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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. For once we agree about the same. May be not for the same reason though, as I would remind you of the Thaksin thinks Pheu Thai acts slogan.

    I am no fan of Thaksin and, this may surprise you, nor the PTP but of freedom, democracy and fairness to all citizens whether they be rich, poor, from North or South, female or male.

    Tis but a dream here but the way the elite use the military all through Thailand's recent history is reproachable and wrong just because they think the electorate 'got it wrong' far better convince, debate and show they have a BETTER WAY

    sorry but guns and force, anywhere to take over a democracy, are abhorrent to me

    Liar. You praise a proven liar and stand up for a regime that was openly run by a crooked fugitive who wasn't elected and refused accountability whilst allowing violence and murder of opponents.

    Not once have I read a post by you that condemns Thaksin, Yingluck, Chalerm, Tarit or PTP; or anything they've said or done.

    But of course you are no fan.............. they all just happen to be totally innocent champions of democracy, freedom and justice for all.

    Yeah, sure, if you say so,

    No lies from me just pure, unadulterated ignorance from YOU. You have demonstrated you have no clue about Thai politics or about the REAL reasons for all this. Just another uneducated bigot who has to stoop to calling other TVF posters liars.

    Actually, Baerboxer is not the only one who thinks you "handle the truth carelessly"...........................clap2.gif

    I don't think you and BB have carte blanche on the truth too.

  2. Could be perceived as "politically driven" in diplomatic lingo means it sure the hell was politically driven and I couldn't agree more.


    It would look much better when a Senate full with elected senators impeaches a former PM.

    Result is the same though rolleyes.gif

    The result would not be the same though as they would mostly be PTP whistling.gif

    So what you are saying is, if a politically motivated senate refused to impeach Yingluck, that would be ok?

    Sod the truth and justice. As long as it's all in favor of the Shins and they can get away with anything it's ok?

    They impeachment should have been left - they should have concentrated on the criminal trial. And if guilty, actually punished a hiso elite Thai Chines Amply Rich billionaire in accordance with the law for once.

    Interesting. A hypothetical political motivated elected senate refused to impeach. Sorry that did not happen but a political motivated appointed NLA did impeached Yingluck. And that is the truth and poor justice as the US envoy opined.

  3. I don't think they will be allowed to run (as they would win) and so I am expecting the Junta to reorganize things and only when they are certain PTP cannot win will they have an election

    It 'could be' (I don't know) that all political parties are banned and only individuals can stand after going through some sort of 'process'. This would ensure the yellows could stack any future parliament with their 'faithful fascists'.

    One things for sure they are working hard to have their own democracy 'Thai style' (translated = no democracy) and they will claim it's 'within the law and constitution' which they will invent of course.

    another prediction : it will be Hobson's Choice (again) when voting on the constitution - don't vote it in the Army stays, no counter arguments or campaigning and certainly no freedom of speech - job done.

    Yep.... seems to be working OK at the moment.

    Democracy that is bought for 500 Baht is no democracy at all.

    The junta is having a decent stab at tackling corruption (a thankless/futile task in a country where it is endemic/cultural) and until those, in politics etc, who have financially raped this country have been removed from positions of power/control Thailand may fare just as well under the junta.

    It always amuses me how the anti-reds love to use the "bought votes" card every chance they get, and seem to believe that no on else would ever try to buy votes. And I guess they all missed the comments from Korn (one of the more respectable Democrats), who openly stated in an interview that in the previous general election, the Dems spent MORE money to buy votes than PTP, and still lost, so it's his opinion that vote buying really doesn't influence the elections one way or another.

    Just an observation. smile.png

    The old lie that Korn said they spent more money to buy votes doesn't get any more true with time. In the interview that I know you are basing your maybe second or third hand account on (if it's a first hand account it doesn't speak well of you) he said the Puea Paending Party had spent more money than PPP in campaigning, not vote buying.

    "Don't put it down to vote-buying, electoral fraud or populism," Alongkorn said. Another deputy leader of the Dem Party said the same thing.

  4. Hey you lawyer guys at the Pheu Thai.

    Count your blessings, madame and before her, her brother aren't charged for more crimes committed against the state and the Thai people !!!!!

    You seem to know a lot about crimes against the state and Thai people. You like to list them so the NACC and OAG can act on them or it's just your hot air. There is a big crime against the state and the people happening in front of your eyes if you lift off your air of hypocrisy.

    Warning against repercussions because of impeaching an Amply rich woman is no crime. 'betting' is a crime even if it's only on an amnesty for the Isaan darling.

    I see that you are abetting the authority to take action against freedom of expression even if it's only a call for amnesty. You really have found a home with a junta government.

  5. Hey you lawyer guys at the Pheu Thai.

    Count your blessings, madame and before her, her brother aren't charged for more crimes committed against the state and the Thai people !!!!!

    You seem to know a lot about crimes against the state and Thai people. You like to list them so the NACC and OAG can act on them or it's just your hot air. There is a big crime against the state and the people happening in front of your eyes if you lift off your air of hypocrisy.

  6. ` Enough time Parrot. I win!!!

    Your quest was in vain as I knew it would be. I hereby deem that Thaksin was a detrimental force in creating Thailand's woes for well over a decade and that you have failed miserably to produce any evidence to the contrary.

    Seems as though you are a 'dead parrot' - in the scheme of things that is as you appear to have stuttered your last stutter, at least regards this particular topic.

    Seem you set the rules, play the game and declared yourself the winner. Priceless. Much the same as the coup leader.

  7. trogers post # 5

    Like they say, "I am my father's son". Cheating and lying is in the blood. Recall his exams in the university?

    Like they say, "I am my father's son". Cheating and lying is in the blood. Recall his exams in the university?

    It is a wise man who knows his own father and indeed Oak does know his own father that part of the comment is correct . However certain other parts of the comment are open to doubt.whistling.gif


    Psst, don't tell, but rumour has it his father likes female company rolleyes.gif

    Rubi, the quality of your posting seem to be slipping rapidly.

  8. you have to love the ptp/red thinking, impeach her and we will start shooting and bombing Thailand again, screw the country, give us what we want. The guilt factor and what the ptp did while in govt doesnt even come into it, the reds have no concern with what is best for the country just their pockets.

    Just learning from Sutherp. Remember that he called for thousands of Southern supporters to march into Bangkok if he was impeached for the Phuket land scam? Sure you remember that.

  9. Lessons about the bane of expensive populist policies would not be learnt by citizens who do not pay income taxes. They gained from the pain of others, and would continue welcoming such gains.

    The reasons why these income tax payers still have a job is because those non paying workers are toiling in their factories with low wages. The non paying farmers are buying their goods and paying the revenue taxes that are used to fund the public offices that service these tax payers companies. Get off your high horse mate.

    You forgot to mention the local elite which keeps the masses satisfied with crumbs.

    You don't noticed that the local elites were not part of the PDRC? It was the Bangkok elites like Chitpas and fellow like minded PDRC who spoke demeaning remarks about being uneducated and non tax payers.

  10. Lessons about the bane of expensive populist policies would not be learnt by citizens who do not pay income taxes. They gained from the pain of others, and would continue welcoming such gains.

    The reasons why these income tax payers still have a job is because those non paying workers are toiling in their factories with low wages. The non paying farmers are buying their goods and paying the revenue taxes that are used to fund the public offices that service these tax payers companies. Get off your high horse mate.

  11. No problem with agreeing that corrupt politicians should be impeached or jailed BUT please demonstrate that fairly. Begs the question " who's watching the watchdog" especially the current setup.

    So you agree Eric, that Thaksin should be extradited to serve his jail sentence and face the 15 other more serious outstanding court charges?

    Ask yourself if there was due process, operate within the law (legality) and fair procedure was provided, then you have my answer. In the context of Thailand, I would also throw in equal dispensation of the law to all.

  12. From what I hear from the Thais I socialize with, they fully expect a jail term handed out. Anyone else hear that rumour?

    You mean like a hostage situation in return for Thaksin exiting politics? Possible. Show how insecured the elites are of Thaksin.

    I think the junta will do so at their peril. At that point, the gloves will come off and I expect every bit of dirtry laundry that the junta and their backers to start being washed in public world wide. And then watch the fun start.

    They wont be able to issue defamation and lese majeste suits quick enough

    You guys are really hyping yourself up on this, aren't you ?

    Mind you, with all untruths told by the accused parties, the ignorance displayed and the lack of answers a jail term to offset the 700 billion Baht loss seems reasonable. To early to say and of course 'elite' seldom go to jail.

    Yingluck will not go to jail because there are no evidence for the OAG to prosecute. NACC jumped the gun to say OAG has agreed. The rebuttal came fast and swift from the OAG that their stand of not sufficient evdence remains the same

  13. Uncle Rubi, hope it's of your fast fading eyesight or perhaps just pure unbridled prejudice that you don't see the NACC selective targeting choosing to ignore the 2010 killings. Deaths not as important as order from their masters to go after a subsidy scheme. I suppose you are educated to understand that there are no such thing as a good coup. And this is not an insult too just disagreement with you.

    Eric, I know this is a bit complicated for you, but why would the ANTI-CORRUPTION commission be investigating the 2010 insurgency? hint, the answer is in the name.

    Not at all complicated Halloween. Malfeasance case against CRES for the 2010 killings. Get off your lazy chair and do your own search. Try "NACC delay CRES probe".

  14. This well planned and staged events by the elites of Bangkok to force the Shinawatras and allies out of power and out if the country and eradicate any vestigial remnants has been on tracked. They can control every aspect of the plan with their own people in the independent agencies and with the junta as the government. But can they win an election with their own chosen party? The division and discern for the elites bullying tactics just got wider and the people will respond come next election.

    I am at a loss to understand how the ' Bangkock Elite' managed to implement the rice pledging scheme and force it to lose all the money.

    How they managed to arrange the fake G 2 G deals where the rice was sold to unauthorised Chinese companies, never exported but sold to Thai companies.

    I don't understand how they managed to get the rice in storage to deteriorate so quickly or how they arranged for large quantities to disappear.

    Nor did I realize that it was them who were in charge of the reds when they were bullying, threatening and intimidating anyone who stood in their way.

    I can understand someone who has been constantly been bombarded by the hate and lies spewed forth from a village sound system or children at a red school failing to understand for they have few other sources of information.

    However I can not understand how someone who is supposedly educated enough to use a computer and can look for themselves and see what has been going on with the rice pledging and other schemes can constantly defend the corruption that is so obviously involved.

    So the PT government force the loss to get themself into this current predicament. Are you prophet who can foresee how the rice price trend?

    I am talking about double standard by the NACC. If PT was to be taken to task by the NACC because of a failed policy not help by weak commodity price, Ahbisit and Sutherp should also be taken to task for authorizing the use of guns and live ammo. This whole NACC charade is not about fighting for corruption but is about an order by the elites who has a mandate to rid the Shins and allies.

    And please cut out the insults which really reflect badly on your own education and moral upbringing. We dont need that to present your argument.

    So, the Pheu Thai put themselves in the current position by starting the RPPS as 'self-financing' scheme instead of a mere 100 billion Baht subsidy budgeted as loss in the National Budget. Whether that was because they wanted to keep the deficit artificially down, keep the scheme out of parliamentary supervision, or whatever doesn't matter. They did as allegedly told by the great thinker, defended the undefendeble, told some little white lies and caused this enormous loss.

    Now they're asked to show responsibility and accountability.

    The 'but, but Abhisit, Suthep' is the usual distraction for those caught in a corner.

    PS what insults? The cheek of disagreeing with you?

    Uncle Rubi, hope it's of your fast fading eyesight or perhaps just pure unbridled prejudice that you don't see the NACC selective targeting choosing to ignore the 2010 killings. Deaths not as important as order from their masters to go after a subsidy scheme. I suppose you are educated to understand that there are no such thing as a good coup. And this is not an insult too just disagreement with you.

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