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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. 68% prefer Biden than Trump. Sensible for the majority to dismiss the man with no brain.
  2. Fighting for freedom and liberty from the globalist cabal. Have we not learn from history. But at its heart, Nazism was a global cabal theory based on this anti-Semitic lie: “A cabal of Jewish financiers secretly dominates the world and are plotting to destroy the Aryan race. They engineered the Bolshevik Revolution, run Western democracies, and control the media and the banks. Only Hitler has managed to see through all their nefarious tricks — and only he can stop them and save humanity.”
  3. Latest betting odds have them both tie at +110 each with similar implied probablity of 47.6%. Change is in the air and the momentum is now with Biden.
  4. This March '24 ipsos report has slightly more Republicans likely to vote JFK Jr. Rest of report is an interesting read. https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/whos-voting-robert-kennedy-jr
  5. To which Trump reply "Bing Bing. Bing Bong Bing ". That encapsulate his mental state.
  6. I read this recently that Republicans primary voters that viewed him positively has increased as he espoused views that have appeal in some right-wing quarters. My personal opinion is that RFK Jr is more popular with Republicans including Maga than Democrats especially after his anti vaccine stance during the primary against Biden. As you know, Democrat majority support vaccinations of all kinds and this will feature in the election proper.
  7. Perhaps a double edge sword. Rita Palma is Maga who promoted the rigged election lies, attended "Stop the Steal "rallies including the rally on Jan 6. Wouldn't be an irony that RFK Jr will steal votes from Trump.
  8. Still a long way to go till November for any correction on favorability. Enough time for Trump to make another gaffe to upset the Latinos like he did with his abortion speech.
  9. The difference between the Indonesia lawsuits and Trump’s election fraud propaganda is that the former are still in the appeal stage while the latter have been adjudicated and dismissed. Trump's legal team sought a path to bring a case before the Supreme Court, but none of the 63 lawsuits they filed were successful.[
  10. Trump keep giving. That speech is god sent to Joe that will help tilt the election oucome to his favor. He also anger lots of conservatives. He just can stop flapping his gums and we can expect more missteps going into Nov that will be detrimental to his campaign.
  11. What a load of codswallop, Trump and his allies used the "big lie "propaganda to promote the election was stolen. Fact of the matter was that Trump's DOJ, Director of National Intelligence, Director of Cybersecurity and the Infrastructure Secirity Agency as well as Trump;s campaign staff dismissed those election fraud cliams. State and federal judges, election officialks and state governors also determined that the claims were baseless. Trump's legal team brought 63 lawsuits before the Supreme Court but none were successful. Forensic audits were launched by the Republicans and came up with nothing. How long are you going to talk this kind of nonsense when every avenues to investigate the baseless claims by Trump's allies came up short. Their last resort was the attempt to stage the 'coup'. Fortunately that failed too.
  12. Admission is the first step of healing. Well done.
  13. He really has contribute nothing of value to the country nor live his life for sake of principle to be worthy to be called martyr. He will go to jail, lost the election and will be forgotten soon after. Another nut will surface amongst the Maga GOP and their lemmings will gravitate towards.
  14. Keep watching. Change much after the President fiery SOTU speech.
  15. Forensic psychologist assessments are used in legal cases to determine outcome. Assessment can be done by personality observation which there are plentiful in Trump’s case.
  16. Let’s have the professional opinion. A group of psychiatrists and mental illness experts have written a book titled the Dangerous Case of Donald Trump arguing that President Donald Trump may be dealing with a dangerous mental illness.
  17. Will never know as his personal physician Harold Bornstein is dead and Trump’s medical records are missing. curious circumstances as his office was ransacked by Trump’s bodyguards and his death was unstated
  18. No mention of the pestilence during Trump’s presidency. Just a foul mouth performative conspiracy theorist who is also very dumb.
  19. Spilled my coffee reading that lame reasons. TRump added billions to the country debts and mismanaged the Covid pandemic and wrecked the economy for Joe Biden to clean up. He try to split the NATO alliance and kowtowed to Putin, Xi and Kim. Strength? BS reasoning.
  20. The scintillating robust employments came against most economists’ prediction that job growth should slow by now as the pandemic recovery has by now completed and hike of interest rate. Most of the jobs were created in the farm and hospitality sectors that the legal immigrants took up. Indirectly, they keep wages steady and help curb inflationary pressure. US will need legal immigrants more as the country ages.
  21. RFK Jr is getting more MAGA by the day and not good news for Trump. He is getting more than half his fundings from MAGA major donors. Wouldn’t be long before Trump goes full assault on RKF Jr. Will find a comfortable seat to watch 2 insane and disgusting men tear into each other. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/05/robert-f-kennedy-jr-jan-6-weaponization-special-counsel-trump-00150885
  22. You not replying in good faith and acting like a jilted juvenile. Go to your corner.
  23. They are paupers to be consider as WEF elites and most importantly they view Putin as a sadistic dictator. Not Trump who worship Putin.
  24. Yes. Trump is part of the global cabal until he punt his political future with Putin.
  25. Attended by Donald Trump who once shared common ground with the Davos set.
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