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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. Yesterday on my way to Phuket there were 4 vans from the British international school driving 100km/h where max 60 was allowed. They tried to overtake each other sometimes passing via the left lane used by motorcycles. Pretty horrific scene. If even an international school fails in educating their drivers you can imagine how the rest of the pack is doing...

  2. When my Dentist started to insist on blood pressure at check in I refused.

    Others complained also and the policy was shelved.

    How incredibly childish to refuse a blood pressure check,one whole minute out of your life.

    Others complained ...did you monitor that over several hours or days ? you would have no idea.Our dentist does BP checks and we don't refuse, its called a mature reaction and never have I ever seen anyone else object over multi visits

    It is not unknown, for some people with hypertension.to be extremely agitated and suffer anxiety once in the chair,that's why they do it, to protect you and them.

    This whole matter has been explained logically and intelligently by Sheryl but you still don't get it.

    I have a OMRON blood pressure machine from Japan. Checked it against my Doctor brother's gold standard sphygmomanometer reading. The OMRON is quite accurate and I check my BP frequently. Can't say so for the accuracy of the piece of junk at the Dentists Office or the skill of the pimply faced teenage Dental Assistant taking the reading. What happens if I suffer a heart attack during my dental appointment, sue the Dentist for negligence in not taking a blood pressure reading every 5 minutes? I'll find another dentist if needed. Next they'll be asking for blood tests and DNA swabs. Rubbish.

    To a certain degree one has to be one's own Physician these days, not being an armchair Doctor but paying very close attention to the care services recommended, and who is giving it. Get a second opinion if concerned.

    Especially in a country where success in examinations and receipt of diplomas are often based on cheating and cash payments to University officials. Jobs then handed out not to the most qualified but to applicants paying those other officials in charge of hiring.

    I also have a MORON ...
  3. Thank all.

    The BMW330e looks like the car for me or the X5 if I can the finance for it, which is unlikely.

    I like the Prius and would buy that if it were still available.

    What I understood from BMW dealer is that their hybrids are already replaced with E cars. Difference; hybrids recharge their batteries with their engine while E car batteries have to be charged from the grid. The combustion engine remains part of the concept. Actually same as Volvo. I don't undetstand very well the reason for this technology change. For me I would prefer hydrogen fueled cars with combustion. Exhaust is water and we can keep the roaring engine.
  4. there is a side to the drug trade that many dont know about. if you are caught with drugs you can 'make bail' at the police station and never go to court. it is important if you are a druggie or a pusher that you have the 'bail money' so that you can get out if caught. 2 of my younger thai staff were caught with yabba at a motorbike police check point. i met them and their mothers at the police station and loaned them the bail money. i told them it was a one off and did not expect to see the money again. amazingly their mothers paid me back in full, i guess they were very great full to not having their sons go to jail for years. i doubt the police really want to get rid of the problem as it must be a good source of income for them.

    second point is single mothers not having any way to get support from the father. choices have to be made. life working long hours on a farm or in a factory, or break the law selling drugs in the hope of giving your kid a better life.

    Same happened with one of our delivery drivers, I fired him on the spot.
  5. 2 copies of passport,2 copies of WP or other legal document that permits you to stay. No need to bring picture. I didn't need medical certificate nor proof of residence. You can go to any center of your choice. I live in Bangkok and applied for DL extention in Phang Nga, they only have a traffic light where you have to recognize the 3 different colors and of course the 1h video. That's all

    OP will need proof of residence as he likley has no Wok Permit. This PoR can come from Thai Immigration or own embassy in BKK.

    You only need 2 of all documents is your are applying for both M/bike and car DLs.

  6. 2 copies of passport,2 copies of WP or other legal document that permits you to stay. No need to bring picture. I didn't need medical certificate nor proof of residence. You can go to any center of your choice. I live in Bangkok and applied for DL extention in Phang Nga, they only have a traffic light where you have to recognize the 3 different colors and of course the 1h video. That's all

  7. Can a person on a marriage extension apply for citi gold?

    Some else suggested up need a WP for Thailand + USD 100k....never been involved with Citi in BKK, I bank with them in Singapore and all you needed in addition to the cash was your passport when I opened an account with them

    Just opened one 2 weeks ago at Citybank Asok. If I remember well the 100k USD needs to be on your account for 6 months. As being a Citygold member I could open an account in Hong Kong as well. No WP needed so I guess it's similar to Singapore? Maybe a small correction, when I opened my account at Citybank Bangkok I had my WP with me so I am not 100% sure if it is required but they took copy of mine. The 100k USD equivalent can be the total of USD and THB account. To answer the question of the OP, I would be surprised if somebody wants to help you, I probably would hesitate even if a friend would ask me but then again my friends wouldn't ask.
  8. I'm expecting a person trusted by banks whose job it is to vet people to do their job and vet me. My accountant was a complete stranger to me a few hours before he vouched for me at HSBC, and ten years after, that's worked out great for everyone involved.

    This is an expensive credit card at 10,000 bath/year, which I will pay the premiums for. The bank will earn top money by having me as their client while taking no risks, because I don't require any credit. And of course I'll be available for any reasonable measure the bank or assistant/intermediary might find necessary to qualify me.

    Well you will not find a person on here who vets people for credit cards with a bank on TV, it will be a Thai national not a Farang

    Further if you don't need credit how will the bank make "top money" out of you, Even spending Thb 1.0 million in Thailand as you indicated is not even close to top money, and THB 100k deposit not very much...

    if your the higher flyer you believe you are go and open a Citigold or Citigold Private account and you will get anything you want without a reference/work permit etc

    I don't know what deposits are in Thailand are for these accounts but in Singapore its USD 150k for the Citigold, and USD 1.0 million for Citigold Private

    City bank Bangkok equivalent 100k USD for gold.

    Need WP.

  9. the trouble when breeding fish chickens pigs

    you have to put antiobiotics and growth homones in there food

    have been a grower in past if you dont do they will die

    the worst are farmed salmon

    but the worst came a few years ago in asia

    everything fish and vegs are dipped in formaldehyde

    to keep a long shelf life but short shelf life for you

    I am surprised that as a former grower you claim growth hormones are added to the feed. As far as I know, growth hormones need to be injected to be effective. Antibiotics are used but to supply enough meat for the world population, animals must be farmed intensively. I don't see an alternative and I would promote it as long as the industry follows clear rules. Same for fish farming, Norway was mentioned in one of the posts as a bad example, well this is as good as it can get. Waste under the cages are now treated with pro-biotics to convert waste to "good bacteria" this is an industry like poultry and pigs so we better get used to it.
  10. For those who are proud to use the horn frequently RIP.

    Nonsense! Ten years ago that might have been so, today it's rarely an issue. I drive extensively every day and I'm not afraid to sound my horn if the situation warrants and I've never had a problem, ever. A short precautionary beep to let somebody know you're there if they seem to be unaware; a longer double beep if somebody is doing something risky/dangerous that impacts me; a long long hard beep if somebody is being really stupid and putting me directly at risk. Mrs CM doesn't like it but her vote doesn't count on this one.

    I very very seldom use the horn because I dont want Bangkok becomes like Mumbai. I drive a lot in Bangkok and if you can anticipate the traffic you don't need to honk. And believe me, even today horns can shortcut thai brains and it is just a matter of time before you will run into a conflict.
  11. Should Catholics, Jews and people of other religions also be barred ? Very few Muslims are fanatics and members of Islamic groups. Muslim peoples will be your neighbors all over the world very soon if they are not already. Get over it and welcome them as friends and neighbours.

    Only people with narrow views and paranoia will disagree with me. Some of my best friends are Muslims, I was brought up as a Catholic. People are people, religion should not divide us.

    But if you read or get out at ALL, you know that it does. Get over it? No. You deal with it! Muslims pass these "screenings", and then get turned/recruited/homegrown/whatever. It's not equitable that they should have to be scrutinized and treated differently, but it IS the world we live in. Those of us who AREN'T Muslims are certainly being treated differently by THEM! Apologists are quite fond of quantifying the miscreants as "very few", but somehow this violence is occurring everywhere, and in some countries groups like the Muslim Brotherhood win elections! Very few? Apparently not quite so few. No one ever wants to talk about what more "mainstream" Muslims should be doing to eliminate this scourge. It's not "PC". Well, too bad. Here and around the world they should be standing up to their clerics & screamers, and demanding, not asking, not pleading, not recommending, DEMANDING that the violence STOP, and refuse to set foot in any mosque or participate in any religious gathering where the monsters and Islamist leaders aren't loudly and openly condemned or where terms like "unbelievers" or "infidels" are even used. Until then, they should pay some price for turning a blind eye to what goes on in the name of their so-called "religion of peace".

    Very well put. Couldn't add anythong.
    Indeed excellent!
  12. They should use the pronoun that Pancake preferred in life if that is known.
    I personally, disagree.

    But that is my opinion.

    And if a ladyboy disagrees with you, would you go against their opinion and refuse to use the gender pronoun they wish to have applied to them?

    Yes, why not ?

    Is it not hypocritical to feel your opinion on gender terms should be respected yet you refuse to respect another's of who they are?

    Not hypocritical at all.

    I refer to all persons by the gender they are assigned at birth.

    Are you telling me, that tomboys should be referred to as 'him' ?

    What do you mean by tomboys? That isn't a Thai term. Do you mean masculine Thai lesbians? That isn't about transgender. Orientation and gender identity are different things.

    That is for sure a Thai term, and for sure they use khap iso kha.

  13. GF has a growth on the cornea that will soon impinge on the pupil, so needs operation for it to be cut away, Looking for any recommendation for eye surgery in Bangkok.

    Rutnin would be the obvious first place to check out, but any recommendations? More interested in competence than cost and not assuming most cost is necessarily most competent.

    IMO Rutnin is a good choice, TRSC is much more fancy and maybe worth while to check out. I had a complicated Vitrectomy ( removal of retina membrane at Rutnin simply because I was told Dr Roy is the only surgeon who can perform such operation in Bangok. All went well. Downside of Rutnin is a very complicated administration and the hospital looks old compared to the futuristic TRSC. For a cornea treatment I guess both hospitals can help your GF and in such case I would prefer TRSC because of the wonderful service.

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