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Everything posted by alien365

  1. What are you talking about? She was likely cheating on him for some time based on how quickly she went to the new guy. He likely killed her to defend his honor (in his mindset, which is not uncommon here). She didn't play the game smartly. At least let the air cool a bit before bringing the new guy into the equation.
  2. I'm not defending the killer but the woman didn't need much time to hop from one man to another did she. It sounds like it was premeditated to dump the boyfriend and get with the next guy the day after, meaning she'd likely been cheating on him. Both elements means a huge loss of face.
  3. It was my understanding from Thai tattoo artists in Bangkok that they will do Buddha tattoos above the waist, but not below. Naturally some people (netizens) will take offence at anything.
  4. Makes sense. Everyone is looking after their own interests. The morality of being top dog no longer stands for much.
  5. I'm waiting for those who brag about flying business class all the time to explain these numbers. As a cattle class passenger, I don't get it.
  6. I think the current interest rates on mortgages are hurting a lot of people. It's ridiculous how much of the payments are interest.
  7. We get it. You used to play volleyball at a decent level. I get the feeling that you are a good guy, but you're rubbing people up the wrong way, especially when asking for advice. Hence my concern about you working with children. Regarding your initial question, I have no idea, but if you can help the students, I honestly wish you well. As Impulse said, people do volunteer for altruistic reasons, which I'm all for.
  8. Did you have a work permit for the work you mention there? If your gonna get all touchy with posters who have valid concerns and even one who defended you then I'd also not want you working with children in a sporting atmosphere.
  9. I seem to be the odd one out as I see many Thai English teachers now who can speak good English. They can't write it very well, but in the other three skills I've seen a lot of improvement over the years.
  10. The fact I can see what is going on in front of my eyes is why I'm so surprised by your acceptance of a two tier justice system. Sure some foreigners are causing problems, but the majority of laws broken are by the host population who know the law a lot better than tourists do.
  11. I think you need to up your meds if you think that relating to the laws of a country.
  12. Ive had one for about 15 years and want another two. The only reason I've not got them is the price. Based on the cost of living here, they should really only be about 10k each. That's a pretty good amount for one day if you ask me, but I'm not paying 3k per hour.
  13. My understanding was that before midnight, the customers buy the alcohol that they want for the remaining few hours Technically they are not selling after 12 this way. Usually the promotions help with this when you buy 3 beers for 200 baht or something like that.
  14. It would be nice if they put up some signs. There are none. For the last 4 weeks at around 8:30 am I've driven 60, based on what I'd read here. I've never heard motorists use their horns there apart from the tuk tuk pip pips, which are not really an issue IMO.
  15. She really did herself no favours. I used to get told quite often to not honk my horn at others here. I only do it now when some tool is not moving at a traffic light as they are looking at their phone. She's Thai, she should know.
  16. I remember a thread a few years ago on road safety that worked exactly like this one. The enlightened OP went in length to say his piece and attacked anyone else who responded as being uneducated. I don't see the point in opening a thread if one is unwilling to hear others viewpoints.
  17. He didn't exactly stay silent then did he. He could have easily taken the higher ground but chose to aggravate the drunkards further.
  18. The raw beef (like soiju) near me is fantastic and it's less than 200 baht. That with some beer woon, I'm in heaven!
  19. Excellent job. Assaulting multiple people then running at the police with an axe, the end result was deserved in my opinion.
  20. I think that the printed sign twice states 'Do not remove this sign' speaks volumes.
  21. This must have certaintly played a part in the road rage. Sure he didn't deserve to die for it, but he rose the stakes, not thinking about his family of four children that he had to provide for. He should have just let the crazy angry man go, not make him angrier.
  22. I find driving during the day more dangerous as the roads are more congested and you have a huge difference in speeds and urgency of the drivers.
  23. I assume he held his face for the cameras, he's innocent you know, like a footballer rolling on the ground crying for a foul. The boyfriend could also have ended up having to pay out because of this. I'm not sure what happened before he attacked her, but If she did nothing wrong at all, I agree she should be compensated by this lowlife.
  24. Considering how much of a weakling he appears, he'd have been better spitting on him than embarrassing himself with that so called 'move'.
  25. For me, what's strange is when I order food and they bring my warm rice, then it sits going cold for 15 minutes before they bring the rest of the food I ordered.
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