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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. No use speculating as the scene has been set. Most analysts know that the independent agencies will remove Yingluck and her entire cabinet to creat a power vacuum and claim any election can't be held and the need to nominate a PM of their choice. That's why the bold statement of non election participation by the Dem. No need for all the charade. Hold your breathe for what comes next. Democracy is again being cheated.

  2. You just can't avoid seeing the repeating trend by the courts to interfere with politics since the '06 coup. Everytime the sponsored anti democractic force runs out of ideas, the courts will step in with their selective judgement and initiate a judiciary putsch.

    Did that with Samad over a cooking show when the PAD could not dislodged him in '08. The government survived and court step in again in '09 and dissolved the PPP.

    Just how many knocks can democracy take when even the courts betray our trust.

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