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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. This lot sound even more stupid than the PTP.

    This is no more than a red shirt splinter group.

    There will never be an elimination of disparity between the poor and the normal.

    social polarization will always produce political polarization and the very fact that there will never be a Thailand that is fully educated to a suitable standard, then this will never be cured. The northerners have proved that they adapt to education and mental stability a human adapting to life on Mars.

    Thaksin wants to keep the northern masses uneducated and ignorant.

    Even if a government came to power that forced everyone in the north to take on board a free and high quality education, they would waste it with their ignorant northern 'Thainess' ways.... Thainess and intelligent row different boats in different directions.... period.

    It would take about 100 years to educate the Thainess out of the people so that intelligence and logic can reign in this country and only then there will still be political polarization.... same as the UK.

    It is what it is.

    You really should start widen your knowledge and read more. The Northern provinces especially Issan is the fastest growing in whole of Thailand. Growth at 40% against country average 23% and greater Bangkok 17%. Monthly income rose 40% by 2011. Private investments rose 49% in 2012 and total amount invested more than double to USD2.3B. Taksin and Yingluck policies have changed the North and more money poured into the region far exceeded Ahbisit government. The infrastructure projects will greatly enhanced the potential of the North being close to Mynmar, Laos, Cambodia and China. With the increase of middle income families, education also improved. Honestly have you been to Issan?

  2. Another mature, calm, and collected statement by the PM, never allowing herself to be dragged down by the hate mongers.. why these pad/pdrc creeps hate her so much is beyond a reasonable persons comprehension.
    You mean she didn't cry this time? Why do you bother posting this crap, you seriously expect anyone to believe it?

    What PK is saying is true, but that hurts you doesn't it.

    Wait one more month and after you see your worst nightmare come true, you can just go on hating Thailand and maybe yourself. coffee1.gif

    stressing that there would not be a political vacuum as the individual assuming her role would be guaranteed to be competent in administering national affairs.

    Now if that is an admission that the individual assuming her role would be more competent that she, then maybe that was a mature statement! But based on past performance she has put her foot in it once again, She has no comprehension of what she is saying.

    mature politicians don't cry! and certainly not as much as she does. little girls cry!

    Mature politicians don't cry!! You sure about that? Obama cried when asked about the Benghazi consulate attack. Tony Blair cried for Iraq war crimes. Even matured and steely politician Lee Kuan Yew cried when faced with the separation of Malaysia. They cried because they are emotionally attached to their job. That's a sign of a person dedicated to her job.

    Wow, calm down a little bit please. I almost had to charge you for a broken ipad, I had to laugh so hard that the thing dropped on the ground.

    You compare Yl, with Obama and Tony Blair and by doing this you say that she is emotionally attached to her job and that she is dedicated.

    How can you use these words when you talk about YL.

    But at least you can be proud of yourself, your dedication to the reds is outstanding.

    Expecting a better intelligent reply but nay just the usual short and curt 'nothing' yellow rebuttal. I just glad you didn't use any degradatory words.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. Another mature, calm, and collected statement by the PM, never allowing herself to be dragged down by the hate mongers.. why these pad/pdrc creeps hate her so much is beyond a reasonable persons comprehension.

    You mean she didn't cry this time? Why do you bother posting this crap, you seriously expect anyone to believe it?

    What PK is saying is true, but that hurts you doesn't it.

    Wait one more month and after you see your worst nightmare come true, you can just go on hating Thailand and maybe yourself. coffee1.gif

    stressing that there would not be a political vacuum as the individual assuming her role would be guaranteed to be competent in administering national affairs.

    Now if that is an admission that the individual assuming her role would be more competent that she, then maybe that was a mature statement! But based on past performance she has put her foot in it once again, She has no comprehension of what she is saying.

    mature politicians don't cry! and certainly not as much as she does. little girls cry!

    Mature politicians don't cry!! You sure about that? Obama cried when asked about the Benghazi consulate attack. Tony Blair cried for Iraq war crimes. Even matured and steely politician Lee Kuan Yew cried when faced with the separation of Malaysia. They cried because they are emotionally attached to their job. That's a sign of a person dedicated to her job.

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  4. she has shown remarkable strength and fortitude through the most horrendous stress and deserves heaps of kudos for her stoic refusal to give into the minority thugs who seek to hijack democracy

    I love clever sarcasm,please tell me you are being sarcastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not at all. Thailand's first Female Premier and she has reason to be proud - she's not a 'great' leader, of course not, but deserves much credit

    I'd rather her than some sniveling Abhist who has no ethics and my neighbor's 12 year old shows more leadership than he

    would I prefer a better leader? yes of course... but right now there isn't one. The Thai people will never accept their votes being hijacked by the PDRC/Dems - we need a third way - but where is it? not linked to the Ammart or the Shins - corrupt free

    but for now she deserves credit where credit is due and all the backbiting and snarling by TVF forum 'experts' will matter naught

    You are quite the comedian.

    Credit where credit is due?

    Let's see.

    The only education she has had has been paid for by thaksin and/or her parents.

    The only jobs she has ever had including PM has been provided by thaksin.

    What has she ever accomplished except for giving birth to her son has she ever performed without the help of her brother or parents?

    Wow wolfman you are in a foul mood and pretty disgusting remark. I can tell you that Yingluck has on the receiving end of many like you and worst from political opposition leaders including your lordship Suterp, chicken heart Ahbisit and even the recalcitrant Somchai but I yet to hear her loss her cool and said anything degradatory in return. That to me is class and dignity that these oppositions can learn from her. You can be strong without being distasteful in what you say.

    • Like 1
  5. Hi Eric,

    the article mentioned that Ms. Suda the leader of the Declaration of Street Justice group. Do you know something about this organisation?

    I´ts a shame that this forum is not about open minded communication or plurality of opinion. It´s seems that some "government haters" are more brainwashed, primitive and manipulative than the reds.


    Chula is hotbed for anti government academics. No wonder she was singled out and ostracized at the very first chance by the administrators. Shameful act.

    Tom, Declaration of Street Justice group was formerly known as Release of Political Prisoners Groups. Formed to voice concerns for prisoners human rights abuses and amnesty for political prisoners. The group recognized and agree with the Nitrat Law Group on A112 reform which may not be acceptable to the Chula board.

    Agreed with you that it seem the more educated PDRC supporters seem to have a short fuse and not engage in meaningful rebuttal.

  6. Judging from his curt and short answers, he seem irritated with people asking him to explain anything. Not a good trait for a top civil servant.

    The only people that are irritated when sombody ask questions are sitting in this corrupt government.

    Just few months ago thousands of rural doctors and medical workers called for his dismissal. Obviously he is corrupted to get these protestors up in arms.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. This coup can't happen thrice in less than 10 years. No Taksin PMs have survived a full term and now Yingluck faced the same fate. This is more than coincidence and certainly more than the charges laid out to all of them. The pattern is blatantly obvious that there are powerful forces that refused to relinquish their power and share their wealth and willing to destroy the country to serve their agenda. Suterp and Ahbisit and all their supporting casts are just lackeys of this powerful force.

    Yep Eric. Two lots of elite, well connected old-money Hi-so's duking it out. Bangkok v/s Chiangmai. Only one uses the marquis of Queensbury rules. The other is represented by cagefighting rules It is no co-incidence Eric. Thaksin is bad for Thailand, plain & simple. His one stroke of genius was being the first politician to keep some electoral promises to the people of the North & N/E. I sincerely personally hope the Dems & other politicians of Thailand have learned their lesson. It was a cruel punishment to Thailand as a whole to inflict Thaksin on the country to try & teach other politicians not to lie before elections. Probably a bit too much to hope for though. Thailand has not got a real good handle on the Democracy thing. But they at least understand voting now. Further enlightenment on the social and civil responsibilities of Democracy will eventually percolate down, given enough time. Keep up hope. And look to the future, not the past. Hint: Thaksinism is in the past, now, (nearly).

    Deerhunter, slugging it out is healthy politics if all observe the same rules and the fight is in the same boxing ring. It's when one side decide to use their own rules and will not fight in the same ring, then we have chaos and unhappy spectators.

    Taksin one stroke of genius unfortunately or fortunately awaken the de-franchised portion of the population and will not be a passive spectator like pre 2006. Sorry to say that this aspect of Taksinism will be a new permanent feature of politics and to me it's positive.

    I only see hope in election and not anything else. Election like meritocracy will bring out good and better politicians provided that the political climate is conducive. That is to say, no more coups and no judiciary double standard.

    • Like 1
  8. You are correct. We should all bow down to and relinquish all power to Thaksin the Magnificent. The Savior of Thailand, Solver of All Problems. The Only Person Who Cares for the Poor.


    Where is it written the power should be relinquished to a megalomaniac who has shown he is ready to sacrifice all Thailand if he can't get his power back?

    You are also correct. We should accept quietly like in 2006 these usurphers of democracy who trampled on people rights to choose. These same usurphers that refused to share the wealth and continue to keep the people uneducated and poor so they can lord over them.

    Where is it written anywhere in the world except N Korea that power should be taken by might and keep their citizens subjugated.

    Thaksin, the 'Education PM'. Name one way he improved education in Thailand in the six years he had political dominance.

    You speak as if there is a monolith of power that share the spoils but keep only Thaksin from sharing. You have it backwards. Thaksin tried to get a monopoly on corruption in Thailand.

    The Establishment did NOT gain their power through force (neither did the Kim family in N. Korea for that matter) (by any chance, did you get your education at a Red Village school?) Thaksin is the one, through the UDD, that is trying to seize power through force as exampled by his paid Red mob in 2010.

    Revisionist much?

    I didnt mention Taksin the educator but since you mentioned, here are his education policies - school decentralization, learning reform and curricular decentralization through use of holistic education and less rote learning, Student loan fund for poor citizens to universities, Income contingency loan program and One district one dream school project.

    Kim didnt gain power through force?? Where have you hiding last 50 years??

    UDD seize power?? They demonstrated for a new election something alien to people like you and the PDRC.

    You DID get your education in a Red Village school!

    Kim arrived in the Korean port of Wonsan on 19 September 1945.[22][23] In December 1945, the Soviets installed Kim as chairman of the North Korean branch of the Korean Communist Party.[24]With backing from the Soviets, he became chairman of the Interim People's Committee on February 8, 1946, making him "the top Korean administrative leader in the North."[22][24]


    Where is it written anywhere in the world except N Korea that power should be taken by might and keep their citizens subjugated.

    When was this power in Thailand taken by might? I can't find any reference to such an occurrence on the internet. (See above Wiki page that Kim did not take N. Korea by force either) References, please.

    Also, I can't find anywhere on the internet that the people of Thailand are 'subjugated'. References, please.

    Hyperbole much?

    18 times in Thai history that might used and N Korea was formed by a show of hands.

    OK, subjugation was too much of a exaggeration much in line with Yingluck government being accused as dictorship or Taksin as Hilter.

    • Like 1
  9. This coup can't happen thrice in less than 10 years. No Taksin PMs have survived a full term and now Yingluck faced the same fate. This is more than coincidence and certainly more than the charges laid out to all of them. The pattern is blatantly obvious that there are powerful forces that refused to relinquish their power and share their wealth and willing to destroy the country to serve their agenda. Suterp and Ahbisit and all their supporting casts are just lackeys of this powerful force.

    Your logic is false.

    Observation: Every Thaksin backed government is brought down by corruption before full tenure.

    Your conclusion: Someone else did it.

    Logical conclusion: Every Thaksin backed government is corrupt.

    Proof. All Thai governments are corrupt.

    Last 20 years all governments were brought down by corruption. Chavalit brought down by corrupted managing the economy which initiated the Tom Yam Kong financial crisis. Next Chuan brought down by human right violation, cronyism and corruption in which Suterp land corruption in Phuket was the driver.

    Not disputing the wrongs by Taksin including corruptions but the establishment cannot be selective in deciding who should be the government as all are corrupted by mobilizing the judiciary and independent agencies to be the hatcher-man. Ultimately it must be left to the people to vote the corrupted government out.

  10. This coup can't happen thrice in less than 10 years. No Taksin PMs have survived a full term and now Yingluck faced the same fate. This is more than coincidence and certainly more than the charges laid out to all of them. The pattern is blatantly obvious that there are powerful forces that refused to relinquish their power and share their wealth and willing to destroy the country to serve their agenda. Suterp and Ahbisit and all their supporting casts are just lackeys of this powerful force.

    You are correct. We should all bow down to and relinquish all power to Thaksin the Magnificent. The Savior of Thailand, Solver of All Problems. The Only Person Who Cares for the Poor.


    Where is it written the power should be relinquished to a megalomaniac who has shown he is ready to sacrifice all Thailand if he can't get his power back?

    You are also correct. We should accept quietly like in 2006 these usurphers of democracy who trampled on people rights to choose. These same usurphers that refused to share the wealth and continue to keep the people uneducated and poor so they can lord over them.

    Where is it written anywhere in the world except N Korea that power should be taken by might and keep their citizens subjugated.

    Thaksin, the 'Education PM'. Name one way he improved education in Thailand in the six years he had political dominance.

    You speak as if there is a monolith of power that share the spoils but keep only Thaksin from sharing. You have it backwards. Thaksin tried to get a monopoly on corruption in Thailand.

    The Establishment did NOT gain their power through force (neither did the Kim family in N. Korea for that matter) (by any chance, did you get your education at a Red Village school?) Thaksin is the one, through the UDD, that is trying to seize power through force as exampled by his paid Red mob in 2010.

    Revisionist much?

    I didnt mention Taksin the educator but since you mentioned, here are his education policies - school decentralization, learning reform and curricular decentralization through use of holistic education and less rote learning, Student loan fund for poor citizens to universities, Income contingency loan program and One district one dream school project.

    Kim didnt gain power through force?? Where have you hiding last 50 years??

    UDD seize power?? They demonstrated for a new election something alien to people like you and the PDRC.

    • Like 1
  11. This coup can't happen thrice in less than 10 years. No Taksin PMs have survived a full term and now Yingluck faced the same fate. This is more than coincidence and certainly more than the charges laid out to all of them. The pattern is blatantly obvious that there are powerful forces that refused to relinquish their power and share their wealth and willing to destroy the country to serve their agenda. Suterp and Ahbisit and all their supporting casts are just lackeys of this powerful force.

    You are correct. We should all bow down to and relinquish all power to Thaksin the Magnificent. The Savior of Thailand, Solver of All Problems. The Only Person Who Cares for the Poor.


    Where is it written the power should be relinquished to a megalomaniac who has shown he is ready to sacrifice all Thailand if he can't get his power back?

    You are also correct. We should accept quietly like in 2006 these usurphers of democracy who trampled on people rights to choose. These same usurphers that refused to share the wealth and continue to keep the people uneducated and poor so they can lord over them.

    Where is it written anywhere in the world except N Korea that power should be taken by might and keep their citizens subjugated.

  12. This coup can't happen thrice in less than 10 years. No Taksin PMs have survived a full term and now Yingluck faced the same fate. This is more than coincidence and certainly more than the charges laid out to all of them. The pattern is blatantly obvious that there are powerful forces that refused to relinquish their power and share their wealth and willing to destroy the country to serve their agenda. Suterp and Ahbisit and all their supporting casts are just lackeys of this powerful force.

  13. "Mr. Abhisit accused the governments then and now of having hidden motives behind their election"

    Well you can safetly say that Abhisit is not going to run for elections again. If he's doing the "elections as a Thaksin plot" thing, he's just lining up his excuses.

    I think the line up now is:

    Democracy: People, Military, Pheu Thai and 53 other parties

    Middle: Part of NACC, part of EC, part of Independent agencies

    Premocracy: Democrats, a few partisan appointees in NACC, EC, and other agencies

    I don't fancy your side much, Abhisit. Perhaps their best strategy is to send you and Suthep to jail and clear the way for an electable leader instead. Someone with more votes and fewer massacres.

    Though he is no saint but Abhisit is not yet sentenced by court. He has stated clearly he will face justice. Though he is no Evil Thaksin has been eloping since 2008. Had he accepted the justice he will be PM since 2010....

    Do you really think that Thaksin could survive the Thai "justice"-system?

    What are the chances of Taksin getting a quick trial versus Ahbisit not getting a trial. That's the state of the judiciary at the present moment.

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