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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. If it is only salt content you want to test you can buy a refractometer, this is very accurate, no chemicals needed no batteries. Works on the principle of breaking light. Just rinse with fresh water after use.

    At the recommended level of 3000 - 7000 mg/L salt ( 0.3 -0.7% ), a refractometer is about as accurate as tossing a coin or using a dartboard. Apart from the fact the best working range for these instruments is 2 - 10% concentration, refractometers will give wildly different results depending on the ambient temperature, which is why laboratory refractometers have temperature controllers to +/- 0.1 degrees C.

    Probably the best cheap instrument for measuring salt concentration is a conductivity meter, which can be calibrated against solutions of known salt concentration.

    The OP wanted a salinity meter for a salt water pool, so I have no idea why you come up with salinity concentrations between 0.3 a 0.7%. I use refractometers in my job for the last 20 years without any problem.
  2. Can you name some large condominium buildings in Pattaya that have a 10-foot (3-meter) ceiling? Or, maybe 9-foot (2.7 meter)?


    In Manila condos that I have visited, the ceiling height was 9 feet or higher.

    In Pattaya, by contrast, the ceiling height of condos that I have visited was 7.5 feet. Real estate agents in Pattaya said that 2.3 to 2.4-meter (7.5 - 8-foot) is the standard ceiling height in condos.

    Why do I prefer a higher ceiling, such as 10-feet?

    First, a 7.5-foot ceiling makes the room feels less confining.

    Second, in one Pattaya condo unit I had to be careful in raising my arms overhead (such as lifting a barbell) due to a whirling ceiling fan. A higher ceiling would reduce the danger of a ceiling fan and afford the possiblity of installing overhead compartments and/or loft for storage.

    Third, and most importantly, a high ceiling is needed for a stripper pole. The standard stripper pole is 10-foot high. You see, I have a dream. My dream involves a beautiful athletic girl who whirls on the stripper pole and ends the whirling by diving on me lying on a nearby bed and onto my pole.

    Hence, I repeat my initial question:

    Can you name some large condominium buildings in Pattaya that have a 10-foot (3-meter) ceiling? Or, maybe 9-foot (2.7 meter)?

    Thanks in advance.

    Pets are not allowed in most condominiums
  3. As to an overly-nested post above as to whether corroborable evidence exists, for now, the written opinion of the Judges says there is sufficient evidence for a conviction whether wiser-heads disagree or could give 100 or 200 reasons why such opinion is faulty or not.

    A lesson for honourable poster Mr Crab, JL.

    When the embers of the fire are subsiding, and to the throbbing sounds of the didgeridoo, the indigenous folk in Australia hold a corroboree , this results in corroboration. Even Rolph Harris knows that!

    Every else one knows that Thailand was never colonised by anyone except the Japanese and Burmese. Therefore the corroboration you are seeking could never be found in Thailand. Like the DNA, it does not exist, except to say the DNA did exist but got used up.

    It reads like poetry, but my brain cannot grasp de meaning ... hidden message?
  4. As to an overly-nested post above as to whether corroborable evidence exists, for now, the written opinion of the Judges says there is sufficient evidence for a conviction whether wiser-heads disagree or could give 100 or 200 reasons why such opinion is faulty or not.

    A lesson for honourable poster Mr Crab, JL.

    When the embers of the fire are subsiding, and to the throbbing sounds of the didgeridoo, the indigenous folk in Australia hold a corroboree , this results in corroboration. Even Rolph Harris knows that!

    Every else one knows that Thailand was never colonised by anyone except the Japanese and Burmese. Therefore the corroboration you are seeking could never be found in Thailand. Like the DNA, it does not exist, except to say the DNA did exist but got used up.

    It reads like poetry, but my brain cannot grasp de meaning ... hidden message?
  5. They told me that they couldn't improve my wi-fi signal range....and then the whole system went wrong and they fitted a new modem ...... with a better wi-fi range!

    If it is the wifi signal in your room, you can link the True router to an airport extreme from Apple. Their own modems are so cheap they can't handle the speed.
  6. Could this be a fishing expedition from Immigration trolls to see how TV members would react or advise?

    I guess if you used an agent, the agent is the one who has committed an offence, you acted in good faith.

    If there is an issue, refer Immigration to the issuing/(acting on your behalf) agent. Covers your ass and puts a corrupt agent out of business.

    I was thinking the same.. For a troll it is not trolly enough:) The poster cannot know if stamp is false or real so the chance this is a test is quite high IMO.
  7. I often get an error when measuring my blood pressure. I currently use one of the latest Omron models which is supposed to be very accurate. In the doctors office and hospital, they too get errors when reading my blood pressure. It is not the machine in my case. I have had open heart surgery and am now on Toprol which slows my heart rate. Along with that I have an irregular heart beat. If my monitor reads less than 38 BPM, then it will show an error. Also, with the frequent pause between beats it will sometimes error out even when above 38 BPM.

    I am in the same situation but 38BPM?? Waaw I was already worried with my 45BPM! But I can confirm that irregular beat triggers error.
  8. I have just done a major cleanup of this topic by removing about 30 posts.

    The OP's most recent post seems to clarify things. Perhaps somebody could be so kind to help him now.

    Well maybe you spoiled it for the OP... No mentioning of brain surgery in the past and last month his wife was still teaching anatomy...
    When did I say that and is she a teacher.Is her brother a Doctor by any chance.Thank you
    See your own reply in one of your previous threads.


  9. I have just done a major cleanup of this topic by removing about 30 posts.

    The OP's most recent post seems to clarify things. Perhaps somebody could be so kind to help him now.

    Well maybe you spoiled it for the OP... No mentioning of brain surgery in the past and last month his wife was still teaching anatomy...
  10. Bike for Dad: Saphan Taksin closed in preparation for the cycling event

    Still closed... Wonder why because this was not mentioned on the bike for dad map??

    It's in the map shown in the OP of this topic, the green route. At the moment, not even the odd motorcycle is allowed through. The half-hour break at Chulalongkorn seems to have ended.

    We are probably discussing 2 different events... On my screen route is blue and Taksin bridge not included.
  11. Guesthouse. .. you asked why the us government fights labeling around the world for gmo products? ... first it's irrelevant to safety so I didn't answer it.... and im not the right person to ask because it is a business question and nothing about science.... i would say it is most likely bbecause they will sell more and they are protecting and promoting american companies. .. that is what the government does for many companies. . But again irrelevant... there are gmo safety issues scientists actually worry about but no one has come up with more than Monsanto is bad so gmos are bad arguements or government conspiracy theories. ...

    So you dodged the question on the basis that you believe it not to be a safety question:

    A few points;

    Firstly, the Thai farmer's objections to GMO, which this thread is actually about, are not focussed entirely on safety, they also include issues such as food security, freedom, sovereignty, the patenting of naturally occurring genes etc.

    Secondly, since when has not being informed of what you are eating not been a safety issue? And is there not plenty of evidence of corporations hiding safety issues by not releasing data to the public using their goods and services?

    One of the most effective means of improving safety is to provide the public with the information they need to make informed choices.

    Thirdly, as a scientists, you will have had training in the ethics of informed consent and yet you have nothing to say on the matter.

    Methinks you dodged my question because the answer does not fit your world model.

    Your science and safety question is coming up later today...

    Have another crack at my question before then, it might help you build some credibility.

    Credibility- you do not give any evidence to support your conspiracy theories. Asking a speculative question is not evidence to support your claims. A conspiracy theory book is not credible evidence(full of nothing but hearsay and regurgitated tin foil hat crap). This is a review of your evidence book from the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/13/arts/13iht-idbriefs14C.html .I give you peer reviewed scientific journal articles. There is nothing more credible than a peer-reviewed articles... nothing. You make claims such as GMOs don't increase yield... I proved that wrong with several papers.

    Also you are adding to the article... freedom? Sovereignty? A stretch... "multinational firms could monopolise local agriculture industries, and ordinary farming could become 2.5 times as expensive. " I do agree( as I said in many of my posts) that intellectual property rights need to be re-evaluated in reference to GMOs in reference to lawsuits from large companies, but thats it.

    Lets go through this step by step:

    1. Your question: In your question you imply that the US protecting US business interests abroad is a GMO conspiracy. You are asking me to speculate on US Economic Foreign Policy. Unless you are a Economic track Foreign Service Officer in The US Department of State or you work for the Obama Administration, you can only speculate. I can't read their mind. You pass hear say and conspiracy as fact. The US Government is not GMOs, GMOs are made in labs all over the world. High School kids even make then in AP Biology class. My point: US Economic Foreign Policy is irrelevant to GMOs, plenty of non-US companies (and NGOs) make and sell GMOs.

    2. Food Security- This is exactly what GMOs are for!!! This is another peer-reviewed article, this time adressing food insecurity. In brief, GMOs reduced food insecurity by 15-20% http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0064879

    Another about food security in a world with a growing population: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/327/5967/812.short

    GMOs go beyond plants too... How do you feed the demand of the fishing industry? How much damage is being done to Thai fisheries? What other options are there? What about climate change? How will we face these challenges?

    3. Farming will be 2.5x as expensive- I referenced a meta-analysis showing increased farmer profits of 68%. This is due to reduced labor, fuel, and chemical pesticide cost.

    4. Multinational firms could monopolise local agricultural industries- The use of GMOs or lack there of is irrelevant to this. A fear the farang are going to buy up all the land, and agricultural companies, and put the poor Thai farmers out of work? This is already illegal and a political non-starter. This is brought up by every Thai industry looking for protection from outside competition.... but this isn't really relevant to whether GMOs are good or bad.

    5. Informed Consent- Sure, label it.. I won't argue against it. Personally I don't care if you label it GMO, or not.... the food is safe to eat... Billions of people eat them everyday. I'd prefer a GMO-free label... as that will be the minority of crops and they can charge a premium on that product for the extra work and costs it entails.[/quote

    I would like to add on point 5 that if "Guesthouse" wants GMO labelling this is fine but the chemicals used in fertilizer and pesticides should in that case also be mentioned. I don't understand all the objections against GMO and on the other hand the complete disregard of the toxic chemicals necessary to grow crops without GMO..

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