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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. It's Cardiprin, not Carpidrin -- just for the record.

    I've been buying it in Thailand for 20 years and not once been told it's restricted. And only a couple of times have I not been able to buy it (supplies run out, nek week mistah).

    If I'm allowed to change the subject a tad -- my cardiologist has me on 2 81mg tablets a day, but no other blood thinner like Plavix, which I took for several months after being diagnosed as having had a heart attack (which I never realised I'd had).

    Yes sorry for the typing error, but got to any pharmacy in Central or similar, they will all tell you "cannot sell"

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    I expect it's really just a case of that particular pharmacy "just don't carry/just don't sell" that particular "brand name" due to low demand, cheaper brands/generics, etc.

    I agree -- my regular stop for many years was Central Bangna, never had any problem buying Cardiprin or Aspent from any chemist anywhere in the building. @luk AJ, I'm not trying to pick an argument with you, just stating the facts.

    PS: Fascino in the Pattaya district (several outlets) are indeed well-stocked and well priced. But there are many other places all over the area which are pretty good as well.

    Maybe we live in parallel worlds .. :)

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

  2. It's Cardiprin, not Carpidrin -- just for the record.

    I've been buying it in Thailand for 20 years and not once been told it's restricted. And only a couple of times have I not been able to buy it (supplies run out, nek week mistah).

    If I'm allowed to change the subject a tad -- my cardiologist has me on 2 81mg tablets a day, but no other blood thinner like Plavix, which I took for several months after being diagnosed as having had a heart attack (which I never realised I'd had).

    Yes sorry for the typing error, but got to any pharmacy in Central or similar, they will all tell you "cannot sell"

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

  3. I am I admit against hard drug use. That said I am all for legal marijuana use. I just came back from Canada and now in British Columbia people can buy pot legally if they have a doctor,s note.People are smoking it in public no problem.I feel if people had access to soft drugs there would be little need to do hard drugs.Soft drugs are just that soft drugs.Legalize it,tax it and make it acceptable. The world would make money on tax and save money on courts and jails.Time for the law makers to face reality.

    So for you ok if a pod head drives around and thinks you are a pokemon?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

  4. Ignore these indicators, all a symptom of speculation and market uncertainties. Just have a cup of tea, it will all be OK.

    In a couple of days when they realise the sky isn't falling

    well it is 3 days and the sky isnt falling but the pound still is

    wanna have another guess? ;-)

    Barclay, RBS, Easy jet all sunk 30% today. At which point you concider the sky is falling?
  5. don't be jealous Gerry.

    more savings I did in my life : I didn't pay one penny to study when I was young . all paid by my government. I saved 150'000$ plus compound interest. with the money saved I can buy your house (probably filled with junk) . but why should I? I have a great life in my high rise condo and lot of free time for myself. I rent.

    you don't impress me with your Ferrari, Caviar and expensive watches. my account is fully loaded and I can rent a car if I want . I can change car every day if I want, get a Ferrari today and a Lamborghini tomorrow, ....you don't impress me but you know that already.

    having a car parked is a waste of money. think about it , 1 million baht spent (not invested, many people use the wrong word, the right word is spent, not invested ) on a dumb car used only a few hours a week, you have to pay for maintenance, insurance, depreciation, tires, fuel ... idiots even borrow money for these dumb plastic cars.

    solution is the bus baht, 10 baths and you are good to go anywhere you want . even idiots pay 20 baths because they think farang should pay 2x more.

    I save probably another 15000 baht a month by not owning a car. what about that?

    You would save more if you would not drive your car every day iso a few hours per week. Does this qualify for membership of the top savers?
  6. If a Thai had been driving the white car, would they have been as obstinate or let the taxi driver pass?

    This is simply another example of Farang in Thailand believing their rights are being infringed upon, thinking they know better than the locals and therefore justified in their actions based on how things work in the their home country.

    The Thai taxi driver, along with many other Thais, have probably done this maneuver countless times without issues then comes across this farang. He was probably thinking who is the falang being an ass when I'm just trying to get by? Who does this arrogant f*kr think he is coming to my country and acting like he owns the road?

    By the looks of it the farang in the white car lives in Thailand and owns the vehicle. He knows how things work but refuses to accept them instead looking down on the Thais as being primitive and uncivilized which justifies his actions.

    His behavior is no different than the crazy farang woman complaining about roosters waking her up in the morning or the whining farang complaining about dogs crapping on the street.

    So according to your logic, if we see something wrong (bad driving. Something disgusting (dogs shitting in the street). I would be please to deposit a weeks work of the crap from where i live to the front of your place, then see if you agree.
    I heard there is a very good surgeon at Bumrungrad hospital, he can drill a small hole in your skull to release some pressure.
  7. Talk about stupid.(owner white car) its not your country so dont think you own the road. if he was polite and let the taxi cross, no problem. a real f..................idiotclap2.gif

    Ok, Have you EVER held a drivers license in ANY country around the world before????? I can NOT imagine that you have, with such a stupid response. You can CLEARLY see the line painted in the middle of the road, and the TAXI is partly on the WRONG side of the road, and then the stupid monkey is causing huge damage to the white car....Probably because he is on yaba or drunk, like most Thai drivers. If this MORON did this in most other country, he would get bashed, shot or locked up...... Learn to drive...

    That was my whole point.

    I have driven in many countries on business and been driving in Thailand for 10 years. Some of those countries even worse than Thailand. I have never had an issue on roads any where as i am not stupid but fully aware of my surroundings.

    It is understanding that

    1) it is not your country

    2) local culture, which maybe drunk drivers, drug induced, hot heads etc.

    3) do not provoking violence.

    4) Not always having to insist you are right and the offender is wrong.

    It could have been so much worse if this hot head(taxi) had a gun. Not worth risking's ones life to be correct. It is called wise.coffee1.gif

    You say "wise" ... Others may agree

    I say "victim"

    This type of behavior is indicative of the systemic problems associated with being the worlds second placed road carnage destination.... To accept this in any way is to except the road carnage in its totality.... And therein lies the risk to us all... Including yourself

    And if Thailand wants to reap the rewards from twenty million zillion tourists, it is insane to suggest that Thais are in the right, simply because they are Thais.

    clap2.gifblink.png So you would rather advise people to follow the foreigners behaviour and cause a conflict and have the risk of being killed then. Submissive and wise are always good traits to pack in your luggage before you leave your birth country. It avoids what has just been posted and i never said it was right or that it is acceptable behaviour. Live long to enjoy your travels hopefully coffee1.gif

    Many thanks for your concerns, but having travelled through four different countries embroiled in civil conflict in the past eight years, I think I'll be fine

    But I do wonder if some posters actually even bothered watching the video.... And yes, I suppose I would advise others to follow this mans example.

    At no point did I see him act aggressively... He didn't even attempt to use his height to intimidate ( stand tall and puff chest out)... And amazingly, his reaction to having the taxi driver run over his foot, still didn't illicit an aggressive response.

    He was cool calm and collected... Even submissive.... Throughout the ordeal, which leads me to believe that he acted / reacted reasonably and responsibly, and he deserves praise for that, in my opinion....

    Mores the pity that a lot more farangs don't act/ react similarly.... and I would respectfully suggest you consider taking a few handfuls of fear out of your luggage... Or not pack your bags at all.

    If the driver of the white car was as cool, calm and submissive as you describe it wouldn't have resulted in such confrontation. For sure the taxi driver is in the wrong but does this mean you have to stand your ground even if this could escalate into violence? To advice people to take the same stance in the future is not wise as one day your advice can lead to a tragic event. In the same situation I hope I can swallow my anger and make space for this agressive thai driver. Every day I see similar provocations on the road and I will always bite my lip because I only have one life..

  8. I had this a few times per year always 5-6 bites in a patern, surely not mosquito bites but in my case it was mostly on the upper legs or back. Always over night when I was sleepng. I think many people get these bites but in the case of the OP and myself we are probably allergic to this particular insect bite. Never found out what it was, I moved to condo on the 37th floor and problem was gone ( of course).

  9. Just picked up my 218i. Did me a great deal as they have decided to stop importing the 2 series coupe for now. Got my self a test drive with barely 500km on the clock. Knocked 370k off the list price, topped up the warranty and BSI to 5yrs and got my financing rate down saving me another 100k.

    Yes it's still overpriced, but the savings I've gained means reselling in a few years time won't be quite so punishing.

    Interesting sidenote, they didn't require a guarantor even though I've never taken financing on a car before in Thailand, just the 25% they normally request.

    Unfortunately my X1 doesn't look like it's gonna appear any time soon. Factory has said September now for delivery

    How much did you pay for this 1.2m baht car?
    Enough that the depreciation is more favourable when I get to reselling it compared to a 3year old Camry.

    I don't want to waste my money and I do think you're going to pay the price for so called premium brands, but I like the car and have tried to mitigate the price difference as much as possible.


    I drive a 528i M sport.

    The moment I drove it out of the dealership I'd forgotten about the money.

    Just enjoy it. Why worry about selling a car you just paid for?

    One change in tax laws here and both our cars will be worth bugger all.

    Good choice, wonderful car. For many people, cars are more than just a transport vehicle.
  10. I just read a research report indicating that people who are or has been addicted to narcotics/drugs, also have a problem kicking other bad addictions such as smoking, drinking.....Conclusion may be that some of us are more susceptible to being addicted to any substance whereas other can easily or with little effort kick a bad habit.

    Anything that are addictive and declared illegal history tells us it a bad idea, look at the US prohibition years as a good example, gangsta land. make anything legal and the plug goes out of the illegal network making a profit from it. Even restricting alcohol with high taxes and special shops for purchase made the moonshine a well known underground industry in Sweden and Finland during the 20th century, every home had their own still in the kitchen or garage.

    There is only one way to deal with the drug problem, and that is to legalize it, but not just like that, there must be an extensive apparatus in place to care for addicts and rehabilitate. The root cause of addiction or becoming an addict can more easily be examined if the drugs are legal. when the CIA was experimenting with these drugs back in the days, they where legal, thank CIA for today's worldwide drug problems, as we can thank them for many other innovative thinks in the darkest recesses of society.

    Legalize drugs? Probably the majority of users don't have the money to buy drugs in the first place so they have to steal. So do you also support the consequent stealing? The world is getting more fckd up by the minute..People who support legalizing drugs are probably users themselves.

    Well....If you are going to make a really stupid comment on something that you obviously did not read, why not go full out and make it outright ridiculous!
    Are you a alcoholic?
  11. I just read a research report indicating that people who are or has been addicted to narcotics/drugs, also have a problem kicking other bad addictions such as smoking, drinking.....Conclusion may be that some of us are more susceptible to being addicted to any substance whereas other can easily or with little effort kick a bad habit.

    Anything that are addictive and declared illegal history tells us it a bad idea, look at the US prohibition years as a good example, gangsta land. make anything legal and the plug goes out of the illegal network making a profit from it. Even restricting alcohol with high taxes and special shops for purchase made the moonshine a well known underground industry in Sweden and Finland during the 20th century, every home had their own still in the kitchen or garage.

    There is only one way to deal with the drug problem, and that is to legalize it, but not just like that, there must be an extensive apparatus in place to care for addicts and rehabilitate. The root cause of addiction or becoming an addict can more easily be examined if the drugs are legal. when the CIA was experimenting with these drugs back in the days, they where legal, thank CIA for today's worldwide drug problems, as we can thank them for many other innovative thinks in the darkest recesses of society.

    Legalize drugs? Probably the majority of users don't have the money to buy drugs in the first place so they have to steal. So do you also support the consequent stealing? The world is getting more fckd up by the minute..People who support legalizing drugs are probably users themselves.

    false premise, wrong conclusion and apparently no knowledge of drugs whatsoever.
    Are you using drugs? Just to check my theory..
  12. I just read a research report indicating that people who are or has been addicted to narcotics/drugs, also have a problem kicking other bad addictions such as smoking, drinking.....Conclusion may be that some of us are more susceptible to being addicted to any substance whereas other can easily or with little effort kick a bad habit.

    Anything that are addictive and declared illegal history tells us it a bad idea, look at the US prohibition years as a good example, gangsta land. make anything legal and the plug goes out of the illegal network making a profit from it. Even restricting alcohol with high taxes and special shops for purchase made the moonshine a well known underground industry in Sweden and Finland during the 20th century, every home had their own still in the kitchen or garage.

    There is only one way to deal with the drug problem, and that is to legalize it, but not just like that, there must be an extensive apparatus in place to care for addicts and rehabilitate. The root cause of addiction or becoming an addict can more easily be examined if the drugs are legal. when the CIA was experimenting with these drugs back in the days, they where legal, thank CIA for today's worldwide drug problems, as we can thank them for many other innovative thinks in the darkest recesses of society.

    Legalize drugs? Probably the majority of users don't have the money to buy drugs in the first place so they have to steal. So do you also support the consequent stealing? The world is getting more fckd up by the minute..People who support legalizing drugs are probably users themselves.
  13. What exactly was the crime they allegedly committed? Read the post and it never gets around to stating it [emoji16]

    True. Journalism at its best, as usual.

    I believe they approach strangers asking where they're from, then when the victim warms up to the conversation, they then inject a line like "hey i want to visit your country next month. what's it like there? i have never seen your country's currency. here are my iranian rials. can you show me yours?"

    When money is shown, they (now this is where victims are truly idiots) manage to talk their victims to let them hold their wallets (and go through the contents!).

    PS... Best way to avoid becoming a victim is to never make eye contact. That's how the entire scam starts.

    I can confirm the above, happened to me in a shopping mall. Fortunately my alarm went off and I gently told him to ...F¥%},].
  14. what is living for you? I mean for you only. not money you give around. once you stomach is filled, what you need more? TV? I have free TV. internet? I got Internet for free from Internet coffee I get from my balcony. if you look around, many things are free, you just need to borrow and live like a man in an RV.

    people living with your money doesn't count. believe me or not, I was even at under 7000 bahts/month and my life was better than most of you can imagine. a fantastic life.

    I have nice condo in high rise building, TV, fan, fresh air, lot of food,... I m sure if I cut food expenses and go all fruits and vegetables I would be at around 6000 bahts per month and still have a kick ass life in Thailand.

    if I grow my own food and get water from rain and filter it I would spend 4000 baht per month only.

    Damned, I still have a long way to go, only my electricity bill is 8k per month!
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