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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. The Right is not evil just that they have a loose relationship with facts and science.
  2. 2 coups in the last decades adds to the 18 successful and unsucessful coups since 1932 which Thailand holds that distinction being the most coups than any other country in the world. With every coup, structural programs like education stand the risk of policy changes and expropriation of fundings. The previous 9 years adminsitrators showed no interest in improving education. Foreign investors are wary of an unstable political climate for the same reasons of policy changes and civil unrests. Countries like Singapore, Japan etc that have political stability tends to do well attracting FDIs and implementation of structural programs like education, healthcare etc.
  3. Dr. Kobsak Pootrakool seem to fear mentioning the obvious that political instability caused by the continous coups scared off foreign investments.
  4. Borders have always been highly porous for decades and need to be fixed by both parties and not to be politized. The bipartisan bill endorsed by the National Border Patrol Council was rejected by the GOP because Trump do not want solution before November. Biden choices for how to execute with withdrawal from Afghanistan were severly constrained by conditions created by Trump. Troops reduction to a skeleton force of 2,500, release of Taliban prisoners and the flawed Camp David invitation to the Taliban where the Taliban gave the assurance that they will not attack the US troops as long as US commit to the withdrawal. A bipartisan Senate majority of 70 senators passed the Ukraine aid bill reflecting critical mass support in Congress for help Ukraine against Russia agression. Also the general view of most Americans. Unfortunately it will be unlikely for the bill to pass the House. Sad day for US to reaffirm their position of leader to the free world.
  5. Considering coup generals, insurrectionists leader Suthep Thaigsuban and Abhisit Vejjajiva connected with the 90 deaths in 2010 are still walking free, Thaksin walking free should just add to normal political expediency in Thailand.
  6. Manufactured border crisis by the Republicans and the disfunctional Congress of both parties and now held hostage by a maniputative Trump to advance his political agenda, The fact remains that USA needs immigration especially young migrants to fund the old age Baby Boomers. Overall immigrations are good for the economy as researched by the Brookings Hamilton Project. Unfortunately this become a political football being kicked around and down the road.
  7. Trump’s remark will not only frightened NATO countries but also Asia. South Korea military alliance since 1953 has been rocked by Trump demanding more remuneration for US troops stationed there and also his friendship with Kim. Taiwan must be wary and uncomfortable of their Friendship Alliance Act with US when Trump openly praised President Xi. Trump will abandon Asia if he is successful in Nov and form a new world order. He is a danger to the world especially the free world. Biden is the last hope to ensure Trump does not get the Presidency. Biden may be old but he is a trusted well meaning global statesman. Trump is just the opposite.
  8. Talking about putting his fat finger on the scale, Maga Mike Johnson in his first week as Speaker welcome a fresh Ukraine aid package linked to US border security. When the fat fingers hit the scale, he did a 360 and pronounced the bi-partisan bill dead on arrival even without reading the bill. Trump is the problem for the border crisis.
  9. To qoute Senator Lindsey Graham "You will get a robust Republican vote for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan if you have real border security to deal with...." Maga rubes have short memory.
  10. Article making mountains out of molehills. Just a functional meeting on important policies having multiple persons giving their inputs and disagreeing with their views of the matter rather than having one person to solve the problem and enervating oppositions.
  11. He didn't leave office peacefully, instigated an insurrection, sold his gullible supporters on election lies, enervate political opposition and he is not running for President but running to be a dictator.
  12. If Trump elected, it will shatter the claim that US is the beacon of democracy and not to be trusted in all foreign policies and will not come to the aid of the free world if attacked
  13. No. Just MAGA gaslighting for their chump. Biden done nothing wrong.
  14. That’s right. Suck it up. Trump 31 indictments under the Espionage Act not Biden.
  15. Yes in direct funding. Canada is not meeting NATO military funding requirements. You are confused.
  16. Probably a new world order with a coalition of evils like Russia, North Korea and China whom Trump greatly admired against the free world. Trump not doing himself any good with increasing divisive rhetoric. His MAGA supporters will applaud senselessly but the average voters will be appalled. It is still 9 months till election and I am expecting the hateful volume of rhetoric will increase and is not helping him win over the voters.
  17. Much ado over nothing. Trump will not be the President and Nato will continue to exist.
  18. trump is not exactly sharp as tack. Besides being geographically challenged, he is host of many other cognitively challenged behaviors. Both men shared similarly old age cognitive decline but Biden stand high on matters relating to competence, principle, ethics and honesty. Way above lying Trump. https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/msna1327376
  19. His NY assets are all his prized assets like the TRump Tower, Mar-a-Lago, Trump Park Avenue among others.
  20. Biden ran unopposed is a reflection of the party discipline, cohesiveness and a clear strategy as opposed to the divided, in-fighting and rigid strategy of the Rep party. Less than half of Republican registered voters are affiliated to the Maga movement and it show in the New Hampshire and Iowa primaries. Good reason for Biden to be optimistic for the Nov election.
  21. I hope you right on this. Seem any negotiator will get a death wish by Trump. Ask James Lankford.
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