his surrogates made him believed or his political ambition has been dimmed by him. Going by ISOC intelligence, the pro military parties will be disseminated in the elction. Most of their MP candidates are out of the political arena since early 2000s and have little influence.  

  10. 6 minutes ago, plachon said:

    So what would a "societal resurgence" entail, then? Wouldn't that require citizens rejecting corrupt politicians and sweeping out the old guard of all political parties who have demonstrated strong traits of avarice, greed and good ol' fashioned rent seeking?


    Who would start to enact or how would your "resurgence" and "cleansing" begin? Also, please define that latter term.

    Obviously it has to do with society which is the aggregate of people living together in a more or less orderly community. Coups are danger to society. Societal resurgence to me would meant that the society rejects coups to solve political problems and through the process of election reject corrupt politicians. 


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  11. 9 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Yes your standard reply they did it too, instead of hoping for a better future your ok with these kind of things.

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

    Just how on earth can we hope for a better future when the crooks dressed in green and their cronies bent all the rules ever so often and used their power to discriminate against their enemies. You got an answer or just your standard pooh-pooh condemnation of the junta. 

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  12. 35 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Yea he is a real political heavy-weight. No nepotism or anything. If anything the junta will die laughing.

    But i must admit a perfect PTP candidate caught cheating on tests and all. Just what they need and he has the mandatory court cases going against him. On par for the course.

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

    If Ahbisit's draft dodging cheat can end up being a PM and another who break the law to be junta PM, I see no reason why Oak can't do something for his political future. Everyone seem par on course. 

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