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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. has anyone seen a list of the 'reforms' required before elections are 'allowed' ? I mean other than YL leaving the country.

    The Democrats have put forward 7 areas of reform, some before, some for after the next election.

    1. Tougher anti corruption measures.

    2. Reform of the justice system, greater equality under the law.

    3. Narrow the income gap, introduction of a property or land tax

    4. Reform and update the educational system


    6. Reform of the police force.

    I'm sorry, I can't remember number 7.

    7 should be the reform of the military. Anyway the 6 reforms are something Thais talk about for ages including the time when the Dem was the government twice over. Let's see some details as they are so general.

  2. what an absolute moron this woman is, she keeps doing the wrong thing and expects everyone to just let her get away with it, then she says she hasnt decided if she will attend the meeting herself, obviously she knows she is too stupid to be able to answer questions herself and needs others to do it for her. This is what happens when an uneducated moron with no experience is placed in the pm's job, she gets exactly what she deserves. Maybe now she is starting to realize this isnt just like going shopping for fun and that there are consequences for what you do or dont do.

    And how many multi billionaire's do you know who would not do the same. She is so stupid she ran one of Thailand largest business empires. I wish I was as stupid as her.

    You really need to stop getting ALL your information from the Red press. Ms Yingluck was an executive at Shin Corp. and not CEO, so she didn't 'run' anything. Her position was eliminated by the new owner (Temasek) in Singapore after the sale. It was a make-work position for baby sister to have some income and something to say she did. I think you can stop wishing now, as you may already be as stupid as her.

    p.s. Yingluck is not even a Baht billionaire according to her financial disclosure when she became PM.

    From Bloomberg Businessweek, her work background

    Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra served as Executive President, Acting Chief Executive Officer and Secretary of SC Asset Corporation Public Company Limited until June 30, 2011. Ms. Shinawatra served as Acting President of SC Asset Corporation Public Company Limited since December 1, 2006 and its Acting Senior Vice President of Business Development. Ms. Shinawatra served as President of Wireless Communication of Advanced Info Service Public Co., Ltd. since 2002. Ms. Shinawatra served as Senior Executive Vice President, Wireless Corporate Planning of Advanced Info Service Public Co., Ltd. from 2001 to 2002. She served as President of Advanced Info Service Public Co. Ltd. from 2002 to March 1, 2006. She served as Manager at Shinawatra Directories Co., Ltd from 1991 to 1994 and as General Manager from 1995 to 1996. She served as Vice President at Shinawatra Directories Co., Ltd from 1997 to 1998 and as Executive Vice President, Service Operation at Advanced Info Service PLC from 1999 to 2001. She has been the Chairman of the Board of OAI Asset Co., Ltd., Up Country Land Co., Ltd. and V.Land Property Co., Ltd. since March 1, 2006. She serves as an Executive Director of Manchester City F.C. She has been Secretary/Director of Thaicom Foundation since 2006. She served as a Director of SC Asset Corporation Public Company Limited since March 1, 2006. She completed a Master's Degree in Business administration from Kentucky State University, USA. She also completed Director Accreditation Program (DAP) Class in 2006, Finance for Non-Finance Director (FND) Class in 2006 and Director Certification Program (DCP) Class in 2006 at Thai Institute of Directors. http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/people/person.asp?personId=3733926&ticker=SC:TB

    You mean she has that lot of impressive corporate experiences and business background compare to Ahbisit whose only working experience is a short stint as lecturer in the military school.

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Suthep announces intention to fight to eliminate Thaksin's regime

    BANGKOK: -- People's Democratic Reform Committee spokesman secretary general Suthep Thaugsuban made an announcement at the Royal Plaza to reaffirm the PRDC's commitment to fight to eliminate the Thaksin regime.

    He said the regime was a danger of the country. He said the PDRC would join hands with the people to fight to reform the country so that the nation would have genuine democracy for the real benefits of the people.


    -- The Nation 2014-03-29

    Didn't he said that 4 months ago?

    And what's wrong with it?

    Really he should said that he will fight to eliminate Taksin regime by beating them at the polls.

  4. Let's put this to rest when anointed PDRC mouth piece Bangkok Post reported that today protestors are only in ten of thousands and much less than previous rallies. Bottom line, the protest is losing steam and losing supporters and fading fast. Nobody believe a word from Suterp and his final push. Call that too many times like calling wolf.

    Lets put this to rest! Its been 4 months since this has started, and still there are 10's of thousands that come out. After 4 months of of crazy traffic and business loss they still come out in the thousands?

    Why? why would people do that?

    Nobody likes Suthep, but they still come out to support him and oppose this govt. Why????

    Its really not hard to understand, they dont support Suthep, they oppose this government and what it stands for. It could be Satan himself leading these protests and people will follow. They are just sick and tired of the Shin clan dictating their lives and want to rid this plague from their lives.

    I can agree with you that the are people the are just sick and tired of the Shin family and there are also people who love them. That's reflected in all election. Taksin related parties do not get all the votes. People choose who they like in an election. Suterp isn't even allowing people to chose and insist on an unknown, untested and illegal appointed people council to govern for a period of time. That is like throwing yourself into a pool of piranha.

  5. Let's put this to rest when anointed PDRC mouth piece Bangkok Post reported that today protestors are only in ten of thousands and much less than previous rallies. Bottom line, the protest is losing steam and losing supporters and fading fast. Nobody believe a word from Suterp and his final push. Call that too many times like calling wolf.

    Bangkok Post is now a pro pdrc paper? Any paper prints some you news you don't like and they automatically become pro pdrc mouthpiece? Jesus.

    I guess when they allow Veera to run his mouth every week, they deserved to be called pro PDRC. As a major mass media, BP should present more objective article like by Khun Voranai and Songkran.

    • Like 2
  6. Yingluck said that she had an opportunity to learn from Thaksin about his ideas, vision, and the style of his political work.

    The good news for all crooks is:

    According to this, every corruption, law breaking and accepting advantage will rightfully get a carte blanche in court, as long as you tell the judges: “Your Honour, I was driven to do it by ideas, visions and my style of political work.”

    Why bother to defend when the courts have already made up their mind. The Courts just refer to previous judiciary coup references and sentence. The hearing is just a side show.

  7. From 'we want the Shin family out of Thailand' to 'no personal grudge', this kind of extremity is just to hard to bear. If they state D-day, V-day, final assault etc etc. , who's to know whether they are coming or going. Fact is that there are too many Indian chiefs in the PDRC from monks, academics, senators etc and very few cohesive plan. Can we trust these people to take over the country?

  8. Deja vu. Last time a 'neutral' prime minister was appointed, the constitution was changed to appointees, community stations were shut down, nation wide program to convert the Taksin supporters and freedom of expression curtailed. Same group of the establishment this time asking for neutral PM. We can expect the same i.e. eradication and subjugation of the oppositions.

    • Like 2
  9. stop hiding Abhsit and try to lead your party by producing policies which the voters can support

    Increase the minimum daily wage to 500 THB?

    A free iPhone to every Thai citizen?

    Unemployment benefit of 5000 THB per month?

    It seems that the Democrat Party would have to resort to such policies in order to out-do Thaksin's parties' extremely attractive vote-garnering policies and get democratically elected into power. Should they go this route?

    No, they leave the vote buying to the PTP.

    Done that too. 5 Dem were red carded in '07 election. They tried everything but still can't win the election. Perhaps get rid of Ahbishit may help.

  10. stop hiding Abhsit and try to lead your party by producing policies which the voters can support

    Increase the minimum daily wage to 500 THB?

    A free iPhone to every Thai citizen?

    Unemployment benefit of 5000 THB per month?

    It seems that the Democrat Party would have to resort to such policies in order to out-do Thaksin's parties' extremely attractive vote-garnering policies and get democratically elected into power. Should they go this route?

    Should they go this route? Ahbisit has all the practices as he done all that in his tenure. Popular policies like cash handouts, increase civil servant salaries, subsidized diesel/LPG/electricty/bus/train, free milk, free education etc. Adopted Taksin 30B healthcare scheme, Village funds and SML scheme. All populist policies that caused government debt to rise and created -4.8% budget deficit (highest since Chuan's government ). Also poor economic policies that saw unemployent increased 63%. It was a disaster. Not to mention his failed rice guarantee scheme still under process for dereliction of duty by the NACC ???

    • Like 1
  11. The PDRC and UDD events could not be more contrasting :

    PDRC events : a call for reform before an election

    a call for the strengthening of the independent agencies

    a call for accountability and addressing of corruption

    UDD events : a call for the dismantling of the independent agencies

    a call for the impeachment of judges on the Constitutional Court and the appointment of new judges

    a call for secession

    a call for ten million Thais to arm themselves with guns

    The answer is easy... "are the independent agencies independent..??"

    depending on your answer (or how you get it to be from your Point of view) you know who is right..

    Would corruption accountability also include judiciary corruption and also Suterp's corruption? Didn't see your PDRC events to call for disarming of their own men.

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