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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Beauty and the beast. Another 20 years, I am sure beast wouldn’t be around.
  2. Reckless wrecking ball approach with no plan and made adjustments along the way when problems become evident. This is a disastrous freewheeling administration that is a recipe for disaster. Already 3 weeks of numbing chaos.
  3. Talking about foreign aids that were approved by Congress. Congress holds the power of the purse string. No juvenile needs for ad hominem insult. Grow up.
  4. Will he honour the Village People and have them performed YMCA?
  5. I ask DeepSeek "Is Trump the first convicted President". The answer was "TRump holds the distinction of being the first US President to be comvicted of a felony. Sorry he is a convicted felon and I am not so it doesn't bug me.
  6. We have moved on but I can see you still bitter when the legal fact point to Trump as a 34 times convicted felon. Anyway enjoy the next 4 years of seeing USA in economic decline due to those dumb trade wars and declining world influence. As Bolton said, TRump "is a laughing fool" to world leaders.
  7. Still a convicted felon and some countries can restrict him from entering due to his felon status
  8. Forget the nitty gritty stuff. Look at the big picture. China was able to host 2 meetings and has allowed China to manoeuvre itself to be the antithesis to US. They have mediated unity agreement between Hamas and Fatah and post war governance and china support a 2 states solution. Trump’s plan will not received any support from the Middle East countries. His plan only benefit China.
  9. Since Oct 7 2023. China has increasingly positioning themself as a mediator in the crisis.
  10. Hosting the conciliation unity talks by China was strategic. They will present itself as an alternative player in the region with less of a diplomatic gamble. Trump has handed China a pathway into the Middle East.
  11. China will be interested to rebuild Gaza. Hamas and Fatah had talks with China in Beijing. Trump’s aggressive plan will benefit China
  12. Congress has the power not the President to halt aids.
  13. Also known as flip flop, a typical Trump’ day.
  14. You have a corrupt felon who cheated and scammed throughout his adult life and now has the power with the billionaires oligarch grovelling at his feet; what can go wrong? You need to wake up from your nightmare.
  15. You got that right and is happening right in front of your eyes. Oligarchies get away with destroying the planet for their personal gain. They now have the ears of Trump for transactional gains.
  16. When Biden was in charge, the world respect the strong leadership with our allies. Trump is just the opposite antagonising and threatening allies.
  17. Then goodbye to USA as leader of the free world and prepare for an economic disaster.
  18. WTF. Just so wrong and cringy. Is that how the most powerful man in the world behave picking fights with a young pop star. He need to stick a pacifier in his mouth.
  19. Wow even Ali Hosseini Khamanei called him out to be not rational or honourable got to be the pits for Trump.
  20. It was a direct qoute from his phone conversation with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso BUT never mind Magadonians will always be ignorant and denialist like their leader.
  21. You can easily goggle Putin boast that he can take Kiev in 2 weeks but I will oblige with the link below. https://time.com/3259699/putin-boast-kiev-2-weeks/
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