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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Then go through the legal system and stop whining that he can't be on the campaign trail. If he or you think he is innocent, go to court and prove it. By delaying, it just show that you are guilty as hell. He will go after all his perceived enemies. He said that himself. That's what dictator does. Maga GOP has no spine and no self respect to bow to a dictator.
  2. If only Trump was more effective in stopping Fentanyl. https://www.newsweek.com/fentanyl-surge-started-peaked-under-trump-despite-gop-blaming-biden-1678532
  3. You can't have indictment when there are no evidence. It is a formal written accusation of a crime. Trump has 91 indictments or felony counts. Many more may come later. Trump is a magnet for crimes.
  4. If Trump free all the Jan 6 rioters, he will be alone in his cell.
  5. Capitulating to dear leader big time. Kimmel will never donate to Trump’s grift to get him to say anything nice like Bud Light and TikTok. Have you donated?
  6. Kimmel should have donated to Trump’s grift club like Bud light and TikTok. Transactional Trump will have better things to say about Kimmel. Follow the money.
  7. Immigration is a problem but should not be a political problem. Both sides have the responsibilities to work together to strengthened resources, policies and laws. USA is a country of immigrants and have a history of welcoming immigrants. Never had immigrants being treated like political football and being used as a polarizing wedge to gain political power.
  8. Then Trump has a big problem as he disregards core values, constitutional failures, lacking moral and family values.
  9. Most Americans see Woke social awareness as positive. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/08/gop-war-woke-most-americans-see-term-positive-ipsos-poll/11417394002/
  10. A lot of revenge and retribution in his speeches. Kind of opposite of your description of him. Opps he did it again with his jealousy ladened and whiny rant about Jimmy K as host of the Oscar and got back a mouthful from Jimmy deservingly.
  11. Fox viewers formed the most watched network. Statistically they will be included in the poll. I am sure many of Fox viewers will be Biden converts. https://www.foxnews.com/media/fox-news-channel-triumphs-most-watched-network-bidens-state-of-the-union-address#:~:text=A total of 5.8 million,more than any other network
  12. Thanks but no thanks to you opinion as long as majority of Americans had positive response to Biden’s SOTU address. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4518673-majority-of-americans-had-positive-response-to-bidens-sotu-speech-cnn-poll/
  13. You don’t recognized the hallmarks of your dear leader highly thinned skin when humored by comedians?
  14. It was hilarious and Biden will be humoured and will see the funny side of the parody rather than investigate nor consult his advisers and lawyers to mitigate jokes and go after the comedians or even attempt to sue.
  15. Trump had the WH, House of Rep and the senate and still can't control the borders. The borders have been problematic for decades and should be addressed bipartisan not hijacked for political leverage.
  16. GOP ran on border issues in 2020 and lost the election. Will aroused their anti-immigration MAGA base but history shows that it has never help them electorally. It will turn off independent voters, suburban women, Latinos and younger multicultural voters. Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller have been driving this strategy since 2016. It has long lose its edge in general election. Biden has defended the border issues well and he had the bipartisan immigration bill to silence and counter Trump. Focusing on the border will again caused Trump the election.
  17. I think Trump’s body is breaking down as reports of loss of fecal incontinence has been reported more frequently. Reports of him wearing diaper and smelling awful are functional disability of older man and chronic illness. It’s still months away from election and will be a grueling challenge for him to stay healthy.
  18. He was told by his own people that he lost. Being not a bright man, he was surrounded in his inner cycle with con artists like Bannon, Miller, Rudy, Sydney et al who orchestrated the big lie by massaging his ego. With his legal problems, election is the only plan. The sad truth is that he is not broadening his base since 2020 and he has angered quarter of the Rep voters and has no chance to win in Nov. I think he wouldn’t even make it to Nov.
  19. Illegals were coming in during Trump tenure. Trump has to stop blocking the bipartisan immigration bill for his selfish reason. Solutions are in the bill. Put the bill to a vote MAGA Mike. Why you so scare of Trump.
  20. He didn’t call Trump a Nazi in the speech. You lied again. Go and read the speech before you continue to spew lies.
  21. You are so dishonest. Have you read his whole speech. Where in his speech did he said he hate those who don’t disagree with him. In fact he was amicable and politely ask for all to join together and defend democracy. This is the extract from his speech. As I’ve done ever since being elected to office, I ask you all, without regard to party, to join together and defend our democracy!
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