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Posts posted by gandalf12

  1. 11 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

    Really? Any genuine proficient   martial  artist  would  expect some  question as  to  Sempai or other verification  if  not  by  challenge  at  some  point.

    For   Monks it  has  been  instituted  in the  population  to  respect  the  robes,  not  the  person.  

    Sadly  that  means  that  any  male  who   chooses  to  escape into  the  role  of   being  a  Monk  simply  needs  to  acquire  the  robes.

    Any  theology is  irrelevant. So  those   that  pretend  the  role  are  never  challenged  so long as  they  do  not  indulge  in   any  activities  that  attract negative  attention.

    Government  attempts  to  ensure  validity by  way  of   Monk  ID  cards  is  some what  pointless  given  the  annual  seasonal  influx  of   the  eldest  son   being  inducted  into  the  Monkhood  at   extraordinary   cost   for   a  duration  often limited   to  days does  nothing  to  reduce  the  farce.

    The  general  population  who   are  satisfied  by  the  image  to which  they  pay   homage for  self   merit  actually   only  feed  the  ideal of  the   farce. 

    But  what  difference  is  there from  the  Lay Preacher   who  is   successful  enough  to  attract  customers  to a regular  television media  event where  if  the  punter  sends   cash   will  receive  prayers   for  salvation?


    You are missing the point the now is to resoect the belt in martial arts not the person

  2. 6 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    It's begging for people to lazy, or too unskilled, to work.  When I see monks paying cash for expensive Pentax cameras, iPhone and iPads, and other high end items, which I have seen many times, using the money donated for the temple, all I can do is laugh at the stupidity of the people who believe in this Thai hogwash. There are no true Buddhist in Thailand.


    I see it as similar to martial arts. You show respect the belt of the martial artist even if you have no regard for the person.

  3. 6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    They have been trying to reduce road fatalities for years, but in spite of their best efforts the numbers have been rising. I shall be most interested to see what startling new insights they have gained that are going to magically turn this around in a three week period.

    Have they been trying to reduce the road accident rate or trying to find innovative ways to explain them?

  4. 41 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    And such a ridiculousl comment about a country where that is not the case and likely will never be the case.

    I assume you understand Thailand far better than the Thai's. Congratulation you win the arrogance if the year award.

    You need to understand what was meant instead of taking the words at face value but maybe that is a difficult for yoy

  5. On 11/28/2017 at 1:18 PM, Ricardo said:

    I wonder if one might get a discount, for using specially-designated high-in-potholes routes, and how those might be distinguished from the rest of the Thai road-network ? :whistling:


    Perhaps foreign aircraft might similarly pay an increased-toll, coming over here, and excessively-wearing-out Thai runways ? :shock1:

    They pay landing fees already

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