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Basil B

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Posts posted by Basil B

  1. The whole system is wrong...


    If driving schools are going to be the examiners as well then i would propose that the students have a log book, the process of learning to drive be modularized, so say starting a car is Exercise 1, (Checking Oil, lights, loads secure, all door closed, adjusting seats, mirrors, checking passengers and self strapped, starting the engine), then Exercise 2,  moving forward and Stopping, and have 15 or so exercises to be completed.


    Can not progress to the next exerciser without being signed off on the currant exercise, and if the instructor feels that a driver is making errors covered by a previous exercise then the may well be made to redo that exercise.  


    But the real issue is regulating the process to ensure there is no corruption, probably take some time to retrain driving instructors to teach properly.


    Next stage is to start to give drivers points for bad driving, so many point in so many years and they will have to retake the test, this could be used to real in the drivers who bought their licence under the counter.


  2. 13 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

    Trump now agrees with the majority of Americans: He wasn’t ready to be president




    -Is he ready to step down?

    Seems he is in talks with the NRA, suggestion is instead of of a wall, thousands of vigilantes with a licence to kill... :sad:

  3. 6 hours ago, Artisi said:

    And cancelled his passport with immediate notification to all immigration authorities world wide. 

    All that means is any country with a moral backbone (something I feel the UK is lacking) would deport him, where if an International Arrest warrant was issued he could be extradited back to Thailand.


    Where as if he was deported for not having a valid passport (and it may be he has more than one nationality) he could travel to any country that does not have an extradition treaty with Thailand and would accept him (and his money).

  4. 19 hours ago, Eligius said:

    I agree with you, Rkidlad (above): I am sure this tragedy will be used by the 'government' for more draconian censorship and suppression of free speech on social media. They never miss an opportunity to clamp down on liberty, more and more. Any excuse (real or concocted) will be used ...

    This made the news in the UK and Facebook refused to comment...


    Though an expert did say Facebook could do more to moderate anything going viral by detecting unusual high views and shares and getting moderators to view more quickly.


    As pointed out I also think the BIB and Thai Government may have other reasons to want to block FB.

  5. 17 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Well at least he had the correct colour car for his little jaunt.

    The money he made being a monk will be needed to pay for the car.

    Just another monk behaving badly.

    Just another day and more stories of monks behaving badly.


    Rumour is he has just set up an account on justgiving.com


    ...any money left over will go to repairing his ex friends car:cheesy:

  6. 3 hours ago, Prbkk said:

    That would be a fine thing but, as we all know, the price of the imports to Thailand is  borderline prohibitive. Is that because Thailand fails to honour its obligations under the various free trade agreement or that importers/retailers charge a huge premium ( or a combination of the two)?

    Australia has an FTA with Thailand but has just slapped restrictions on Thai copy paper: for dumping, below the cost of production.

    Meanwhile a 40 Baht can of spotted dick retails in Bangkok for 200 Baht ( admittedly not the best example)

    Can not you make your own?

    For the spotted dick
    300g/10oz plain flour
    10g/2 tsp baking powder
    150g/5oz shredded suet
    75g/3oz caster sugar
    110g/4oz currants
    1 lemon, zest only
    200ml/7fl oz milk
    butter, for greasing
    For the custard
    200ml/7fl oz milk
    200ml/7fl oz double cream
    6 free-range egg yolks
    75g/3oz caster sugar

  7. 6 minutes ago, uptheos said:

    Nothing's going to change, but that chunk of rock belongs to Spain. We keep these little territories over the world so we can launch a strike force from them. I don't know of any strikes we've made yet.

    It does not belong to Spain, it was ceded to Great Britain "in perpetuity" under the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713


    If it belongs to Spain then half of France belongs to Great Britain.

    • Like 2
  8. 5 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    Insane UKIP




    They make the Con Party look centrist! Who would vote for UKIP? Nobody on TV I'll bet ?




    General election 2017: UKIP manifesto to pledge a burka ban

    UKIP is to include a ban on the full veils worn by some Muslim women as part of its general election manifesto, its leader Paul Nuttall has said.

    Speaking on the BBC's Andrew Marr show Mr Nuttall said wearing a burka or niqab in public was a barrier to integration and a security risk.

    Muslim women who defied the ban would face a fine, he suggested.




    Thankfully they would be very lucky to get one MP, certainly will not be asked by the Queen to form the next government and I doubt they would be asked by any party to form a coalition.


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