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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 1 hour ago, NCC1701A said:

    downsize the military to about 170,000 men for the three armed forces, to reduce the number of generals from about 1,600 to just about 400 and to replace conscription with voluntary enlistment.

    The military, he said, must detach itself from politics and to return to the barracks and all military procurements must be transparent.

    Don't think a active military strength of 170k from current 330k is a sound move. For a population like Thailand, I feel 330k is an adequate deterrent. Vietnam has 450k and Indonesia 520k. Also it will be a big ask to provide employment. The reduction in Generals is long overdue. Also clip the wings of the 2 most powerful military cliques where all previous coup generals came from. Replacing conscription with voluntary enlistment is a good idea. There are really very little commitment to serve in conscription besides being misused. Voluntary enlistment will have better motivation and commitment. More should be done to train them to be part of active-duty training and deployment and not just man servants. 


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  2. As a regional senior statesmen and been around the blocks more than a few times, he know better that both his proposals will end with nothing. ASEAN do not meddle in member countries domestic affairs period. That has not change since formation and the foreseeable future. He will also not give a helpful hand for the deep south problems as it will antagonize his home Malays constituent which has been very vocal lately. But in his true style, he will always play to the gallery.  

  3. 2 hours ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:

    If so that might not be such a bad thing.  If Fearless Leader P and his minions took our comments seriously we'd probably all be rotting in a Thai jail right now... and/or already deported. :shock1:

    Our comments pale greatly with those on Thai social media. Try reading them and you find them brutal, full of swear words and expletives filled attack of the junta aimed at both Ps. They have strength in numbers. 

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  4. 18 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    The last sentence is valid for all countries not just Thailand, the West is a little more subtle but the results are the same, like Thailand the elite rules where it counts.

    True and not likely to change much in foreseeable future for Thailand if inequality is not addressed meaningfully. Also elites and the military domination should not be at the expense of atrocities and grave human right abuses which unfortunately were and will be the scars of Thailand.  

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  5. 33 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Unless they refuse to go, dispute any election results they don't like, change or ignore laws to suit themselves. etc etc.


    The decline in real democracy, with associated law, order and meaningful checks and balances on governments and parliaments is seemingly a world wide phenomenon of the IT digital age. When in fact, the opposite should be true!

    Will ignore your first para; don’t think you are serious in your assertion. 


    Democracy and associated law and order as well as meaningful checks and balances are only good when you have a constitution that will institutionalized  mechanisms of power control for the protection of the interests and liberties of the citizenry.


    Any decline is likely to be linked to a poorly written constitution rather than blaming on IT which actually baffle me. Take this recent constitution as example which will entrench further military domination for a long time and will be a cause of fast erosion of democracy. Thus it has to be changed if the people want to stop the decline in real democracy. 

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  6. Lots of motherhood comments that Thailand need a truly democractic government that is corruption free. Yes we all know that. Stop preaching to the choir. Every countries say the same thing. Even Churchill admitted that democracy is the worst form of government except for others. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise but coups and military regimes are worst. If they are good for Thailand, the country will be perfect and all-wise after 12 coups.    

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  7. 1 hour ago, Prissana Pescud said:

    Really. What checks and balances of failed democracy are you referring to. 

    The checks on the people that were throwing grenades, blowing up buildings, stealing the money of the govt.

    People like you will never understand the failed rice scheme, the empty rice storage places and the sub standard wet rice where it was held.

     <snip> You cannot comprehend why the former

    govt fugitives still a life of glamour and wealth.

     What former so called democracy is totally transparent if you care to look and not get blinded by capitalism.

    Since 1949, China has risen from basket case to almost total supremacy. And not a hint of democracy.

    You need to understand what it takes to rule an uneducated economy.

    Not too late for you to understand what are checks and balances in an elected government as compare to a non elected military government. A legislative wing that represent and acting on behalf of the citizens and scrutinizing the government; previous parliament exposed the rice scheme mismanagement. The executive branch decide on bill; that stop the amnesty bill. The judiciary branch dispense fair judgement rather than compromised verdict for the sake of political expediency. 


    Don't forget transparency. Openness, accountability and or basically how citizens hold the government accountable with free speech and opinion.


    Tell how all the above fair in this military government. No parliament but a rubber stamping NLA. Judiciary system fraught with crony investigating agencies which spare corruption of the military. Oh, by the way you so wrong to say that corruption better in junta time. The global corruption Index say you bluffing.       


    Rather naive to not know that Thaksin was already wealthy before he joined politics. That was a totally irrelevant point.


    As for China, you are just being simplistic to use China as an example of prosperity without democracy.  You don't know what happening inside China on civil society, political freedom and dissent. China regime is a major source of potential instability. 

  8. 30 minutes ago, DM07 said:

    "During his visit to Bueng Kan province yesterday, the prime minister also asked eligible voters to “carefully elect candidates with good policy platforms”.

    What does that even mean?

    "Good policy"...for whom?


    “It’s because I run the country,” (into the ground!)

    Prayut told the crowd. “You know that I am suffering. But I agree to suffer and lay down my life in this position.”

    If there would be fair and free elections, your suffering would end in February, you pompous %$#@! 

    In January, the former coup leader had described himself as a politician for the first time after having repeatedly denied he was one.

    Yesterday he also suggested that people wanted him to remain in office. Let's say "some people"...some very certain people...


    “While in bed, I thought about why people place their hopes on me and why they want me to work. It’s because they have hope and I have to make their wish come true.” I guess, we are not thinking about the same people, Mr. "PM", but I am sure, I know WHO wants you to work and WHO'S dreams you make come true!


    Prayut urged people not to take part in street protests now that political restrictions were lifted, as “confusion and chaos” would again cause damage to the country. The only one confused, is you! You either lift restrictions or not! In both cases, you live with the consequences! That is how a democracy works...or a dictatorship...or whatever you think, Thailand is!?


    “People must not allow anyone to lead them to confusion and chaos again. Such a thing must not happen again because Thailand is going to host the Asean Summit next year,” he said. Wafflewaffleblahbalh...good people...bring happynes back...wafflewaffle...


    He pointed to more than 2,900 projects in the five provinces in the Northeast as among the accomplishments of the post-coup government. I don't even want to imagine, how many of those were just spending cash to placate the plebs!


    All this incredible BS, topped by a thinly covered threat: "You know, who to vote for...or else!"


    What a smackdown of this power grabbing and cheating junta. Excellent take down of this junta and power slamming that coward Prayut who hide behind self-made laws. Fans of this heel are conspicuously silent this morning. 

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  9. 30 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Have you not heard of the small dic syndrom, it's spreading through Thai men, like a plague, just have a look at how many Thai women have been slain of late 

    SDS is a disorder caused by eating too much Koi Pla whereby the parasites could leave you with small heads on both ends. 


    PS. Gun was his that he left with the waiter. He retrieved the gun and went after him. 

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  10. 17 minutes ago, Superphoenix said:

    They were both drunk, Cop was not in uniform, lost fistfight. Somebody gave a gun to the (yet faceless) cop who chased the French Tourist and executed him. Cop surrendered and is suspended from duty. According to BKK Post.

    Update correction to your post. That was his gun which he handed to the staff for safekeeping. He collected his gun to gun down the French guy. 

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