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Basil B

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Posts posted by Basil B

  1. Corbyn out to bribe the voters with four extra holidays per year...


    The guy just did not put his brain in gear again, yes it would be reasonable to have a few extra day holidays per year he proposed the National Saint days of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.


    But did he not look at the dates and realise there is a big imbalance in the way holidays fall in the UK between the first six months and the last six months, what we really need is a holiday end of October/start of November.

  2. Did not not vote because I could not concur with any of the statements...


    My thoughts are:

    • Strict food hygiene laws 
    • Enforced by food inspectors
    • Licencing static and mobile vendors on public land such as kerbside & sidewalks, beaches, public parks, etc.
    • Laws to enable landowners/tenant to easily evict vendors off their land.


    From I my experience I would say I have seen worse in many other countries including the USA...




  3. 3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    United must be breathing a sigh of relief that this bad news is about a competitor.

    I don't know what is wrong with the airlines these days. They all seem to be outdoing each other to see who can treat their passengers the worst.

    Yes, and a Delta too...


    A Delta Airlines Boeing 767-300, registration N394DL performing flight DL-221 from Manchester,EN (UK) to New York JFK,NY (USA), was enroute over the Atlantic Ocean when a passenger went to a lavatory and found a loaded gun. The passenger handed the gun to cabin crew, who in turn returned the weapon to the owner, a female US Air Marshal, who had forgotten the weapon in the lavatory. The aircraft continued to New York for a safe landing without further incident.



  4. 1 hour ago, uchibenkei said:

    Sperm banks are having shortages everywhere.  Why?  Too many men have been outed and stuck with child support payments.  As fewer men opt for marriage and donors become non-existent, it's only a matter of time before sperm becomes a black market commodity. 

    I have thought of donating nd what you say would worry me, but I have an idea, I donate now and it kept frozen until after my death.

  5. When I had a condo noise was rarely an issue, occasionally I heard furniture being moved, or the odd door slam  when the wind blew it closed,  the occasional domestic that normally security soon sorted out.


    I doubt short term lets are a problem as many are vacant for most of the time, and not all tenants are that bad.


    Building work was controlled, only allowed week days, 9-5, no holiday working and had to use the service elevator, if there was a noise problem it was sorted quickly (contractors or occupiers).

  6. 13 hours ago, tropo said:

    I realise it could differ from building to building, but surely there's some kind of standard building code for structural floors in condo buildings. It's a small, very private building, so I can't name it.

    If there was I am sure it would just be another opportunity for government officials to take bribes...

  7. 5 hours ago, Basil B said:

    It was only decided on Monday...


    No, this has been in the planning for a long time, Now we know why George Osborn accepted a full time job that would conflict with his parliamentary duties but would not resign at the time, A by-election would not have been good for the Tories.


    So if Osborn knew who else did?

    I suppose for not rocking the boat he will get a peerage so he can call by Westminster to sign on for his £300 per day + expenses on his way to work.



  8. It was only decided on Monday...


    No, this has been in the planning for a long time, Now we know why George Osborn accepted a full time job that would conflict with his parliamentary duties but would not resign at the time, A by-election would not have been good for the Tories.


    So if Osborn knew who else did?

  9. On 18/04/2017 at 6:14 PM, pegman said:


    The OP stated that the auction of 138 units was court ordered  and there were 5 years of maintenance fees owing. I concluded from that that it was the condo corporation that took possession.

    So why are they charging 40K for the "Free of Debt Letter"? I was paying 5,200THB/year maintanence for a condo virtually on the beach, (it was upped with a surcharge to about 8K/year) but the 40K looks like 8K x 5 and it look a real dump compared to my old condominium. 

  10. Just now, SheungWan said:

    It is doubtful if the LP will have retraction in their manifesto. As for what the election will be about re Brexit, just to be helpful the Tories will have hard and soft. As for Labour, remember they are split so an agreed manifesto is awaited with bated breath.

    The Tories have definitely stated Hard Brexit. but there again did TM not say only a few days ago there would be no General Election until 2020???

  11. 3 hours ago, Orac said:


    Seems an odd tactic by Labour to vote for an election rather than just abstain - without that 67% of MPs backing an election then TM to need hold a no-confidence vote in her leadership and 'lose' which would be a more entertaining spectacle.


    Not sure whether it is 2/3 majority on the vote or 2/3 of MP's (434) needed to vote in favour... if the latter then they would only need to count those in favour, I favour the latter as it was never intended that just one party could call an election on their own, but more probably if say 600 MP's vote then they need 400 MP's to vote for.


    Problem is   

  12. 19 minutes ago, Orac said:


    Also she technically needs a vote in parliament which she has yet to do under the new Fixed Term Parliament Rules which don't appear to be worth the paper they are written on.


    Yes she needs 67% of MP's... Labour have already said they will vote for an election, even with dissenters within the Labour party with some MP's probably not bothering to vote the result is a certainty...

  13. 9 minutes ago, PoorSucker said:

    Why not two weeks earlier.

    Headlines: May calls for May election :ermm:

    Although only 3 weeks notice need be given, more probably the boffins at Central Office advised 6-8 weeks, most parties are in the process of getting ready for major constituency boundary changes next year.


    To have gone for a May election that would have meant calling an election before Article 50 had been submitted...

  14. The idea for a snap GE was not an idea dreamed upon an Easter Monday walk with her husband...


    This was advice from Conservative Central Office, like F1 they have people on the pit wall glued to computer advising when to call their drivers in for a pit stop...


    The timing has never been so good for the Tories.

  15. 2 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    It's a shame that both Labour and the Lib Dems don't have more electable leaders; a David Steele or a Tony Blair would be nice.

    Lib Dems have nobody...

    My recommendation would have been Ming, down to earth, able to think for himself and a nice guy. but their is no time for any party to ditch their leader and select another before June...


    LibDems would do better accepting there is no going back on Brexit and focusing  on a soft Brexit and the issues in the care system.


    Tories heve done nothing to defuse the ticking time bomb of care for the elderly and disabled and nailed their flag to the Hard Brexit flag pole.


    Labour could not at this time agree on what biscuits to have at a meeting, their answer to the care problem is spend money we do not have, and on Europe they have not a clue...


    Sturgeon, still whinging on for Indy2ref and a Brexit u turn...  


    As for UKIP seem Nigel has forgotten he is caretaker party leader and no one in UKIP can remember which bar they left him propping up...

  16. 6 hours ago, 7by7 said:

    I disagree.


    I think he will lead them into and through the campaign, but wont lead them for very long after.


    He's Foot to May's Thatcher.

    Agree. No way can Labour ditch Corbyn and elect a new leader in time for the election, I doubt they could even draw up an election manifesto that the majority of the party members or MP's could agree on...

  17. 8 hours ago, Slip said:

    Brexit referundum2?  Quite clever of her.

    I do not think we could retract "Article 50", this is going to be about hard or soft brexit...


    her story about other parties making things difficult does not ring true as she has a majority in the house, if anything it is dissenters in her own party that are the problem.


    And the other reason she has called a snap election now is she could end up with 50 or so more MP's with so much disunity within the Labour party, UKIP now a none entity, Lib Dems still licking their wounds, and the SNP very unlikely to win any more seat, more likely to lose many.

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