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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. In accordance to the 2017 Constitution of Thailand, the senate is a non-partisan legislative chamber composed of 250 appointed members. I threw up knowing that the 2017 constituton was drafted by the post coup government has that clause. They got to be joking. Anyway Prayut having the biggest laugh that he can pull that of and intend to stay longer with help from that non-partisan appointed (by the army) members. LOL.
  2. If this is the plan, Thaksin will need Prawit to be the Prime Minister. Also need PTP to win big in the House of Representatives. That will almost guarantee premiership for Prawit. With his leverage, he can control the anti Thaksin faction in the senate. As an incumbent elite, he hold sway with leaders of the yellow shirts to soften their resistance for sake of national unity. I don’t see any other politician with that unique power and position. I also don’t think he will serve a full term. Just my 2 Baht opinion.
  3. Jatuporn best days are over. His criticism will not make any difference to voters sympathetic to Thaksin. He is trying to win back support from the Red Shirts but not really gaining much grounds. His rallies were poorly attended and he made serious misjudgment inviting PAD leaders to his rallies. Most Red Shirts leaders have distance themselves from Jatuporn Red Shirts started as a protest against the military takeover of Thaksin government. They are still supportive of him now.
  4. IMHO I don’t think Taksin will go the amnesty nor the national unity route to enable him to return. There will be much uproar with certain segment of the Bangkokians that may trigger unrest. He tried that route and created an unstable government for Yingluck. I think he will enter the judiciary process by asking for re-trial under the Retrial of Criminal Cases Act BE 2526. He was trialed in absentia and a case can be made that the trials were not free from political interference. He can then return and be free on bail. He probably given assurance by the next friendly government under Prawit of a favourable trial outcome
  5. Will give newly appointed Commander Damrongsak a chance to proof that he is different from his predecessors and straighten out the rising police corruption cases. He was appointed in Oct and already has a laundry list of police cases from money laundering, police exam cheating and this current case among many. Let hope he has the courage and support to make a difference.
  6. Where was BJT’s outcry when Prayut transferred 3 senior government officials in OSMEP when he took office. One of the three was a member of the Shin family. Not politically motivated? Disgusting unwarranted warning by boot licker BJT.
  7. RTP is rotten from the top to the bottom cops on the beat. Just auditing their unusual wealth will be sufficient to launch an investigation. They not even bother to hide their wealth and flaunt them with blatant display of expensive houses and cars. They know no one can touch them. At worst, they just get transferred to inactive posting as punishment. Still waiting for Prayut to step in and make big reform announcement. Doubt he will as he need RTP to protect him from student activists.
  8. Thailand was never given a chance to clean up corruption with the ad infinitum military coups. Singapore was a cesspool of corruption that was common and widely accepted before 1960s and their institutions were perceived as rotten to the core. Judge their progress now. Indonesia under a Widodo is making much improvement in their fight against corruption according to its steady rise in the Corruption Perception Index. These countries have a commonality in empowering their citizens to vote out corrupt governments. Thailand never had a government that served a full term except Thaksin. Give the people the power to decide and the keep the military out of politics.
  9. Present military leaders are lily white corruption free exemplary citizens of the highest order. How they ammassed their wealth according to the asset declaration to the NACC and evade scrutiny severly undermined fairness in the judiciary performance that seem to be influenced by political expediency.
  10. Same as daddy Preecha's alleged corruption case of concealing assets belonging to him and his wife. Last heard was that NACC voted 9-0 that there were grounds to the allegation. All gone very quiet.
  11. Getting tired but still have enough in you to post one.
  12. Fine, let him back on Facebook. It will probably be the same old regurgitated re-cycled grievances and lots of self-glorification throw backs from yesteryears. People have moved on but not him. Let him have the space to wallow in his sorrows.
  13. That sound a very serious case that could ruin the country in your words. So what was that serious case that he was found guilty.
  14. Logical extrapolation of the insignificance of long stay foreigners and retirees who hold different type of visa Tourist numbers are tabulated based on tourist visa (TR). This subject has been flogged to death by many here but still whined about.
  15. Social media, demography, regime change, demise of the Eastern Tiger faction, military camps re-location, non aligned camp commanders - not in any order but make big dfference. Messy democracy is not perfect but still better than military coups and non-elected government.
  16. Democrat Party should win easy with their deep pockets. Korn has to admit that voters will take the money out of politeness and vote whoever they like.
  17. Could well be as he had said that he will return numerous times in the past. Perhaps testing the water to gauge the reaction especially the elites and the military. So far the only one that is particularly annoyed is the coup premier and not a whimper from others nor leading yellow shirts.
  18. Democracy comes to mind. One was popularly elected while the other seized power. Both corrupt but one was indicted by political expedite courts while the other has not even seen the inside of a court house. The people know best not you. They have seen better days under Thaksin and they yearning for his return through the ballot box. The voters decide and time for the elites and the military to listen to the people.
  19. This thin skinned man's salary is paid by the people and it's his obligation to answer questions no matter how uncomfortable.. His public relation temperament has not changed since he staged the coup. He boasted that he will uphold civility and he failed miserably. His stunt bemused the public like the time he told reporters to talk to his life-size likeness, spray water at the reporters, toss a banana peel at a cameraman or threatened to smack someone with his podium and pulled a reporter by the ear. He is not a front runner in the coming election and that is getting under his skin. He should go away graciously and should thank his lucky star that he is not driven out by the people to exile.
  20. Warm my heart to hear the word “defendants”. So not just Trump but his other criminal associates are in criminal jeopardy. Good day for Justice when these criminals are behind bars.
  21. The Ukrainians are fighting to liberate their country from Russian military aggression. How is that offensive?
  22. He may be thinking irrationally but he can't launch any nuclear attack by himself. He is one of three with the cheget on hands at all times and he need the other 2 affirmations to trigger any actual launch.
  23. Everyone has their 2 cents of opinion. Mine is that the Putin is also aware of further escalation and annihilation of his motherland and will reach detente with the West or the elites will take him out before his grubby hands can get to the nuclear football.
  24. There are 36 mass shootings in 22 days of 2023. Makes grim reading. Some Americans love their rights to keep and bear arms even though the concept was recognized before a written national constitution. https://edition.cnn.com/us/live-news/los-angeles-mass-shooting-01-22-2023/h_daf824abd1308b1f21bd4fea839ba07c
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